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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


Praised Adventurer
Today I've gotten quite a bit done in Tales of the Lumminai! With several new options opening up for me, my time being a little more freed up, and a newfound inspiration boost for it, I've managed to wrap up 3 new maps, 3 new side quests, and a load of character development bits! The Aurora Peaks Base map is finished and perfected, and with it the bridge repair side quest, intro to gethering, and many other fun things (and references heheh). I've gone ahead and added in a bunch of bgm and audio to make things a bit less silent lol (these will most likely be changed later once we have our OST finished). And then there's the characters xP, Drifty, Lori, Bungee, Lukas, Tyrella, and Deru have all been added. I'm still working on Ekito, but he's not far from finished as well. (These characters won't actually be encountered till later but I have their design and story put in place xD). Whew...I was on FIRE!!! lol but yeah the next build isn't far off now, just some minor things I have to fix up and add in and then test it all! Almost to version .56!


Today I've gotten quite a bit done in Tales of the Lumminai! With several new options opening up for me, my time being a little more freed up, and a newfound inspiration boost for it, I've managed to wrap up 3 new maps, 3 new side quests, and a load of character development bits! The Aurora Peaks Base map is finished and perfected, and with it the bridge repair side quest, intro to gethering, and many other fun things (and references heheh). I've gone ahead and added in a bunch of bgm and audio to make things a bit less silent lol (these will most likely be changed later once we have our OST finished). And then there's the characters xP, Drifty, Lori, Bungee, Lukas, Tyrella, and Deru have all been added. I'm still working on Ekito, but he's not far from finished as well. (These characters won't actually be encountered till later but I have their design and story put in place xD). Whew...I was on FIRE!!! lol but yeah the next build isn't far off now, just some minor things I have to fix up and add in and then test it all! Almost to version .56!
Not my project but I design a new tileset for Silence :P Good luck on your project

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
In the last few days I been working on Sock Quest for an hour or so here and there. I been away from it for so long that I need to get back into the swing of things, remember switches and the map flow, so I been doing that. I noticed during my playtest that the distance from point A to point B with the story elements of the game is rather quick so I decided to create a few extra maps in between to make it feel larger and adds the possibility to add more things to do, more secrets, more items, puzzles etc.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
In the last few days I been working on Sock Quest for an hour or so here and there. I been away from it for so long that I need to get back into the swing of things, remember switches and the map flow, so I been doing that. I noticed during my playtest that the distance from point A to point B with the story elements of the game is rather quick so I decided to create a few extra maps in between to make it feel larger and adds the possibility to add more things to do, more secrets, more items, puzzles etc.
YassI'm looking forward to thisss~ By the way, internet got better here than the last days (probably because it was weekend) and I have more or less time to lend you a hand ouo atleast for the next days, so tell me if you need anything.

I've managed to make a pixel bust for my friend's game~

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Awesome! I'm working on organizing everything in a word document, I'm new to working with a team so I want to make sure everything is organized with the current state it's in. Once this is done though(hopefully tomorrow) I'll start asking the team for help, I'll have a google drive ready with everything in it so anyone can download the current version and check it out. Should be fun!


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Awesome! I'm working on organizing everything in a word document, I'm new to working with a team so I want to make sure everything is organized with the current state it's in. Once this is done though(hopefully tomorrow) I'll start asking the team for help, I'll have a google drive ready with everything in it so anyone can download the current version and check it out. Should be fun!
okidokie :D Don't stress yourself too much, it'll be fine~ Can't wait till tomorrow(cute)(uhh)
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Praised Adventurer
...I'll have a google drive ready with everything in it ...
I'd leave the Google Drive bit alone for now; it's been 'down' for the last couple of hours. Quite unusual; I was wanting to upload a new Demo, but it's all gone to pot for the moment. I hope this outages doesn't last too long.
Just sayin'.
[doublepost=1470695775,1470684249][/doublepost]A short one this evening, as I've already posted details twice elsewhere on the Forum..! Suffice it to say that, following suggestions and comments received, I've created a different format for the Rachdale Cheese Demo, giving it an introductory graphic Map Menu, allowing the visit to several of the locations in the Game, all set up as if one had come through the regular process. The result can be seen in the Demo section, of course, although Google Drive is playing up this evening; I had one heck of a time getting the uploads done. Anyone interested can try out the Web version (if Google is working properly...), or download the 'zipped' Windows or Mac versions for local running. That is all; time for bed.


