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LTN Games
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  • The wiki has pages now! Not much content but a good foundation should motivate people to add to it.
    • Like
    Reactions: Cunechan
    Just saw this XD Sweet
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    Yea, @Troctzul created a map of how it should be laid out and it motivated me to create all the pages ASAP, I have a few left but at least we have something now. Big thanks to @Troctzul, great initiative.
    I've always wanted to be part of a Wiki on RPG Maker. There is virtually no documentation on the engine but hopefully this will change that!
    So tired this morning, I need coffee before I can get today started.
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    Reactions: Phil
    A little coffee is always a good headstarter
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    I have not been drinking coffee much, I stopped for about a month. The other day I had a cup and I had really bad jitters with a bit of anxiety, which never happens. Now I'm trying to avoid it as much as possible but today is a must.
    • Like
    Reactions: Phil
    Oh well, have a good day!
    Opened Sock Quest for the firs t time in over a month, and I love it! What a great game. Motivation to work on it has sky rocketed!
    Okay, time for me to relax a bit, I totally just went into Panic Mode! for a small contest project I did. It's all over now.
    • Like
    Reactions: Phil
    Yeah, Cool it up :) reward yourself.
    Thanks .-. you gave me my first like, love you. No Homo
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    Reactions: LTN Games
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    Yes! I broke your likeginity lol There should be a badge for that :D
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    Reactions: Phil
    Oh no, I just realize I am no more a pure blood.
    Laptop is down until I receive part to fix it.
    • Like
    Reactions: Cunechan
    ôhhhhhh, my laptop was down when I joined the forums till new year. Hope it can be fixed soon ;w;
    poor lappy !
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    It feels wierd without my lappy that's for sure. I'm hoping the part comes in this week and it will only take me 30minutes to repair. Either way I got backup computer for a few hours a day.
    I don't remember the last time I opened RPG Maker, too much Javascript with another engine.
    You should make some awesome minigames with javascript for sock quest when you feel like it xD *misses sq ewe*
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    I thought about that, that's what the Fruit Basket game was going to be but now that I'm working with an engine that is not MV I have not spent much time on it. I plan on releasing a few mini-games though, in the near future.
    How many people remember the Star Wars famous quote. "Luke, I am your father". Anyone? Let me know in the comments.
    • Like
    Reactions: Cunechan
    Who doesn't XD
    I don't. Because Vader never said that. He said "no, I am your father". So... trick question! XD
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    Yup, blows my mind I always remembered it being Luke. I don't believe anything my mind tells me anymore lol
    Started making games with Phaser.js library. May convert fruit basket over to Phaser. I need more free time before I do anything though.
    Sup dude. U know where i can find some final fantasy tiles for MV? plus I made a project once with VXAce. My main guy was an evil dude, that monster with a skull. I'd like to remake it , but better with MV. Yet that monster isn't in it. I seen a video on yanfly page with FF6 Characters in it. How would i go about getting them?
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    Sorry, I'm not sure about any final fantasy tiles, your best bet is to use the free tile resources available on the web. There are plenty of resources here you can search through you can also check out rpgmakerweb for community resources.
    Hey LTN I sent you that story idea in a note, did you get a chance to read it ?:D
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    Reactions: LTN Games
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    I read half of it and I loved it, I was going to reply when I get some more time to read it all and write back. I'm even more excited to continue the development of this game. Wait till you see the updated version :D I been working out some of the mechanics that you mentioned in the message.
    • Like
    Reactions: Micro
    Awesome!! that makes me really happy :D cant wait to see the updated one~
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