@sinister You accomplish so much in the run of a day or two it's crazy, you have been a dedicated hard worker throughout this entire thread, good stuff.
Well, I've officially got a decent prototype of my quest system, still an early build and I put the Quest editor on hold until I have the basics accomplished inside MV itself. Still lots to do but it's coming along, take a look.
View attachment 4943
Thanks! I've been striving to make TOTL as good as I can! I tend to fix the things people complain about first (as a good dev would naturally xP) and then move on to adding more stuff and fixing other stuff I find during testing. One of the most complained about things was the "City" looked more like a village with 2 houses. lol So I had to seriously change that. It's gonna have 4 districts now, and the first is done xP, so it'll be much bigger. The second most complained about, is the lack of "liveliness" with the NPC's. (Even though they change at night, change what they say at each point in the day, and roam freely without any designated path currently.) Not sure where they're missing liveliness, but now I'm going to make them enter and leave shops, act like customers browsing goods, have little gab conversations in the taverns/inns that change as the story progresses. There's going to be a lot more "liveliness" with them with all of that I believe. And with the big expansion to Weshrain comes the need for more NPC's, which opens the door to several new side quests, player housing, and much more. xP Needless to say, this next major build is gonna take awhile, but it should show insane improvement on the previous 0.58 build. It will also have Chapters 4 and 5 included as well, leaving only 2 more chapters for the final demo version of the game.
Your quest system looks pretty amazing already! It looks like it has some good potential behind it. Nice progress on that!
[doublepost=1476094535,1475861997][/doublepost]Today I started transferring the relative events over to the new Weshrain town square. They are running smoothly and everything is looking more lively with them. In addition to the existing NPC's, I added 5 new ones! 2 are animals, 1 a criminal, and the rest are commoners who roam the town square. During each time of the day, they change what they say.
I also revised the two guards blocking access to the Noble District/Greymoore Castle. Now they are 4 guards (2 day shift, 2 night shift) who all have their own personalities and react differently to the player trying to pass them or talking to them directly. I moved them off to the side of the entrance rather than directly blocking it, and added 2 events on the roadway between them to prevent access.
The criminal NPC will offer a quest xP, and you guessed it, criminal deeds. This is the first of many many criminal based quests. These type of quests will have good rewards, but harsh penalties. This first one is relationship penalties only though, and it is accessible the first time you enter Weshrain and any point from there on until you either help or decline his offer. It will however also have positive relationship gains for the characters who are alright with criminal actions. (After a certain number of criminal quests being completed, a special character will become available at some point in the game xP)
Anyhow, continuing everything dealing with the new Weshrain. The town square is completely finished now and I'm now working on the interiors of the new and old buildings that are in this district (the Inn and Aqueduct were the only two that were already made so I'm revamping those to fit the new looks). The Embassy of Oricai should prove fun to make the inside for, especially with all the requests that the NPC's in there will have to offer throughout the game xD. Busy busy me....busying onward! lol That's it for now though....am tired heh, but it's coming along nicely.