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LTN Games
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  • Decided to split my time control system into more than one plugin. A time engine and the time travel addon. Will release time engine soon.
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    Reactions: Lore
    I might have to incorporate the time engine into SotV and have a time travel mission... maybe... hrmm...
    Finally posted the next Javascript lesson in my JS & MV blog series.
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    Reactions: Phil and Lore
    I ever code once and I know the overview, concept and tool of
    GameMaker Studio. However I stopped using the software
    and I forgot how to code again :p
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    Game maker language is much simpler compared to javascript but like I said it's all just problem solving and using the tools provided to find solutions.
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    Reactions: Phil
    Oh No :O even I thought Gamemaker was hard!
    So the good news, is my core has not been refactored for over 24hours, the bad news is I have lots of refactoring to do for Time control.
    Learning new patterns in JS and refactoring my core plugin. Sigh.. So much to do.
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    Reactions: Cunechan and Lore
    I'm currently remapping a project my friend and me are working on which we started like 3/4 years ago. Still not enough time to get started with SQ Dx
    Back from relaxing for 2 days, catching sun rays and keep the mind calm and away from programming and developing. I feel refreshed :)
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    Reactions: Lore
    Being a fair skinned, red-haired ginger, I have only one thing to say... "Ew, sun rays" :)
    Glad you got to relax and are feeling better for it :)
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    haha, no worries I understand the red-haired ginger issue and sun rays,it's a real problem lol
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    Reactions: Lore
    This is why I hate Summer.

    That said, I love summer cause storms. :)
    I've written over 2500 lines of code in the last week or so, includes documentation comments but eh, whatevs. What a job, still a bit to go.
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    @Xilefian but you're a pro, you also work at a game studio so you probably have written so many lines of code that I can't even think about achieving at the moment, I hope to get to where you're at, though, all in good time I guess. How do you keep track of all your lines of code being deleted and added ? I'm curious.
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    @Troctzul I do got this, I'm taking my time and doing things slowly, sometimes I feel like it's too slow but better to think of every scenario than have to refactor all my code over and over, which I have done before and it's no fun. I always look at my list and I'm always behind lol but it's all good I don't mind as long as I'm productive that is.
    @LTN Games I use git, so additions and subtracts are all tracked and I have some other services set up tracking other things (server side stuff).

    Where I'm at right now with running a games company seems to be where everyone wants to end up, but the reality is I didn't have much choice, circumstances forced me somewhat and it's just a job.
    #TipOfTheDay Take your time when developing, it pays off to think of all scenarios before proceeding beyond the point of no return.
    Taking a break from the core plugin and working on time travel plugin. I have enough of the core to work with now.
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    Reactions: Lore
    Taking a break can sometimes be beneficial as it rests your brain while you think of even better stuff to cram into it. :)
    This core plugin is taking a lot longer than expected. Had a bit of trouble with extracting notetags and comments.
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    Reactions: Troctzul and Lore
    Awwr. Don't worry, it'll be worth the wait :)
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    You got that right! I'm excited to get it complete and start developing more plugins. This core will make things a lot easier for me.
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    Reactions: Lore
    That awkward moment you use a thesaurus to help you name a variable. #ProgrammingOnMyMind
    I think I need to make a core plugin, I've tried to avoid it but if I start making more plugins, I'll need a core to keeps things organized.
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    Reactions: Phil and Cunechan
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    And you can extend your other plugins ease of creation by having key functions put together in the core plugin.:D
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    Yup, should be useful once I get around to doing it.
    Go For It
    Three words, time travel plugin!
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    Reactions: Cunechan
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    Sounds a little wibbly wobbly to me...
    LTN Games
    LTN Games
    When it's all said and done it should be a good plugin, my main intent for the plugin is a time system for my current game and adding time travel is just an extra feature I wanted to do along with a few other features like timed events and day/night.
    Isaac The Red
    Isaac The Red
    Would allow for making games like Ephemeral Fantasia. :D
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