Where do you live and what education do you have?
What skills do you have that you are proud off?
uhh... The first question is kind of hard to answer with my current profession. I grew up in Virginia (US). I have a highschool deploma, and that's it. Though I'm currently about to go to class for a Net + cert, followed by Sec +.
I make websites XD It's the only hobby I've had other than Gaming, so it's the only thing I'm proud of I guess :O
I feel like
@Xyphien 's AMA is balancing questions about not only him, but also the website. Haha! X3
Which Disney princess would you most like to BE, most like to MARRY, and lastly most like to KILL?
I like being asked both about the website, and myself :D It allows people to settle any questions they may have with the website, or it's future :)
If I had to choose one, It'd be Elsa to be. The ability to control ice would be AWESOME! Mary... Is it weird to say Ariel? XD Kill... idk, Snow White. She's to mainstream.
With MV having a way to play games via HTML in browser is there a way and if so do you think we'll have a playable demo section at some point?
This is something I actually started to think about when I found out MV has html capabilities I instantly wanted a section like this. I just haven't had the time to look into it, or try figuring out a way to implament it, or allow you all a way to implament it. Another thing is, I'd have to look into how much system memory it'd take up, etc. for the hosting plan I'm on. Seeing as you'd have to upload all the files of the game onto the sites directory, it could take up a huge load of the data. This makes it hard to allow this function to be available.