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Stand For Something ~ MinisterJay

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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
What? You thought I was done with just one list?

> Under what circumstances would you ban a member instantly?

> You’re unsure of how many warning points to assign a member. What do you do?

> Do you think you will have any problems giving out a warn or ban? It’s easy to say you’ll do it, but will you have any hesitation?

> You realize you’ve given out an undeserved punishment. What steps would you take to resolve this?

> You notice an issue on the forum, but neither of the admins are available to fix it. What do you do?

> You and another staff member disagree on how to interpret a rule. How and where do you discuss this?

> How will you prioritize looking through the forum? Will you look at everything, or try and focus on one section?

> You ask 2 members to take a discussion into PM, but they refuse, and direct their anger at you. What happens next?

> You find that a banned member comes back with an alternate account, but they’re following the rules now. What do you do?

> BONUS: Name 3 of my 5 favorite animals. :)


Staff member
Thanks @Amysaurus for providing that divider. That previous reply was getting long. I am currently working on your first set. (smile)
[doublepost=1454366716,1454362497][/doublepost]@Amysaurus Batch One Questions:

AMY: A member is obviously angry with you, but is very passive-aggressive about it over the forums. None of their posts look mean/angry to other users or staff members, however. What do you do to resolve this?

I would send the member a courtesy PM.

Hi FourmMember,

What have I done something to offend you? Through my actions or responses, please let me know, what caused it. Did I respond sarcastically towards you, or in a many of disrespect? Let me know what I done. I apologize for upsetting you, and would like to know what I have done. If I have not done anything to upset you towards, just treat this message as one that I wanted to make sure everything was OK. Have an awesome day.


AMY: Rank these in order of importance (as they apply to this forum), and explain your reasoning: greeting members, following rules, keeping active, participating in events. I won’t accept an answer of “all are equally important”, however, you can explain to me why you think they should or should not be.

> 1. [RULE 5 Violation] A member starts hijacking a thread with their own questions and ideas - what do you do, and how? Within the thread, I put a reminder that everybody needs to stay on topic. I also state that if any has questions and ideas not relating to this topic to please start a new thread. If after this, the member continues to hijack the thread, I send a PM. In the PM, I follow the positive/negative/positive format. Within the negative portion, I remind them that Rule #5 is to stay on topic. Bringing up questions and ideas not within original thread post is getting off topic.

> 2. [RULE 5 Violation] A member goes off into an off-topic tangent, but makes one relevant comment at the bottom of their post. How do you respond to this? Within this thread, I put a reminder that everybody needs to stay completely on topic, and that having just one small part addressing the topic does not qualify. If after this, the member continues to just put a small part near the end of the replies regarding the topic, I send a PM. In the PM, I follow the positive/negative/positive format. Within the negative portion, I remind them that Rule #5 is to stay on topic. Bringing up questions and ideas not within original thread post is getting off topic. Adding a short qualifying statement at the end of the reply does not make the entire reply legitimate.

> 3. [Courtesy PM, Help] What do you do to help a member who speaks very little English? If they were having a lot of difficulty speaking English, I would send them a PM. I would write in English first, and use an online translator to assist if I did not find one of my Filipino, Spanish, French, Portuguese, or German friends to translate it for me. Some have been trained in ESOL (English for Speakers of Other Languages) classes. With our Internet resources and contacts, we can assist this member navigate and express their thoughts better.

> 4. [Courtesy PM, Difficult to Read] A member keeps typing in ALL CAPS or 1337 5p34k, and members are starting to complain. What do you do, and how? I send the person a courtesy PM. Here are sample of two PM:

Hello ForumMember,

I want to thank you for being active in our discussions.

Did you know that for some members it is hard to read words that are in ALL CAPS? Other view ALL CAPS as a way to express screaming. For the comfort of our members, could you please not use ALL CAPS, and modify your current post? If your keyboard is stuck in this mode, please let me know, and we will see how we can assist you.

I look forward to seeing more of you post.

Have a nice day,


Hello ForumMember,

I can see that you have had the privilege and skill to learn 1337 5p34k.

You and I may know that it stands for Elite Speak. We do have members that do not understand it. We have a growing number of members that do not have English as their primary speaking language. They may understand how to read on language, but numbers for letters may be very confusing for them. It is understandable to use it every now and then, but not nearly all the time. I am erquesting you to limit the amount of Elite Speak that you use, for the benefit of all our members.

Maybe you can create a thread in the Forum Games, so we can all join in with you in 1337 5p34k.

Looking forward to that game,

> 5. [Courtesy PM, Reaching Post Requirements] A member is obviously responding to several posts just to up their post count, but their posts aren’t technically spam. How do you respond to this? I send the member a PM simarly to this one.

