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  1. Xyphien

    When do you open up your forums?

    That's a good goal to be honest. Though do you ever feel discouraged when you spend all that time and once opened not a lot of people visit? I can see that being a bigger hit than if you open it after getting the basic functions completed.
  2. Xyphien


    lol true. There's a lot of sections on here, I combined all of my forums into one major one for simplicity and the ability to focus on one thing versus twelve lol.
  3. Xyphien

    Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts, theories etc.

    Bro, the dude literally said he's not from the Americas. So he's not apart of the west (facepalm) das a big face palm.
  4. Xyphien


    Hello Chase! Glad to have you here, if you need any help let me know. As for webmaster content, we have a whole section located right there :)
  5. Xyphien

    So long everyone!

    @Ronivan It's sad to see you leave RPG Maker MV, however, keep in mind this website transformed into a larger website. We also offer topics for web devs, as well as web design and development. So you're still more than welcome to stay on the forums :)
  6. Xyphien

    Camstratia - A game like Stardew Valley & Harvest Moon

    I'm glad you like it thus far :D I just finished with the title screen :)
  7. Xyphien

    Can you do more harm then good if you release a Demo early?

    I completely agree with this! A lot of games, including AAA titles come out with demos that are half made which is fine, but the amount of bugs, glitches, and other content that makes even the demo itself unplayable can lead to people not getting your game on release.
  8. Xyphien

    Yanfly CTB Issue

    It happens to the best of us @Naterkix trust me. I've messed up a lot of stuff in my time before checking the common issues first lol.
  9. Xyphien

    What did you add to your project today?

    I took a static image of one of my tilesets and made an animation for it (ocean for the beach). That took me way longer than I originally expected lol.
  10. Xyphien

    Making games by yourself hurts

    Hey, I've moved this to the MV Discussion section. As for story and everything some big games don't have much of a story and they're still successful. Look at enter the gungeon. It's a dungeon crawler. I don't think there's much plot to it at all. If so it's optional as most people play it for...
  11. Xyphien

    Camstratia - A game like Stardew Valley & Harvest Moon

    Camstratia To-Do list: Add Fishing Finish up Cammy's Field Add more weather effects Create the Slime Animations Add cooking Create the first 5 levels Create scrolls that will give you spells. Add a scroll into the evil chest. Make evil chest so it doesn't re-spawn once you exit out of it.
  12. Xyphien

    Camstratia - A game like Stardew Valley & Harvest Moon

    I do not have a lot of graphics made for the game as of yet, however I do have a lot of pictures and information of the game. Firstly, if you've ever played Harvest Moon, or Stardew valley then I'm here to tell you it's going to be like that. I started a game like that a few years ago however...
  13. Xyphien


    Looks really nice! A unique concept for a rmmv game imo. Keep it up! :) I might share it on our twitter here soon!
  14. Xyphien

    Official Watch Out List

    Brian Bozarth : For those of you on Udemy, watch out for this individual. Your average course on Udemy is around 30-40 hours in length and on sale costs around $12. This user charges the same price on sale for content that's only 3-4 hours in length. He...
  15. Xyphien

    Official Watch Out List

    DO NOT BUY FREEMAKE To those of you who's heard of freemake I would highly, highly recommend against purchasing the program, or any of their products. They do not have a user system, and if you happen to lose your key they refuse to give you one back unless you have a full transaction ID. This...
  16. Xyphien

    Official Watch Out List

    This list will be a list of all websites, products, individuals, etc. to watch out for. This could be due to either scams, poor customer support, bad experiences, etc. If you have something you'd like to tell people to watch out for feel free to list it here!
  17. Xyphien

    What is your favourite spell from a Video Game?

    It's something I've seen before, but it's my favorite just because of thew nostalgia is Hadouken. It's not RPG related, but it's something I love a lot. I even have Ryu tattooed on my back :D
  18. Xyphien

    Image of Perfection [Demo Available]

    Looks like a great game! @MikomiKisomi I've featured this on our twitter! Make sure to be active around the forums for more shoutouts <3
  19. Xyphien

    I'll be on vacation this week. Might not be too active.

    I'll be on vacation this week. Might not be too active.
  20. Xyphien

    Any new Free Forum Software

    ahh, the core is free. But you have to pay for the forum. I see now, my bad.