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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


Praised Adventurer I've officially been kicked the hardest by my own computer....I was exporting the 0.58 version of my game (and saving the backup in the process) when my computer decided to blue screen...The result nearly made me cry =(. I got it back up and running only to find out I couldn't open my project....I couldn't access the files for it....and I lost EVERYTHING...All of it entirely gone. All that hard work put into it just gone. It became corrupt, and with it my backup as well...I hate my computer!

After dealing with this extremely harsh blow and huge setback on my project, I realized I had a stripped version which is relatively close to my latest version, but it was stripped for smaller file size purposes. I scavenged what I could from that and started trying to recover the "corrupt" files from my main version. I realized all the files weren't lost but a lot of important changes were. I recovered all the art assets, the maps, events, and plugin info as well as most of the database. I can't recover the enemies, troops, weapons, armors, animations, tilesets, or common events however....and because of this my project has to be delayed yet again for public testing....

I managed to save the part I was most worried about (the maps/events) since that literally took 3 months to get to where it is currently. I lost my common events (all of them) and most of the changes I made to the enemies and items database which really REALLY sucks....I spent the passed 3 weeks fixing all of those up and all that time is just lost now all because my computer wanted to be a POS! -.- Needless to say I had some serious mixed emotions earlier and lost my cool....and as a result my body is sore from the stress those emotions put on it so I'm prolly not going to work on the project for a couple of days but it's still going to resume....I just can't believe that it corrupted both the main version AND the backup at the same time all because of a crash...(I still have all of the main files from the original, if there's a way to somehow fix the json files that won't "read". If there is, that would be wonderful but if not I'm screwed out of another month's worth of progress)

#Listens to Sad Fates BGM over and over....


Resident Dragon I've officially been kicked the hardest by my own computer....I was exporting the 0.58 version of my game (and saving the backup in the process) when my computer decided to blue screen...The result nearly made me cry =(. I got it back up and running only to find out I couldn't open my project....I couldn't access the files for it....and I lost EVERYTHING...All of it entirely gone. All that hard work put into it just gone. It became corrupt, and with it my backup as well...I hate my computer!

After dealing with this extremely harsh blow and huge setback on my project, I realized I had a stripped version which is relatively close to my latest version, but it was stripped for smaller file size purposes. I scavenged what I could from that and started trying to recover the "corrupt" files from my main version. I realized all the files weren't lost but a lot of important changes were. I recovered all the art assets, the maps, events, and plugin info as well as most of the database. I can't recover the enemies, troops, weapons, armors, animations, tilesets, or common events however....and because of this my project has to be delayed yet again for public testing....

I managed to save the part I was most worried about (the maps/events) since that literally took 3 months to get to where it is currently. I lost my common events (all of them) and most of the changes I made to the enemies and items database which really REALLY sucks....I spent the passed 3 weeks fixing all of those up and all that time is just lost now all because my computer wanted to be a POS! -.- Needless to say I had some serious mixed emotions earlier and lost my cool....and as a result my body is sore from the stress those emotions put on it so I'm prolly not going to work on the project for a couple of days but it's still going to resume....I just can't believe that it corrupted both the main version AND the backup at the same time all because of a crash...(I still have all of the main files from the original, if there's a way to somehow fix the json files that won't "read". If there is, that would be wonderful but if not I'm screwed out of another month's worth of progress)

#Listens to Sad Fates BGM over and over....
Oh no! D: That's horrid! On the bright side, at least you don't have to completely redo the game. Here's hoping you can recover more of the assets. *offers hugs*


Praised Adventurer
Oh no! D: That's horrid! On the bright side, at least you don't have to completely redo the game. Here's hoping you can recover more of the assets. *offers hugs*
Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna be able to recover the rest of it. But since that's the case it means I'll have to play through it again and make all the adjustments to the enemies again along with the few items I made. The items are easy to remember since they were just some ailment removers since the CTB system has a bug with the ones that restrict movement. I needed some way to remove those, so I made both items and skills for it. I think the skills are still good, so the only thing on that end would be items. The big loss is the common events since that had my time system, my outfit items, several skill effects, and so on. It just sucks because it was ready for public testing again and I was all hyped up to hear the feedback on all the major changes I've made since 0.35. But I'll get it back to that point though! It's just gonna take a couple weeks again x.x