Hey ForumMember,

You have become really active lately and that is a good sign.

I have read some of your replies and discussions, and you have not violated any rules. This may be blunt, but are you posting a lot lately to get that next posting badge that you are so close to getting, or possibly reaching the requirements for our latest contest? These may look like short-term goals, but will you maintain the level of activity that you are showing us right now? Both of these goals could have been achieved, if you consistently read and replied to just the areas you are interested in. Another thing to look at is endurance. This does not apply for the posting badge, there is limitations on how high you can obtain by that alone. One of the requirements for winning the latest contest deals with a lot of writing. Will you be able to endure that?

It would be awesome if you remain this active, in regards to posting. You have a lot of valuable things to bring to us.

Take care,

> 6. [Courtesy PM, Concerned] You notice that an RT member isn’t being very friendly, but is still submitting their work on time. At what point do you contact their team leader with your concerns? Some people are just not friendly. It may be their personality; it may be caused by something unknown. Being part of the RT does not have a prerequisite to be friendly with anyone. It is a bonus if they are friendly. Friendly can be subjective too. What emotions are behind written words can be biased on readers experiences. Now if the person was normally friendly, and all of a sudden became unfriendly, that is different. I would send something similar to this courtesy PM. Only if there was severe issues, and they wanted me to be a mediator, would I bring it up to their RT Leader.

Hi RTMember,

I was just checking to see if everything was OK. If it is, wonderful. If not, I am here to talk about it. As a matter of fact, if it is none of my business and you tell me so, I will respect that too.

Have a good one,

> 7. [Ignore, Subjective and Possible Rumor] You find out that some members are saying nasty things about you over IM. What do you do about this? People saying nasty things about people happens, even among people who one may think is their best friend. It is over IM, Skype, PM, etc. and I am not invited to participate, it is none of my business. It starts overflowing into undermining within the forums, then it becomes my business.

AMY BONUS: What is my favorite dinosaur? Note: I honestly don’t remember if you can find this information on the forum.
On October 16th you said Brontosaurus.

PART TWO for @Amysaurus

> Under what circumstances would you ban a member instantly?
If a unfamiliar new member post kiddie porn, I would ban the member instantly. I have seen this as a group admin, in Social media. It has to be taken care of immediately. We have minors on this site, and many of those sites are heavily saturated with hostage viri.

> You’re unsure of how many warning points to assign a member. What do you do?
Almost every forum has a warning guideline set up for moderators and administrators. I would look at these guideline, and find which category, the member fell into. If after this, I am still unsure, I would discuss it with seasoned moderators.

> Do you think you will have any problems giving out a warn or ban? It’s easy to say you’ll do it, but will you have any hesitation? I have warned and banned in the past, which is a good indicator that I will do it again, if it is for the best interest of the forum.

> You realize you’ve given out an undeserved punishment. What steps would you take to resolve this? I have a history of turning myself in when I have realized that I was within compliance. I would apologize for doing or being inappropriate. I would notify the appropriate level of moderation/administration and accept the consequences.

> You notice an issue on the forum, but neither of the admins are available to fix it. What do you do? There is most likely a chain of command of how to resolve issues when neither admins are available. If it is within my delegated power and skill level to resolve, I will attempt to resolve it. If it is not, I will get with the other two moderators, and as a united front, attempt to resolve the issue.

> You and another staff member disagree on how to interpret a rule. How and where do you discuss this? There different options options for this. We can discuss it thoroughly through PM, and then if there is still a difference of interpretation, it can be brought to other staff members, through whatever means available for just them to discuss it.

> How will you prioritize looking through the forum? Will you look at everything, or try and focus on one section?

As a moderator, I would continue to follow my daily routines within the forum, with some modifications.

I. The first thing I check is Report notifications. One of our members has reported something, and I need to check out of what it is, and deem appropriate action, if any needed. If action is not needed, I would PM the person who sent the report, and explain why the post was not in violation.
II. The second thing I check is the PMs. Sometimes members have questions or concerns that they prefer to address privately.
III. The next thing I would do is do my walk around the forums.
A. I look for new notices made by administration. There may be new information regarding procedures or changes in the forum, that may be needed to know before checking rest of forum.
B. I quickly greet new members in Introductions.
C. I look at MV Support. I take note if there are Support issues that I can resolve. If the process would take too long, I put on my To Do list.
D. I look at Resources. Most things forgotten by members is small, so I add to the discussion stating something like:, “I am excited to see what your resource looks like. I think you would get more downloads and feedback, if we had a screenshot.” Not all moderations have to be official, they are many times, you taking care of members, and helping them out.
E. I take a look at what was new in each forum, including blogs and wikis. A little extra attention may be focused on new members, while they are learning the forum. They may have accidentally posted in the wrong area or made other mistakes, something almost all of us do and have done.
IV. I give administration a vary short update of what is going, without going into too much detail. If more detail is needed, they will asks. Likewise, if I start seeing patterns, I notify will notify the rest of the moderation team.
IV. While keeping the forums tab open, I look for sites where I can tell others about the so many features we have, while following the rules of that site. This is the recruiting and marketing part of the day.
V. Have fun reading and replying to the various threads.

