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  • Hey guys, the resource calendar pack for March is now available! Hope you guys really enjoy these ones as I've worked quite hard on em!
    So the resource pack for March will be available on Monday. I'll have some window schemes, gen parts, BGM's, and maybe a title screen in it.
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    Companion Wulf
    Companion Wulf
    Btw, if you'd like an exclusive peek preview at the raw mistake-filled incomplete version, let me know. ;) I'm kidding. I have a good example . If interested, I'll share the link with you in IM.
    Companion Wulf
    Companion Wulf
    I can play the very first one I did PITCH PERFECT now! Very difficult! LOL
    Sure if you wanna share it lol. I'll have a listen xD
    Well guys,Monday will be the day I finish up the Resource Pack for March. It won't contain too much but it'll have a variety of things.
    So my team has found something that's really wrong with the new revamped starting zone....
    It's literally only the dirt road tile that does it though so it's quite confusing. (There's also a similar issue with the tree tops not being overlay above the character. Instead those are impassible as well)
    ...did you mark the upper left tile as * in passabilty? If that's not the problem, did you try to use a different tileset for this ? Sorry, that's probably too late anyway :|
    Yeah I found the problem, all fixed and working great now xP Just gotta add a few more things and demo V0.30 is ready xP It's got some interesting stuff in there now. Thanks for the response though heh xP
    CONGRATZ!!! You are now the #1 Contributor of Audio Items in Resources.
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    Reactions: LTN Games
    Don't want to get technical but... if you count total number of songs I'm the top contributor by a long shot. Just saying. A little appreciation never hurt anyone.
    To clarify, in the Audio Category in Resources section of the forum Sinnistar currently has the most contributions.
    Hence why I said I "don't want to get technical".
    Alright so I've been thinking about ways to revise my initial theme I composed and I think I finally have one that will fit great and work!
    The link just says "Sorry! Something went wrong
    Is your network connection unstable or browser outdated?"

    My browser is new and obvious my internet works >_< New site?
    Hm, works fine for me. Maybe try and just search for Sinnistar? lol Other than that not really sure what could fix that. It's not a new site by any means heh, it's been there for years. I'll see if I can just get ya a general link!
    Sinnistar then up at the top should be a search bar that will allow you to look up Sinnistar (or pretty much any other audio you could think of wanting or listening to lol) Should allow you to go to that site.
    Working on making the main theme for Tales of the Lumminai. It's gonna sound so nice when I finish too!
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    I'm also finishing up the last bits for the Chapter 2 segment. This will likely be the next demo version 0.30. The game will be 10% complete once I finish that and chapter 3's content. It's a lot to squeeze in, but my plan is to get v0.30 out this month and hopefully with some of Leon's story content as well.
    Just revamped the intro to Tales of the Lumminai with modified maps and better tutorial for the arrow idea I'm using to better explain it
    Along with this is the completed set of Heralds, all 8 Grand ones are in the game and the 4 minor ones are solid concepts. In addition, I now have some concepts for the Lumminai made by our pixel artist Marko, so those are also coming along nicely. The next demo phase will likely be out in the month of March, sometime.
    Glad the Viking Ship turned out alright. My next parts for that theme will be a few buildings. I have to make a village in my game with it.
    How are you not on the graphics RT yet? o: You've made so much stuff~ have you applied already?
    Heheh I have a plan to make a bunch of Viking themed tiles this month. If I can pull it off anyhow. It is important for my Tales of the Lumminai game. One of the spirits is a Valkyrie <.< so I need Viking themed stuff for where they live and I got nothing atm lol. But I have some images that should help with that! Also, did you see the intro to Tales of the Lumminai?
    I made that one from the original idea and I intend to voice narrate it myself since I know exactly how it should be read. I need to make some images and such to go with it eventually lol but yeah the project's coming along great! (Even with it only being literally 2% done LOL)
    But yeah the RT thing, not really too bummed about it myself. Just means more freedom for me meh. I can match the RTP style, easily, I just wasn't doing it since the requests I get aren't for that style at all lol. I'ma make the RTP match my style xP overhaul it to be more vibrant! all of it.
    Are the fan made tilesets good enough? What do they look like?
    But the ones that were for VX Ace looks pretty nice yeah.
    After looking for about an hour, I haven't actually seen any MV tilesets that are even close to a Chinese theme. Most of them appear to just use the Japanese sets from VX Ace which is not Chinese at all lol. I can see what I can do to make some though.
    Hey Cyanide just made some Asian themed tiles based on me asking them lol. Not sure if they will help ya or not but it's certainly a start, and they're FCU tagged so xP
    I don't see you that much Sinnistar, are you hiding from us? HMM? *raises eyebrows drastically*
    lol huh? I'm not hiding xP just been not feeling too great lately so haven't been doing much in resource making. xP
    Well, we're here for ya man~ Was just worried about ya.
    lol xD well I'm still around heh just been busy is all and not feeling good been slowing me down >.< but thanks!
    TOTL is coming along nicely. I now have 3 quests finished for Lucia's storyline (still nothing but first boss fight for Leon's story).
    I got "Alt-Cross" setup too, and they will have a unique mask covering their identity xP. If you play the girl path you'll meet the female Alt-Cross, and vice versa for the boy path.
    Heads up, 7zip won't let you upload here either!!
    7Zip is what I use to convert my deployed files to .zip, and I can upload here. How big of a file is it?
    Jay's right, it may have something to do with file size. For the demo, you might have to run it through MV stripper so it drops the size by a ton. I'm not sure if that will drop it enough but it'll strip everything unused from the files. But thanks for the heads up heh.
    The Lumminai Project is coming along quite nicely. Me and Matthe815 have been hard at work trying to make it as best we can!
    Hey sinni, sorry i haven't replied to your messages yet. been very busy the last few days and again today-- trying to get a new job at the moment. hopefully next week I will have time to give you some valuable feedback & ideas -- did not want you to think i was ignoring you!
    Further building on the ideas I had going, I made a wiki page for TOTL. It has some decent style writing I would say, not the greatest though. But hey, it's a huge start on it and would prolly make it easier for you to refine it.
    Okay, thanks! Sorry I haven't checked it out yet ughh. ;w; I will definitely do so eventually!
    lol no worries xD I'm working with what I have for now. Just kinda connecting a bunch of things heh. But it seems to be alright for a starter.
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