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Search results

  1. Mysiath

    Ask Amy Anything

    Did you hit other kids with your stick? How long does it take you to finish one full-body character and what do you do when you find that you don't like how it turned out? How often do you CTRL + ALT + DEL?
  2. Mysiath

    Lore's AMA Thread

    What was the first PC game that you played? Do you have something that you are currently doing, but wish to stop doing it and for some reason you continue doing it? If you received 50$ right now what would you use it for?
  3. Mysiath

    Berry's Question Bushel

    Sometimes coming up with questions is a rough business and I'm somewhat glad that I'm impressing you and intimidating you with these. What internet browser are you currently using and what is your favorite? If you could choose a writer to review whatever you have and give you heavy critique...
  4. Mysiath

    Mysiath's AMA; dungeon of Insanity

    It's nothing terrible and dangerous. Just the usual fever, rather annoying and painful throat and coughs. Running nose... is it called running or wet... I don't know. Then just overall weakness and sluggish about everything that I do and don't get me started on the headaches that I have when I'm...
  5. Mysiath

    He's walking in the middle of the street. I want to see a random car hit him, stop, back up...

    He's walking in the middle of the street. I want to see a random car hit him, stop, back up and drive over him again. LIfe is good.
  6. Mysiath

    Fun fact: did you know that I like to burn worlds and I love carnage and slaughter. Right... You...

    Fun fact: did you know that I like to burn worlds and I love carnage and slaughter. Right... You knew and it's not a fun fact.
  7. Mysiath

    Paste (CTRL + V) In This Topic

    It watched, witnessed and observed. It existed before them and witnessed the rise of the abyssal. Writing is fun. Specially when you can't decide what you want, like and just keep rewriting the same line of text again and again.
  8. Mysiath

    Halloween Theme is here!

    Defense shield of doom activate! Wait... what kind of descriptive things? If naughty kind then deactivate the shield and let sage come! I like naughty. I think I shouldn't be discussing naughty here because naughty is naughty.
  9. Mysiath

    I don't really listen to nightcore, but fuck man! This melody! These lyrics! Meet me on the...

    I don't really listen to nightcore, but fuck man! This melody! These lyrics! Meet me on the battlefield makes me hyped so madly!
  10. Mysiath

    N17. Nightcore - Battlefield -

    N17. Nightcore - Battlefield -
  11. Mysiath

    Take a knife and cut your arms. Better yet, take an axe, give it to your wife and ask her to...

    Take a knife and cut your arms. Better yet, take an axe, give it to your wife and ask her to chop your arms off. You'll definitely feel something then! #Lifetips from Mysiath!
  12. Mysiath

    Halloween Theme is here!

    @Lore Take you ice cream and shove it in that box and let it melt. Nobody... wants ice cream. Nobody. I'm telling you. Ice cream is poisonous and it is confirmed that ice cream will be the death of us all. Ice cream supports #genocide I love this theme, and I want to keep it!
  13. Mysiath

    Newbie at RPGMaker

    Already planning a full game huh? Very good. Hello there and welcome to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay here and I wish you the best of luck with your project!
  14. Mysiath

    Hello there

    Hello there and welcome to the forums! I do so hope that you enjoy your stay here and I wish you the best of luck with whatever project you will be or are working on!
  15. Mysiath

    Hello world!!

    I don't like kisses. Welcome to the forums and I hope you enjoy your stay here!
  16. Mysiath

    The King's Loss [LGA]

    How do you wear a Dragon's Tooth? A necklace? And is it just called the Dragon's Tooth or does it have a more... personal or special name I think? I think the color of the title in the title screen should be changed. Despite how much I like pink because pink is a rather cool color... I just...
  17. Mysiath

    Yeah. Don't mind me. Lots of weird noises I do.

    Yeah. Don't mind me. Lots of weird noises I do.
  18. Mysiath

    My anger is great for slamming walls and bruising my knuckles and making it bleed. Such a great...

    My anger is great for slamming walls and bruising my knuckles and making it bleed. Such a great way to relieve anger...
  19. Mysiath

    Paste (CTRL + V) In This Topic

    because I'm always sharing music and I shared some on discord.
  20. Mysiath

    Lore's AMA Thread

    Are you secretly Lord Voldemort? Favorite type of pants to wear? What's your three favorite games to play?