Praised Adventurer I've officially been kicked the hardest by my own computer...
With my sincerest commiserations, may I ruefully suggest that the next step to consider would be a re-think of your back-up routines..? It's happened to all of us at one point or another, and underlines the importance of all of those fuddy-duddy things like daily discipline and stuff. For my part, all of my Projects are versioned as I go along, on a separate USB drive, so that I can roll back to, or recover from, a preceding one, not more than a day or two away. As these redundant versions pile up, I archive them to yet another external drive, and periodically (once a fortnight, usually...) copy to a Google Drive any major versions. I do this, not only for RPG stuff, but any data I treasure or need, such as personal photos, compositions and recordings; anything, in fact, that I couldn't buy back. I have back-up copies of software, but that's less important than my own production, so I have fewer redundant copies of that.
Too late, I hear you wail..? No, not too late for the next time. There is always a 'next time', too. Our enemy in this respect is complaisance.
Hearty respect for the recovery work you're taking on, and 'hugs', if it helps.


Praised Adventurer
With my sincerest commiserations, may I ruefully suggest that the next step to consider would be a re-think of your back-up routines..? It's happened to all of us at one point or another, and underlines the importance of all of those fuddy-duddy things like daily discipline and stuff. For my part, all of my Projects are versioned as I go along, on a separate USB drive, so that I can roll back to, or recover from, a preceding one, not more than a day or two away. As these redundant versions pile up, I archive them to yet another external drive, and periodically (once a fortnight, usually...) copy to a Google Drive any major versions. I do this, not only for RPG stuff, but any data I treasure or need, such as personal photos, compositions and recordings; anything, in fact, that I couldn't buy back. I have back-up copies of software, but that's less important than my own production, so I have fewer redundant copies of that.
Too late, I hear you wail..? No, not too late for the next time. There is always a 'next time', too. Our enemy in this respect is complaisance.
Hearty respect for the recovery work you're taking on, and 'hugs', if it helps.
I do actually copy it to Google Drive, but I wasn't going to do it until I was finished since I did it not long before that. And as I was doing that this happened heh. But I've got another little way of doing it too. It seems the version that was Zipped was safe entirely, so I think I'll just zip the main version after each major section I put into it. That was I'll have the closest to what I'm working on in that each time.'s a pita to work with like that but it's how it has to be done with this computer. I do work with a dual backup setup, but problem was it screwed both backups when it did that sadly. I tried to recover the damaged json files but they're all "null" and ruined. So while I saved the biggest portion with the maps and eventing, I still lost a good chunk.

My common events (friendship rank triggers, costume items, several skill setups, etc.) all gone. Those are going to be a serious pain to fix up. Besides that, I'll have to retest the game in order to find which enemies I nerfed and buffed to balance it out. And finally, I'll have to fix up the items that were ruined as well, which weren't many, but they're still a pain to track all them down. So I've got a long couple of weeks ahead of me x.x.

On the other hand, I did get this recorded before all this happened:
This is still working fine heh...but in the video for some reason it didn't record all of the window and cuts off all of the dialogue which sucks but you can see the purpose of this minigame/plot event!
[doublepost=1472315792,1472206462][/doublepost]Alright! After some hard hours put back into TOTL, I've managed to fix everything back to the way it was! There may still be a few things I've missed that "were" there. (If fact, I can almost gurrantee it since I think I forgot to add the state remover items in the shop and the skills for Lucia's class heh...oops!) But even without those, it will still be playable, just a tad bit more of a pain to deal with those states. Everything else is solid again though so I'm gonna go ahead and upload version 0.58 for public testing! I look forward to the feedback about the changes and direction it's going.

(Now to get some rest....those 15 hours were um....rough....tedious....and....brainhausting!! xP)


Praised Adventurer
...I'm gonna go ahead and upload version 0.58 for public testing!...
(Sounds of fingers drumming rhythmically on a rather resonant table, and foot-tapping, less rhythmic but more expressive...

(... but get your back-ups done, first..!)

Other news..? Not so much of palpitating interest to note, excepting a brilliant response from LTN concerning a scripting problem that I had with my Farm plots. This will, I hope, enable me to scale it up with a bit more ease; now the cogitation starts as to how to integrate it into my Game..! I've been playing around with various BGM notions, too, and posting some of the more palatable results in the Resources section. I've a few more 'in the oven'; we'll see how they progress. Some soufflés go flat very quickly..!