Towns Guard
Nothing physically added but thinking about changes to damage algorithms and attribute mechanics. Would like to split attack back up to the XP way of doing things where your actors/enemies have a strength stat, that is your character's attribute, and then your weapon has a separate attack attribute, that combines with strength. Since this also utilises your level as part of the algorithm it means for enemies to use that attack skill means that I'll have to add the enemy level script and possibly the enemy class script to introduce some variety to enemies and give them attribute curves.

Being thinking through other game mechanics too that I want to add, like more flexible skill targeting. Basically so unless I actually the design the skill so, any skill can be single or multi target if the equipment allows it. Other includes modifying the guard/defend command so it blocks damage based on an armour penetration attribute. A character having an armour pen of 0% means all damage is blocked. A character having an armour pen of 75% (or whatever I set the cap at), will have 75% of normal damage get through. Skills might be exempt from being affected by armour pen, or might just have a base armour pen and ignore the cap. No idea how magic will affect it though.

Finding OneNote incredibly handy for organising my project ideas/planning.


Praised Adventurer
An interesting day today; not particularly productive in the sense I would have liked, but useful. I have learned that Google Drive Hosting is to end at the end of this month (31st August...), and so spent a fair while tracing, then setting up, an alternative. A bit 'fiddly' (a technical term...), but simple and rapid enough, and now my Rachdale Cheese Demo and Teaser are both hosted there. It's far too soon to know if the new host is reliable and flexible; I'll find out in the next few weeks, but as the current hosting is to disappear, it had to be done. If anyone has other hosting tips (the Firebase system I've adopted is free, with only slight limitations that don't affect my modest needs...), feel free to put them forward, so that all may benefit. I have, of course updated the relevant links in my posts in the Demo section of the forum..!
So, no real advancement of the Game, but I'm glad that I found out in time, before having to panic or wonder why the Google links no longer worked.
The 'zipped' Windows and Mac versions, for download and local running, are not affected, and can stay on my Google Drive, at least for now.
Not too bad a day, then, all things considered.
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Praised Adventurer
All the exterior maps in TOTL now have light ray overlays during the daytime xD and a gentle fog at night (in some of them). The light rays don't glimmer as of this time but it's something I will likely set up later. Aside from adding all that in, I've modified the hidden cave in the Deda Woodland maps and it now has the first "treasure" dig site in the game heh. Literally all that's left now is a small side quest and setting up the audio for a couple more maps.

After this build, I'm prolly gonna do some serious database work for the equipment in the game so it's more organized heh. As it is currently it's a really messy place lol. But yeah, having that organized with the new ideas I've generated for the gear will help a lot. I'll have to re-edit some tool tips and such too but nothing difficult so shouldn't be a challenge at all. xD I'll prolly have this build wrapped up sometime this week, and be testing it after that. If all goes well the updated demo will be uploaded here as usual. (Definitely looking forward to some feedback from those who've followed this project from the start since I've changed quite a bit with it for the better.) My major goals for the next build is chapters 4-5 at least, and animating the historical intro to the game (I want it to show what a Lumminai is as it passes through the Rift of the Parallels into the world of Oricai xP. I have this neat animation idea for it....figuring out how to make it work will be a whole new challenge in itself lol). But yeah, literally just that small bit of stuff left for this 0.56 build!
[doublepost=1471196368,1470785059][/doublepost]Well, today was a long one! I ran through some more testing on TOTL's newest version and found a few bugs. We now have the gold bug fixed as well as a working save core plugin! By all means, the game is ready for demo release .56 but there's a few things I want to situate with it before packing and uploading it for public testing.

On another note, I created this amazing tribal outfit for Lori (our bastikin lone survivor character). Being as she trades for her clothes it's rather tattered and worn from common use by the tribals she trades with. I managed to reflect the appearance perfectly lol. (A Fire Emblem easter egg comes with this neat character's history lol as she uses a gem to transform just like the beast stone in Fire Emblem).

Anyhow, that's pretty much all I got done lately. TOTL is in a testing phase atm so won't be adding too much into it heh mostly bug fixes for now. After this version I'll get the next big section added in, and with that I'm revamping Weshrain to be a larger city since it's basically the early game hub lol. I feel it's far too small for that right now so will be enlarging it in that update. Along with that will be skill and item/gear fixes now that I have a solid theme for all that lol (it's kinda a mess currently because my ideas changed from the original items and equips). So, without further ado, gaze upon my newest gen part creation xP
Might be a bit hard to see but it should give you the idea of what the outfit is. Currently it's a TOTL exclusive so unavailable anywhere heh. That may change in the long run but for now I'm satisfied with this so wanna keep it exclusvie xD. This is my tribal outfit for that character, but I can recolor everything on it in the generator and use it for the other tribals she trades with as well.


