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Search results

  1. Mysiath

    Mysiath's AMA; dungeon of Insanity

    I... I don't really know. I suppose I could consider myself 'decisive' I think. I honestly decide and probably not act on it if it's not that important, but I know that I make some quick decisions on the spot and get them done. ...I don't think I'm a-hole. I know I'm an a-hole. Mostly it's...
  2. Mysiath

    N21. Creaky Jackals - Don't Give Up (feat. Calin Cave) -...

    N21. Creaky Jackals - Don't Give Up (feat. Calin Cave) - Luff it.
  3. Mysiath

    You're crazy. Simple.

    You're crazy. Simple.
  4. Mysiath

    N20. Da Tweekaz - Game of Thrones - - Shared it in...

    N20. Da Tweekaz - Game of Thrones - - Shared it in discordy chatty. Must share it here too.
  5. Mysiath

    2 Girls 1 cup is amazing. Back when I was a kid I was disgusted by it... but now. Everything's...

    2 Girls 1 cup is amazing. Back when I was a kid I was disgusted by it... but now. Everything's changed. I'm just fascinated.
  6. Mysiath No. No.
  7. Mysiath

    I've looked it up before and there were actually tests for this and according to that test I...

    I've looked it up before and there were actually tests for this and according to that test I don't actually have a degree of it, or just very... very little degree of it because I wasn't bothered. Unless it's small holes on human skin. That's disgusting and very nerve-wrecking
  8. Mysiath

    N19. Coone ft. K19 - Times Gettin' Hard - - amazings

    N19. Coone ft. K19 - Times Gettin' Hard - - amazings
  9. Mysiath

    ...curse you youtube. How dare you mock us like this. I'm off to bed now but I will leave this...

    ...curse you youtube. How dare you mock us like this. I'm off to bed now but I will leave this epics. Mark With a K - Forever Young
  10. Mysiath

    Incredibly enough I have never heard that one and it's good, but I have listened to Tiesto stuff...

    Incredibly enough I have never heard that one and it's good, but I have listened to Tiesto stuff before. This is one that I used to listen to often. It's awesome and sweet that you made a mashup for your sis! :D
  11. Mysiath

    Ask Amy Anything

    Would you start a very large drawing project that would take you 3-5 years to finish, but the finished project would pay very good? Do you have a habit that you do, but want to quit doing it, but you just can't stop?
  12. Mysiath

    Berry's Question Bushel

    How often do you check your phone every day? If you could skip one chore for the rest of your life then what would it be? By this I mean this chore would be done on its own or by a robot of some sort. What would you do if you were to hit a dog when driving? If you drive.
  13. Mysiath

    Mysiath's AMA; dungeon of Insanity

    I actually don't really listen to it a lot. Sometimes when I'm in the mood for it then yes I will listen... but because I'm much more of a hardstyle person and the like then I usually listen to much more of remixed violin or dubstep violin(whatever it is.) Can I read... I'm afraid very little...
  14. Mysiath

    Discord Link In Social Bar

    Those are actually people that work for google. But yeah. I agree anyways. It should replace Google+ or just add it up to the forum links or something.
  15. Mysiath

    N18. Hellberg ft. Cozi Zuehlsdorff - The Girl - -...

    N18. Hellberg ft. Cozi Zuehlsdorff - The Girl - - absolutely fuckin' dope!
  16. Mysiath

    New here. Hello.

    I wish newcomers would introduce themselves more. It's a wish that is only granted occasionally in this cruel world. That's why I'm burning this cruel world. Yeah. No. I'm burning the world because I feel like it and because I like endless carnage and dominating the galaxy. Hello there and...
  17. Mysiath

    Hi I'm new here!

    Hello there and welcome to the forums! I do so hope you enjoy your stay here and I wish you the best of luck with your project! Is it about hell? Just curious ;)
  18. Mysiath

    ...boring people want to punch him. Much more interesting people want to kill him. That's me...

    ...boring people want to punch him. Much more interesting people want to kill him. That's me! I'm interesting. But... I don't even have legitimate words for that song. Like... what the fuck? No wtf. Just what the fuck!
  19. Mysiath

    Zeb's AMA thread

    What is it that you like to do the most when you are bored? So bored that being on internet won't cure this boredom. Would you watch the world burn or attempt to save it from the burning? If you could travel anywhere in the world with all expenses paid and everything then where would you...
  20. Mysiath

    Ask Dolor Anything and Everything!

    Do you have a water bottle on your table so you don't have to go the kitchen to get some water? What is the fastest way and thing to do that is guaranteed to get you mad? Do you like alligators?