Praised Adventurer
(Sounds of fingers drumming rhythmically on a rather resonant table, and foot-tapping, less rhythmic but more expressive...

(... but get your back-ups done, first..!)
Got my backup the moment I uploaded it to Google Drive xP. But yeah, all good again! And the demo is now updated on here too.


Praised Adventurer
Ahhh Lucky~ I'm so glad it didn't all go to waste and it's all good now x3
Indeed! lol although, I just realized I uploaded the wrong version (dev build) instead of the demo exe one x.x. But for some reason when I try to test play the dev version, or play the demo, both load up only a white screen, any ideas?


Towns Guard
Redoing attribute growth. Added a custom parameter script and I'm adjusting the damage algorithms accordingly.

Each character uses the in game curves as their personal attributes. .atk refers to strength. .def refers to resilience. Resilience is subtracted from strength. Those attributes increase as characters level up, passive abilities, states, etc. occur.

Each equipment has a separate attribute. .eqpatk refers to the attack power of the equipment. .eqpdef refers to the defensive power of equipment used in armour. eqpdef is subtracted from eqpatk. Both values are added together and then divided by two and then adds the character level giving a final damage output.

Only issue is now, those new attributes are hidden in game, meaning that unless specify it in the item description, no one has any idea how much attack power or defensive power equipment has. It no longer adds it to default stats. The equipment page now needs to be altered to instead show the custom attributes. The status page needs to be altered to show both and then show a combined total.

I'm unsure at the moment how to include armour penetration for blocking. I can create and add the stats but I'll have to experiment and see how I can make it do what I want.


Sorry to hear about your loss @Sinnistar Data loss is a terrible thing. Effort and time wasted. Hope the stripped down version is enough to salvage. It isn't just a damage proj file though is it? Is the rest of the data still intact? You can't just create a new project and replace the .rpgproject file in your directory? Or is it total and complete data loss? Because unless it took out all of the .json files, the rest of your images, audio, javascript plugins, etc. should still work right?

EDIT: Maybe should read the rest of the post. Good to hear that one of your backups still is safe then.
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Praised Adventurer
Sorry to hear about your loss @Sinnistar Data loss is a terrible thing. Effort and time wasted. Hope the stripped down version is enough to salvage. It isn't just a damage proj file though is it? Is the rest of the data still intact? You can't just create a new project and replace the .rpgproject file in your directory? Or is it total and complete data loss? Because unless it took out all of the .json files, the rest of your images, audio, javascript plugins, etc. should still work right?

EDIT: Maybe should read the rest of the post. Good to hear that one of your backups still is safe then.
Yeah heh, it sucked horribly thinking I had lost everything x.x. I had to calm down and then look into it again. I found the stripped version and copied over what json files would work (tested that by copying them into a new project and trying to open it in MV, although it prolly woulda been quicker to just open them heh). I was missing like 5 json files, that had major changes in them, because of the corruption. Luckily, I have a video log I keep on the progression of the game xP so I went back and referred to that to see what was missing, and slowly patched in all the missing stuff so now it's back to the way it was again (with one error being that I can't actually test play or play it >.< stupid white screen thing). But otherwise, it's all good again and I have 2 solid backups of it (even though they both also contain this white screen issue....and will have to be replaced once that's fixed lol)

My new plan to avoid this from ever happening again is to save a backup each day I change anything in it. That will be the one on my secondary hard drive and it'll be in zip format so that weird occurrence of it destroying both RM projects at the same time won't occur since it won't be detected as an RM project. Other than that, I'll save my second backup on Google Drive, which will be updated once a week with all the changes. This is to prevent having to sit through it as often but either way I'll always have a close backup if this happens again. (If it does, I'll only lose a day's progress at the most which wouldn't be difficult to fix since the ideas behind it would still be fresh in my mind xP)
Frustratingly I've not done anything to any of my projects. But have been reading orhers' projects progress and it's very interesting. So he diversity in creativity :D
Well i have tried to add something but failed miserably :C I even got help from Cunechan but we didnt find a solution. I was trying to let the player go inside of his ship but it does not work properly :(