Praised Adventurer
If I may take the word 'project' from the title of this thread in a wider sense, I've spent the last few days avidly reading through posts here and elsewhere, increasing my (still feeble...) knowledge of the possibilities and limitations of MV, and shall continue to do so. Many of the questions posed are beyond my understanding, but I am becoming ever more able to recognise elements of the subject, and have even deigned to reply to a few, modestly offering a solution. This, in turn, has provoked further dialogue, and even further deepening of my knowledge. I'm not too proud to admit, too, that I have been known to make mistakes, either in my interpretation of the question, or in the technicality of my proposition..! I'm still at the beginning of the learning curve in many respects, but it's fun and interesting, edging forward, albeit slowly.
As for my own Project, it's been updated to 1.3.1, of course, and I'm going through it once again, correcting tiny detail errors, or re-vamping certain parts in the light of newly acquired competence. I've a couple of choices to make in the near future concerning the next stages of the scenario, and prefer to cogitate a while before committing, as it will be difficult (and frustrating...) to take a wrong turn at this stage. I may even decide to create a voluntary forking in the story, to allow two or more outcomes; we'll see. Meanwhile... Onward and upward...
[doublepost=1471390168,1471265898][/doublepost]A bit of fun, today, in attempting to master the 'Farm' functionality, using only Events. I've followed the excellent, and very complete, videos available on the subject which go into great, repeated detail, and are therefore quite long. Still, the essentials are there; it only remains to put them into practise. More modest than those demonstrated (I won't be needing dozens of plants; just a few...), it still needs fairly careful preparation, so I'll have a go at doing just one for now, in a 'test-bed' Project. I'm still debating with myself (and am therefore assured of winning the debate..!) as to how, exactly, to incorporate this into my Game; I'll leave that decision until later. The solution may well come during a good night's sleep, of course; that often happens when there's something being dwelt upon. Our subconscious does the job for us..!
Now then, Carrots, Cabbages or Wheat..? And where to find 'ploughed field' Tiles..? Hmm...


Praised Adventurer
Today has been a frustrating portion of the testing phase for TOTL. costume items don't even work when they're set up perfect in every way (honestly no clue why they don't work x.x). Second, after spending several hours test playing and fixing things along the way, I bump into my Ranch maps....where there is now this annoying black covering my tiles until I walk over them....which should never be a thing because they're just regular map tiles....with nothing special....and I don't have any fog of war plugins (as that's how this acts). It's only like that on those maps.

Then after ignoring those two major things and being unable to complete the costume quest because of that, I started doing the Esra chain of quests for her, which all work fine. The problem I had though was that my event pages were ordered wrong so I had to go back and rearrange each and every one of those....(I only recently learned that the higher number page goes first unless it's conditions aren't met so that's why such a mistake was made heh). I finished all of those, only to get the ring and realize....there's no way to leave now because I still have the key I used to unlock the cellar for the ring....ugh x.x So I went back and put all of the needed stuff in to allow myself to give the key back to Esra and explain a bit about what I found in the Cellar and that she should read the journal down there when she's ready to learn the truth about her father's disappearance....Then I stupidly cancel the event instead of confirming it....losing ALL that progress....and immediately after MV hectic day and I am so done for now lol.

But on the plus side, I've uncovered literally like 40 game breaking issues (caused mostly by event page ordering...which never actually was a problem before as weird as that sounds). Those are all fixed now and you can definitely get through all three current Chapters now too xD. I've tested the main story through those and it was perfect. I did have to adjust some skills and boss parameters though but it wasn't anything too difficult. It all boils down to the side quests that have small issues in them now (and the costume one which for some reason the items won't call the common event they're programmed to call....) I'll continue the last bit of testing prolly tomorrow and after that I should be 100% able to play through every bit of content. I did test my gathering tools xD and it did break after 5 uses and remove the tool so that system works flawlessly now heh.
Now then, Carrots, Cabbages or Wheat..? And where to find 'ploughed field' Tiles..? Hmm...
You can find one really good "plowed tile" from one of Pandamaru's farm sets. Celianna also has a really good whole farm set for MV. There's several others, but those are the only ones I can think of the names for off hand. xD Or you could ask me heh and I'll whip one up tailored to your precise idea (or as precise as I can heh). I got some time once this testing phase is finished to do such a thing should you want me to. (I'm sure others wouldn't mind having an extra tileset for it as well heh since one can never have too many farm tiles and I did already make a ranch set that would go with it)