> You ask 2 members to take a discussion into PM, but they refuse, and direct their anger at you. What happens next? I will send both of them individual PMs, with the same message, only MemberName being different.


I know that you have strong beliefs in your position.

I kindly asked you and ForumMember2 to bring it into PM. Now you have made angry statements towards me. This is a violation of Rule #2, no flaming, no harassment of others. Please put your discussion into PM, and I am temporarily removing the thread until bth side show they can discuss in a civil manner. Continued violation of these conditions will result in being warned, with appropriate points being awarded.

I look forward to all of us resolving this, and bringing it to a civil resolution.

Thank you for your cooperation,

> You find that a banned member comes back with an alternate account, but they’re following the rules now. What do you do?

I do not know if we have software capabilities to see if they are using the same IP address, and if we did, then we would have to make sure it was not a public computer, like at a library or school, with multiple members using them. (Saw this happen in a game forum before, a banned member and non-banned using same public computers.) Without proof unfortunately, we can do but do one thing wait. A person that was banned will eventually forget the new fake habits, and will slowly revert to old habits. Habit changing is not impossible, but very difficult. I would notify all staff to keep watch of this alternate account banned member.

> BONUS: Name 3 of my 5 favorite animals. :)
Rain frog, Canadian geese, and puffer fish.

MinisterJay said:
A seldom noticed forum member has gone beyond the call of duty. Please give us an example PM of what you might send them.
Here is an example PM that i might send them.

Hi AwesomeMember,

I noticed that you did a really awesome job throughout the forums. You have gone beyond the call of duty. What you did is an example of what a forum dedicated team player is all about. You demonstrated that you will do what it takes, and beyond, to get things completed, with easy to follow directions. I really look forward to seeing what more you have to say. This will not be forgotten.

Thanks for making our days better,
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Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
A member starts to act like a mini mod. (Telling people what to do) It starts to annoy other people but nobody's complained about her. It's clear she's being out of line but no rules are broken. What do you do?


Staff member
A member starts to act like a mini mod. (Telling people what to do) It starts to annoy other people but nobody's complained about her. It's clear she's being out of line but no rules are broken. What do you do?
Love this question Iron Croc.

Depending on how aggressive this self-appointed mini-mod is it could be a violation of Rule #2, harassing others, but I will not focus on that. Here is the PM that I would most likely send her.

Hi MissMiniMod,

I am glad to see that you love keeping structure within our forum.

This is unfortunately not one of your responsibilities. I have chosen to let you know this via PM, instead of publicly, where the mini-modding has occurred. Please discontinue telling others that they are breaking rules.

You can be a great assistance to us though. AT the bottom of each reply is a Report link. Let us know what you have seen, and that would be a great assistance. In a few months, we may have a moderation election, and you may have better chances, if you let us handle infractions, instead of yourself.

Thank you,

NOTE: @Iron Croc , this questions leads perfectly to one of my question reserves.

MinisterJay said:
How familiar are you with the Report link, and how often do you use it?
I am getting more familiar with it every week. When my eyes see something that looks out of place, that a simple courtesy note would not help in the discussion, I send a Report. If it does not qualify, the current moderator explains why it is compliant. If it does qualify, I can sometimes look to the side, and see that thread deleted, or later modified as needed.


Staff member
Oooo, I like that. :D

Here's another one:
What would you do if you found someone who ABUSES the report function?
A person who ABUSES the Report function has already continuously received PM feedback explaining that what they have sent was actually compliant. Here is a PM I would sen them to address this.


I have appreciated the assistance that you have given us so far.

There have been a high number of Reports coming from you that lacked support that the questionable thread violated any rule. I have some requests for you. Read and study the rules on these two links: and . Make sure that you understand them, and if you have any questions ask me about them. Take a few days break from making any Reports. During this time, get to know the rules really good. Next time, after the break, if you see a rule broken, notify us what specific rule was broken, and why it could not be resolved by a friendly courteous request. If after studying the rules, you still are not interpreting them correctly, we will request you not to use the Report Function at all.

I have confidence in you, that after you have studied all the rules, take a break, and implement the suggestions I gave for doing a Report that you will become the grat asset that we know you are.

