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Search results

  1. sage

    Defeated in Battle

    Defeat the person above you in battle. Keep it fun. Keep it creative. Example: Sage: "I rush you with a stick." Xyphien: "I grab your stick, snap it in half, and shove it in your eyeballs." Sage: "While you're stabbing my eyeballs, I pull out my trusty backup stick and stab you in the heart."...
  2. sage

    Inktober 2016

    I bought a four-pack of "Faber Castell PITT Artist Pens" a few months ago, and that's what I'm going to be using. They're just a bunch of ink pens with different sizes. They work well enough for me, but they were kinda expensive. Day 1: I was trying to just scribble something down. I'm not...
  3. sage

    Inktober 2016

    Inktober is an art challenge that involves doing an ink drawing every day during October. All you have to do is get a pen, and draw something. There is an official prompt for each day, but you don't have to follow it. The important part is doing ink drawings. You can find out more about it...
  4. sage

    The Real You picture threddo!

    The kid has seen some things in his time. Lol.
  5. sage

    The Real You picture threddo!

    Oh god. That's a good reason to stop.
  6. sage

    The Real You picture threddo!

    I just took a nap. I don't play anymore, but MYSTIC. YES. I quit after I started school up again. There are pokestops every block in the city. It's insane. I quit to save myself before it was too late.
  7. sage

    Happy Birthday Forums!!! :D

    Happy happy birthday. @Cunechan she is mesmerized by the fire, lol. Adorable. (bowandarrow)(bowandarrow)(bowandarrow)
  8. sage

    Ask an Admin

    If you want to die.
  9. sage

    Ask an Admin

    I have a lot of loyal voters who would think otherwise. (icecream)sage2016(icecream) Right guys? ...Guys?
  10. sage

    Ask an Admin

    I don't think that's the kind of clearing up everyone wants. Sorry.
  11. sage

    Ask an Admin

    Nope. If their name isn't crossed out, then they aren't banned. All of the banning methods (temporary, permanent, and spam) cross out the user's name. Edit: Ah, I see why you were asking now. @LTN Games cleared it up in the post above.
  12. sage

    Ask an Admin

    Biz has been banned for months. I don't know who Shin is. I don't know and I don't think I can check the exact time of the ban to find out. Definitely. It leads to discussion. I am notifying the staff and encouraging them to fill in the "Why" box when posts are deleted.
  13. sage

    Lore's AMA Thread

    Lol. I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Did you like it for the subject matter or the appearance? Since it was basically the same thing as Lucky Charms, or at least, it looks like it was. Same.
  14. sage

    Ask an Admin

    Even if the intentions of the "second accounters" are good, the posts are going to be removed. If they disagree, they are still going to be removed. No matter what they're saying, we can't let people that have been banned keep posting. I don't know anything about this, unfortunately. The posts...
  15. sage

    Ask an Admin

    This is an issue I don't really understand. I'm not sure what's being censored because I haven't been keeping a close eye on all of the day-to-day threads. What I think is happening is something we have that is a "Spam Ban." We use this to remove spammers, such as the bots that post hundreds of...
  16. sage

    Ask an Admin

    At the moment, I'm not aware of anything new in the works for VIP members. Allowing VIPs to change their color wouldn't be difficult to do, but it would have to all be done by hand and could be tedious. Each member would have to be assigned their own user group. However, we could have a...
  17. sage

    Using incentives to solve problems

    I don't design games myself, but I love watching Extra Credits. They do an excellent job breaking down different aspects of game design and showing how you can learn from successful games. I'm glad to see someone linking a video here.
  18. sage

    ES's Art Spot?

    Excellent coloring. I like it. You have a nice style. (thumbsup)
  19. sage

    Lore's AMA Thread

    Were you born with any extra (or missing) appendages? What's the most embarrassing nickname someone's given you? Favorite cereal? What color is your toothbrush?
  20. sage

    Ask an Admin

    There seems to be a feeling of lack of communication between some members and the staff (the Admin in particular), so I'm creating and sticky-ing this thread in the hopes of remedying that problem. If there are any things troubling you about the state of the website, this is your chance to talk...