Praised Adventurer
Today has been a frustrating portion of the testing phase for TOTL...
Let it be understood that the 'Like' was not for the frustration, it's just that there's no 'Commiseration' or 'We've all been there' option, and using 'Funny' seems inappropriate, too, despite the lightweight tone of the narrative. The positive side is the finding and correction of past errors; always satisfying. There's doubtless a very simple explanation for the Costumes not doing as expected, and also the strange behaviour of the Tiles, but, until that explanation in found, there's a lot of head-scratching..! Often a run around the local park helps to clear away cobwebs; oxygen has an important role to play in our use of grey matter. All will become clear in time (but it can be a long wait, sometimes..!
Thanks for the tip re: Farm Tiles; I'll see what I can drum up. It's only for trials for now, so should be easy enough to find something suitable; if not, I'll be back...


Praised Adventurer
Let it be understood that the 'Like' was not for the frustration, it's just that there's no 'Commiseration' or 'We've all been there' option, and using 'Funny' seems inappropriate, too, despite the lightweight tone of the narrative. The positive side is the finding and correction of past errors; always satisfying. There's doubtless a very simple explanation for the Costumes not doing as expected, and also the strange behavior of the Tiles, but, until that explanation in found, there's a lot of head-scratching..! Often a run around the local park helps to clear away cobwebs; oxygen has an important role to play in our use of grey matter. All will become clear in time (but it can be a long wait, sometimes..!
Thanks for the tip re: Farm Tiles; I'll see what I can drum up. It's only for trials for now, so should be easy enough to find something suitable; if not, I'll be back...
Heh yeah it's a hectic process when you bump into things that should work but don't x.x. I have had nothing but problems this time around through the testing so it's been really rough for me and almost disappointing at the amount I've run into when I thought it was all perfect after making it. But the good note is that it's all fixed except for the newest addition of "things that don't work when set up correctly!" and that odd black glitch that's happening on that one set of maps. Not sure I can actually do anything about the black thing, but I've asked for assistance with the costume items and that person's usually extremely knowledgeable about these things (since he's the one who fixed my gold bug I had going on as well as my save core bug....). My guess on that is it's somehow interfered with a plugin or something I'm unaware of. But literally, that's the only things holding it back from a public playable 3 of 7 chapter demo. Considering all I've added in, it's not surprising things start breaking after. I prolly should have tested each section after I finished putting it in but I didn't have the time for it.

Also, for that farm tileset I mentioned, there was another really fitting one too. that's what it looks like, but the tileset has only numbers as a name so idk who made it. But it has everything from seeds to watered soil to chickens lol. Definitely a good one for a simplistic farming setup that is.


Praised Adventurer
Not bad; not bad at all, today. Nothing really spectacular, mind; just a reasonable day's working through this Farming lark. Having got the fundamentals firmly ensconced in what's left of the Old Grey Matter, I boldly went ahead and created a Plot. Yes, just one, for now, and I'm glad I did.
Having scoured the web for resources, I finally settled on Celianna's fine set for starters, although they needed scaling up to fit the MV Tileset format of a 48 grid. Thank you, Photoshop. The graphics were then carefully arranged into a Tileset, using a handy template from Xyphien. These Tiles allow for several stages of growth, so I dutifully expanded my Event to encompass these extra graphics. All very well, but an extra load of Switches are required to handle them. Ok, not a huge problem; however, this fine set has also a wide variety of plants (sixteen in all; yes, sixteen, count'em..!). The choices to be made are therefore augmented: which seeds, which graphic, watered or dry..? All of this has to be prepared individually for each Plot. I only managed to set up Turnips and Carrots, for two plots. Not bad; not bad at all...
I then turned my attention to the later post from Sinnistar (above...) indicating yet another source for Farm crops. Aha..! Only four crops, eh..? I think that, at this stage of my reflections, they will suffice amply, until I can come up with a more sophisticated way of handling all of the Variables and Switches involved in sixteen crops. As a bonus, they are, also, very nice graphics, so I'll not really be sacrificing that aspect, merely for commodity's sake. I now realise just why a 'plug-in' solution would be more elegant; it's extremely fastidious (and prone to error...) doing this with simply Events on any great scale. Still, who was the dolt that chose to go down this route in the first place, eh..?

