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Script / Plugin Requests


Personally, I would love a battle system akin to that of the Shining Force series.


Requesting a battle system like that in Earthbound, with the rolling HP thingy. I know that there was one made for VX Ace but it was really buggy and broken. Also, the preemptive strike thing from Earthbound with the green and red swirls would be nice, too.


Towns Guard
@legendreef1 That was in reference to this:

I tried doing the same thing because I figured it'd be easier to figure out where everything was, but just lost the patience for it.
what "doing the same thing because I figured it'd be easier to figure out where everything was, but just lost the patience for it. O_o" mean


Towns Guard
Is it possible to get a movement script that can do all 8 directions, 8+ frames per direction, 3 states of movement (idle, walking, sprinting)? :) Pixel movement would also be a bonus! Thanks for considering!


Towns Guard
I'm looking for something though that will also allow diagonal sprites, such as this older script for Ace.
not made yet ;p but easily can
Edit: Remember that some of these requests were requested prior to the software launch. If you see a script that exists that's in the request, please be sure to let us know right away! ^_^

Hello everyone, StatusGearEntertainment here. Not sure if this is the correct topic to put this in here but it is a request for a script resource. In fact, I think I'll just make this the archive of user made scripts so that everyone won't have to look all over the place for scripts. Testing out the new RMMV that just came out, there will obviously be many requests from people so this seems beneficial for us all. ^_^

Script / Plugin Requests These are scripts that don't exist yet and are requested by someone.
1. More than 4 Party Caterpillar
RMMV uses a caterpillar system that allows up to 3 characters to follow your main character. Script requests to have more than 3 characters follow you.
2. HMode7
RMMV uses a standard 2D map that you get to travel around in. Script requests for a 2.5D mode that makes the graphics stand up and out.​

3. Android/iOS Deployment
RMMV has support for Android and iOS products. However, it is not as flexible and simple as some have thought. Scripts requests to make the Android/iOS support friendlier.
4. Face to Bust
RMMV uses faces along with text. Script requests adjustment for a larger picture from a face into a bust size instead.
5. Event Rotation
RMMV allows you to edit events in many ways, however one thing it doesn't is rotate graphics such as directional fixing an event and spinning the event around graphically, it has to be done by creating the graphics for spinning. Script requests to allow spinning fixed graphics as a command.
6. Action Battle System
RMMV two types of battle systems, a side scroller and a picture battle system. Script requests a ABS for RMMV. (i.e. Legend of Zelda ABS)
7. Show Enemy HP Bars
RMMV allows you to fight enemies and kill them but can't really tell how much life they actually have until they die or you find some way around it. Script requests to display enemy HP Bars to be able to tell how much life is left on an enemy on map or side scroller battlefield.
9. Dynamic Lighting Effects
RMMV allows you to mess with the screen tinting and smaller methods to create light effects. Script / Plugin requests that there be a more flexible, dynamic and effective lighting type of effects.
10. Remove Project Title
RMMV has multiple areas that display your project name. Script / Plugin requests to remove these.
11. Skip Title
RMMV has the title screen that displays when you first launch the game. Script / Plugin requests to skip over this title screen.
12. Equalizer
RMMV allows you to play background music of all kinds but what about a fun equalizer display that plays on the sides? Script / Plugin requests a simple, customizeable equalizer that displays on screen displaying the current background music.
13. Shining Force Battle System
Script / Plugin requests to have a RMMV battle system similar to the Shining Force game series.
14. Force Minimum Damage
Script / Plugin requests to set a minimum damage any enemy/player can be given such as 0, 1, etc. when given the opportunity.​

15. State Graphics
Script / Plugin request state graphics like the Victor Engine have for VX Ace.​

Script /Plugin That Exist These are scripts that do exist and are here below.
1. Pixel By Pixel Movement Here
2. 8 Way Movement Here
3. Change Max Battlers and Followers Here
4. Weapon Sprites Enhanced Here
5. Side Scrolling Active Enemies Here
6. Battle Voices (It's a pre-order dlc, anyone have a link let me know)

If you guys have script request ideas make sure to share below so I can add on to this! Let's build a giant archive of new user made scripts! <3

By the way for those who are interested in knowing parameters about RMMV:
1. Icon
30x30 Solid Base Color
1px Stroke Border, Outside
1px Inner Glow, Screen, 100%, #FFF, 0 Spread
35% Black/White, Darken, Linear, Reverse, 90 Degrees
what games did u make if u a company
This one pretty much just occured to me, when playing with 8-dir sprites...

What about 8-dir events like chests, that can be activated from their diagonal as well as the up, left, back, sides etc - as long as the player is facing it, basically?

Boy Who Codes

Praised Adventurer
You should look into the method Sprite_Actor.prototype.setActorHome and add an offset so the battlers do not overlap with the default UI
Hey thanks for noticing that. I forgot to add that. I'll do that on my updates.