Praised Adventurer
Well i have tried to add something but failed miserably :C I even got help from Cunechan but we didnt find a solution. I was trying to let the player go inside of his ship but it does not work properly :(
It doesn't work with a "When button x is pressed do: Transfer player to map Y"? That should do it pretty easily if it's a parallel common event. (If not, then I'd recommend asking Drifty from Driftwood Gaming xP, he's really good at figuring that stuff out)
It doesn't work with a "When button x is pressed do: Transfer player to map Y"? That should do it pretty easily if it's a parallel common event. (If not, then I'd recommend asking Drifty from Driftwood Gaming xP, he's really good at figuring that stuff out)
Well funny, becouse i have already asked him and he didnt reply. He made a video on how to do it with an airplane, thou its doesnt work with an ship. But he is really good a doing these kind of things. But thanks that you worry about my project :D


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
It doesn't work with a "When button x is pressed do: Transfer player to map Y"? That should do it pretty easily if it's a parallel common event. (If not, then I'd recommend asking Drifty from Driftwood Gaming xP, he's really good at figuring that stuff out)
I think we're either not smart enough to figure out (or maybe it's because it's too late in the evening/morning) D: but it'll work out somehow, i still dont get why its working with an airship but not with a normal ship. There's surely something blocking the event D: but anyway I'm sure someone will figure out soon what to do so don't worry :P


Praised Adventurer
Well funny, becouse i have already asked him and he didnt reply. He made a video on how to do it with an airplane, thou its doesnt work with an ship. But he is really good a doing these kind of things. But thanks that you worry about my project :D
Have you tried contacting him on his website He's set up a whole "special requests" section on there for reasons like this xP. If he don't catch it someone else will.

I think we're either not smart enough to figure out (or maybe it's because it's too late in the evening/morning) D: but it'll work out somehow, i still dont get why its working with an airship but not with a normal ship. There's surely something blocking the event D: but anyway I'm sure someone will figure out soon what to do so don't worry :P
I'll see if I can crack it heh, but yeah not sure why that way doesn't work. It should literally be as simple as calling a parallel common event transfer when a button is pressed or however you want them to enter it. I got connections xD I'll see if I can get their attention to this idea for yas.

As for TOTL, got the white screen error fixed, and am redeploying the single exe version now with the hopes that nothing else is wrong lol.
I was trying to let the player go inside of his ship but it does not work properly :(
I'll see if I can crack it heh, but yeah not sure why that way doesn't work. It should literally be as simple as calling a parallel common event transfer when a button is pressed or however you want them to enter it.
I think I've partially managed to do this, but haven't pursued into it too much.

Rather than focusing on the vehicle itself, Set Vehicle Location first (temporary autorun/parallel event). Create a "dummy" event with the vehicle graphic in the spot you want it to appear. Transfer to the interior map. If you want the player to control the ship, swap the actual vehicle with the dummy event with Set Event Location (setting its graphic to a blank one). Add a Get On/Off Vehicle command. And then when you exit the vehicle, the opposite applies (swap vehicle with dummy ship event, then move the vehicle out of sight; probably need another Get On/Off Vehicle command).

I don't know if this'll help or not (or if it's completely appropriate), but that's how I'd do it. Perhaps someone could work on that principle and see if it works, as I don't have too much time to bash this out right now.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Ok, so Mr.Anderson and me skyped for like three hours yesterday and found the mistake xD Still, getting out of the ship is pretty troublesome. And sometimes weird errors occur? Urgh it just leads to more problems ewe. Well, the main problem was that get on/off vehicle doesn't seem to work on every terrain or under any circumstances. Anyways thanks @LTN Games for helping with the project though :D I'm pretty exhausted from school now but I'll get my hands on your projects on the weekend, (if I'm lucky. Rip).

Sorry doctor for ranting so much throughout our conversation :D I'm usually like that
Ok, so Mr.Anderson and me skyped for like three hours yesterday and found the mistake xD Still, getting out of the ship is pretty troublesome. And sometimes weird errors occur? Urgh it just leads to more problems ewe. Well, the main problem was that get on/off vehicle doesn't seem to work on every terrain or under any circumstances. Anyways thanks @LTN Games for helping with the project though :D I'm pretty exhausted from school now but I'll get my hands on your projects on the weekend, (if I'm lucky. Rip).

Sorry doctor for ranting so much throughout our conversation :D I'm usually like that
Well @Cunechan its...not really working xD Ive posted something now in the help section so that i dont spam this thing full with my problem :) ( I can imagine your face cunechan xD I have that face too right now )