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  1. sage

    Happy Thanksgiving fellows.

    Happy Thanksgiving fellows.
  2. sage

    Quick question about posting

    Often, I edit the main post and make new reply to the thread saying that the main post was edited.
  3. sage

    Are Random Encounters Good For Games

    I also find it very tedious to play games with random encounters. The only games that I enjoy and have random encounters are the Pokemon games, and that's because you're trying to collect creatures. Random encounters are mostly good for grinding on to get stronger than scripted opponents and to...
  4. sage

    Sage's Art Shop[Paid]

    I am revamping my commissions because it's summer, and I have some free time. One character: Headshot: $8 Halfbody: $10 (add a background +$8) Fullbody: $15 (add a background +$10) Standalone Background (depends on size and amount of detail) $10 for 4:3 ratio, or thinner. $15 for...
  5. sage

    Type One 2018 Exciting Update!

    The best program I've found for recording the screen is OBS Studio. It's the program you use to stream videos on Twitch or Youtube Streaming. It has a screen recording feature that works great for me.
  6. sage

    The First Lay of Eddais, YouTube Let's Make a Game series by ZænSoft

    I think this is a great idea for a youtube series. I made a short 5-10 minute RM game once, and I used a video series identical to yours to help me. I could skim through the guy's videos until he got to a part where he was doing something that I wanted to do, and learn how to do it properly...
  7. sage

    Ummmmm i need help

    It could be neat if they all discovered a different kind of magic. Holy vs Evil Natural vs Artificial Chaotic vs Peaceful That could give them personality clashes too. For example, the Holy and Evil magic users would have opposite views which would lead to drama and differences to overcome.
  8. sage


    You should put some info about your game and what you need the artist to do. Is it a fantasy game? Horror? Sci-fi? Do you need them to make humans or dogs or boxes? or...? More information will increase your chances of finding an artist.
  9. sage

    It's true.

    It's true.
  10. sage

    I finally cleaned up my art thread. Now you can actually see posts.

    I finally cleaned up my art thread. Now you can actually see posts.
  11. sage

    Publishing Deal

    This is pretty cool. I don't think I've seen anything like this around here yet.
  12. sage

    Defeated in Battle

    I prop up my stick so that it's poking out of the ground, and push you backwards, onto it.
  13. sage

    Seasonal/Recent/Occasionally Background Contest/Change?

    Can you guys change the theme at the bottom?
  14. sage

    Curious. How much would it normally cost?

    deviantArt is crawling with artists of all kinds. Newgrounds has some too. There are a lot of artists, writers, and musicians on the Lemma Soft Forums (they make visual novels): I would assume things like Game Maker and other simple game-making forums would...
  15. sage

    Curious. How much would it normally cost?

    I think it really depends on the person. A professional artist might charge ten times as much as a student artist or hobbyist. I think @Lore has the best suggestion. Don't check just this site though, check other ones too. "check other websites" - sage2016
  16. sage

    [Paid/Paypal] Anime Character/Mascot Needed

    That is called a Chibi.
  17. sage

    Defeated in Battle

    With the last of my strength, I pee in your ice cream. If the vanilla didn't kill you, my diseased fluids will.
  18. sage

    Defeated in Battle

    I reach down and grab a nearby pumpkin to replace my now missing head. Then, I shove more and more vanilla ice cream down @Lore's throat until he chokes.
  19. sage

    Defeated in Battle

    After recovering both halves of my stick and taping them together, I leap forward and plunge it into one of Jiriki's wings.
  20. sage

    Halloween Theme is here!

    I'm glad people like the theme. Except Lore. Lore is on my list. He doesn't get an opinion. Everyone wants ice cream. E V E R Y O N E