So... Result..! I've a couple of working Plots, relatively easy to scale up (modestly, but with several growth stages, just the same...). Here's a screen shot...
It's only the bottom left of each plot that 'grow', the rest are there for effect, for the moment. Not bad; not bad at all...


Praised Adventurer
I'd say those turned out pretty well yeah heh. xD There's a bunch of good ones out there that make making a farm system pretty easy if going by simplistic effects that is heh.

As for TOTL today, I managed to fix the costume items simply by rearranging the common event page to be based on rather of not the switch is OFF first instead of ON, which for some reason solved it lol so I'm not complaining. On top of that, I've added the segment to complete Esra's side quest and finally get out of her unintentional prison of a Ranch House xP. Sad story in that entire chain....poor girl. But yeah, now I can properly move on to the mess that is Chapter 3's events as I'm sure I'll run into many issues! But yeah, that's all that's left!

Still idk about what causes the black thing but it's not too bad since it's just the one map....annoying yes, but not game breaking as the tiles it blocks out are there and they appear when you get close to them so still playable there. I'll continue to look into what may be causing that.


Praised Adventurer
Not too much, today. I have about a dozen Projects non-archived at the moment (ongoing Games and Demos, test-beds, try-outs for various techniques ...), and decided to update all of them to the very latest 1.3.1. No glitches, all went well; it helps not having plug-ins and the like to worry about.
I'm also playing with another notion, provoked by my Farm trials (and successes...). I'd like to scale it up, using Script calls to change the Variable and Switch references. I've worked out how to reference a Variable ID by using another Variable ('$gameVariables.value($gameVariables.value(3))!==0', where '3' is varied depending on the Variable I wish to test...), but have not managed to get the same method to work for altering the value of a referenced Variable. I've got '$gameVariables.setValue($gameVariables.Value(3),$gameVariables.Value($gameVariables.Value(3))-=1)' so far, where I'm trying to subtract '1' from the Variable referenced in Variable '3'. 'Undefined is not a function' is the laconic (and, to me, unhelpful...) error message, and, as can be guessed, my js knowledge is skimpy, at best. Still, I'll struggle on, as I'm sure there's a way forward. Once I crack this, I'll have a go at arrays, as there's gold in them thar hills, too, I'm certain (although it could be weeks, rather than hours, before the penny drops...


Praised Adventurer
Today I altered many enemies that were too big for being battlers in TOTL. I didn't like how they overlapped each other in the battle encounters. I replaced several placeholders with the semi-final versions of those enemies. I went ahead and tried testing the last bit heh, but got slammed with "Paralysis" and couldn't progress because I was permanently stunned. (There's something wrong with Yanfly's CTB system if the state is set to remove by actions and the characters can't "act" so it's a permanent stun because of that. To fix it, I just changed it to be removed by 2% damage which should do fine. It's not meant to last very long xP). And so, after fixing that up, the dialogue and events of the main section there went along great! I got through that and did Glasses' side quest heh and was able to enter Venfey which is the last section of the current version! So as far as I can tell, everything works now. But however, I still need to add in the rest of the farming nodes (but I know the way I have them set up works heh so no problems there). With that out of the way I can upload version 0.58 for public testing xP so really really soon now!


Praised Adventurer really really soon now!
(Sounds of fingers drumming rhythmically on a rather resonant table, and foot-tapping, less rhythmic but more expressive...
[doublepost=1471735066,1471653553][/doublepost]A bit of a novelty this evening. I had a bit of spare time and a few notions to try out, and so composed a short BGM piece. My little experiment over, I then thought 'What to do now with this piece..?' The answer came swiftly upon me like a ton of bricks (well, Ok, that's a bit of an exaggeration; Lego bricks, then...): I could post it here in the 'Resources' section..! No sooner said than done. After careful re-read of the Resource rules, and a few minutes of upload time, my 'Modern, Happy' piece is now available for all and sundry to lend an ear to (I found out, in passing, how to embed Soundcloud links...), with another link to my Google Drive if anyone happens to be in need of such a tune. Quite a good day, all things considered.