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  • Just a little update on July's resource pack. It will be mostly edits, but should fit the sky city theme well enough. I have it mostly done.
    There will be 1 tileset, but some of the parts on it should actually be put into the floor tileset in the A tab (don't remember which off hand but yeah). There's also a 100% custom hand designed door set and a couple audio segements as well. Not much but I was really short on time this month sadly =/
    Finished up my Drahkin battler xD so shared that here too. Next up is the monthly pack, still figuring out what exactly to do with the theme
    TOTL has undergone quite a bit recently and I'm hoping to have this updated version out before the end of this month.
    Hopefully I can do it as planned though, with the monthly pack being themed to the "City in the Skies" it's definitely doable, but only if I can get by a month without any major migraines heh. Those things debilitate me whenever I have em that's crazy. But yeah, working hard on this TOTL version so not much more to go for this update!
    can't post to conercations what is going on with the site. i am getting some pages that are not formated or the background white sent you an email
    It seemed to be a temporary period of which I also couldn't do anything...but fixed now hm...
    ph so i was not the only one ok well just in case i uploaded my stuff to my facebook so there is a way that if i cant get on i can do some updates
    Always good to plan alternatives heh. For me it's Twitter xP
    im also going to be updating the Tales of the Lumminai demo when i finish with the edits. There was a lot of unplayable stuff in previous build. please understand will be one of last updates i do am selling project to team member
    So it needed fixing and the main part was Chapter 3 which was apparently unreachable lol so I'm going through each section and fixing it as I go! I'll upload that when this long and slow process is finished heh.
    Well the edits for Tales of the Lumminai are in full swing now! I've got so much done so far but there's a crap ton to go.
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    Reactions: Cunechan
    Also gonna have like 3 new tutorials coming soon to my Youtube channel so look forward to those too! I have to do the one for the dance minigame but yeah heh there will be 2 others I came up with too!
    I'm gonna be working on my next few tutorials on my Youtube channel. If you have requests lemme know!
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    Reactions: MistyDay
    how to make android app videotutorial for dummies :)
    you mean an rpg for mobile? Or an app? lol I can't program things for the life of me, but fitting an RPG for mobile is easy enough. (most of which you could just tie the buttons to a UI they can touch to use them with). I'm not sure exactly how to make a ui lol but I'm sure I can find out and make a tutorial on that if that's what you mean.
    May's resource pack is now uploaded. I didn't get the tileset in there but when I finish it I'll share it! Enjoy.
    I decided to upload the full version of Mazi Raia for free. That game is definitely not worth being commercial, but it's still got some fun.
    I managed to create an awesome Dance With Me! minigame that will be featured in TOTL during the 4th Chapter if you go to the Guild.
    Inside there will be a group of 3 dancing ladies who will each have a separate challenging level of the dance minigame. If you can beat all three in the minigame a reward will be waiting xP But that is a surprise.
    So I've started to add a voice to the computer AI in Ebony Stars. This gives it a personality of sorts when it's reading the text.
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    Reactions: MistyDay
    It intentionally sounds like a realistic robotic voice lol. This is to allow the AI to believe it can be as interactive as a human can. But yeah, the AI is the mind of Yofie, which is the space ship, and it will be the voice for everything dealing with synthesizing and such throughout the game. I don't think anything else will be voice acted though to save space and keep the game in a low file size.
    Just got done looking at your viking ship. Now i got more ideas running in my head than i know what to do with. Looks like I am not going to get sleep tell i make it lol
    I hate when that happens lmao

    updated boat sails
    thank you
    in the 80's I was a dungeon master I was so good that i never got to play.
    But now I can put my ideas to images.
    Always good to put the ideas into images xD expands on the customizing of projects.
    oops posted my image to completed games lol never saw that before.
    O thats how u got your name. I picked mine becouse it reflects my viking ancestors.
    The proper procedure is to ask a moderator to move the thread, instead of deleting the resource.
    Vikings had some fun names.

    Yeah Jay, I didn't know that that was a thing lol. So as I said above I said the way I knew how first, then mentioned that you guys might be able to move it too. But I wasn't sure you guys could since I was told to mark mine to be deleted before <.< so wasn't gonna suggest that 100%. But now we know xD
    I forgot how to add the fcu button when adding a images. Sorry about the truble. I am dislexic.
    No worries, it's a prefix option when you upload a resource. It'll ask you which type of resource it is, then when giving it a title there's a prefix dropdown menu that has the options like FCU CC etc. You just click the one you one and it's set! xD Hope that explains it for ya lol.
    I've been working on my side project Ebony Stars lately. So far I've got the first bit of the intro done and a lot of the database too.
    Other than that, I plan for another window scheme, a title screen, and possibly a couple new eye sets for the generator as well. I'm not really sure what else I will add currently but it should be packed with goodies this time around! (a variety of them that is lol)
    Cool! Once you get enough of it done, I'd love to play a demo.
    It'll be a ways off since it's a side project while TOTL is undergoing dialogue edits and such, but yeah xD I intend to make it downloadable here once it's to that point for sure!
    Excellent news! I've just uploaded Tales of the Lumminai version 0.40 on the forums here! Looking forward to hearing feedback from you guys!
    My testplay of Tales of the Lumminai went smooth. I found some issues and got those fixed. I'll test it again later then upload after.
    An update on Project Lumminai. My team's been working pretty hard to progress this. Lucia's story through Chapter 3 will be in next demo.
    And I'm not sure Leon's side will get in this demo, but it doesn't seem likely. It is however, being worked on at a decent pace so things should start picking up for that side too. Lucia's is fully into Chapter 3 now and it works so far but once we finish with that one we'll test it before public release.
    The Resource Calendar for April was posted a little while back as well. Forgot to mention it here.
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