Thank you,
MinisterJay said:

1. Who has the 4th most messages?
2. Who has the 3rd most positive ratings?
3. Who has the 11th most resources?
4. Who has the 2nd most Wiki contributions?
5. What is your current positive ratings positions rank? If rank is greater than 20, put 20+.
6. How many people are currently at 9th Level?
1. Xyphien
2. Xyphien
3. Xyphien
4. Amysaurus
5. 9th
6. 4
MinisterJay said:
1. Being a moderator, a leadership position for the forum, you have been put in charge of helping raise funds for the forum. What are some of your ideas?

2. A new members submits, in your opinion, a subpar resource. How would you handle this?

3. In the following screenshot, if there are any, name the Rules that are violated. In addition what else may be improper procedurally, but not against the rules.

1. A moderator being in a leadership position means that you lead by example. There are three things can be done, just within the borders of this forum. First, a donate or support/partner link can be put in your signature. Second, you can every now and then put a friendly reminder in the Profile Post. Third you can start or increase your personal level of donating/supporting/partnering. How to increase funding through outside manner indirectly deals with another question so....

2. I would leave this new resource contributor alone. I may find one thing positive aspect to remark on. With encourage and practice they may get better. It may also be one’s opinion. I have seen a resource that was heavily critiqued that it was an aweful example. That particular resource has more downloads than expected.

3. It violates Rule #3, because it advertises another web site. It violate Rule #5, because it is indeed off topic; this is the Forum Games section. It violates #7, because that signature is definitely over 300 pixels high. If this was directed to be a topic on religion, not advertising the funding of a mission trip, it would have to be moved to General Discussion, the only forum where non- forum related discussions may occur.
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Towns Guard
I'm having a minor issue that I'm pretty sure is only happening to me and is probably the fault if my primary browser (it's not happening in the others). Should I report this issue publicly (see whether others have the issue), send a PM to Xyphien (heads up) or should I not bother anyone about it (except you of course :D)?


Staff member
I'm having a minor issue that I'm pretty sure is only happening to me and is probably the fault if my primary browser (it's not happening in the others). Should I report this issue publicly (see whether others have the issue), send a PM to Xyphien (heads up) or should I not bother anyone about it (except you of course :D)?
Great question JibstaMan. What if was that specific browser? You might have been the first to realize it. I understand why you might not want to report it; I have had corrupted browsers before. If you did not have a second computer to test the browser on, I would actually recommend sending the issue to Feedback, Suggestions, and Help, and also give a courtesy PM to a moderator or admin. If it is an issue on the forum or server end, you would have greatly helped the community. If it is an issue with your browser with that specific computer, someone here may be able to assist you with that.


Praised Adventurer
While you were offline a member started harassing a fellow mod and this mod reacted by publicly arguing back with the member (not saying one of our mods would do this, maybe this one was hired after you). At this point you get on, things are getting out of hand rather quickly and you are the only other staff member online. How do you react to the situation?


since you mentioned law, how much do you know about licenses?

can we come to you with questions such as "can i use CC-BY-SA 3 licensed assets in my commercial game"?


Staff member
Thanks, I tested it on my "non-developer computer" and it works just fine (same browser, same version, same OS). So I guess I don't need to bother anybody!
Good question Akod. I immediately would send out two PMs simial to these.

Dear FellowMod,

I am working on you having a much better day. Thanks for being online for most the night.

It is unfortunate that you were harassed by HarassingMember. I will be dealing with that member separately. I am hear to remind you that you are part of the leadership team. By being part of the membership team, we are held at a higher level of accountability. What you were dong was publicly. We never argue with anybody publicly in the forums. Before bringing this before admin, I am going to give us all a chance to resolve this now. Even though you were harassed, you still need to apologize to HarassingMember for being unprofessional in the forums.

I have confidence in you doing what you need to do to clean up your side of this challenge.


Dear HarassingMember,
I appreciate what you have done for this forum, and am working on making your day better.

It is unfortunate that you were part of the public debate with FellowMod. I am currently working to get a resolution from both sides. I have looked at the forum remarks that you were making towards FellowMod. You would not let off, and that is harassment, a violation of Rule #2. Before deciding what corrective action I will issue, I am giving you an opportunity to make amends. Even though you may feel that you have been wronged, you still need to apologize to FellowMod for harassment.


@Akod. Even if both sides were to apologize, both sides would need corrective action. The apologies may lesson the warning points issued. Since there was moderator involvement, I would team up with other moderator and/or administrators to assist in this manner.
since you mentioned law, how much do you know about licenses?

can we come to you with questions such as "can i use CC-BY-SA 3 licensed assets in my commercial game"?
Haha Neothany, Anybody can come to me with a question, and I will answer it to the best of my ability, or find someone who knows more. I am actually a Law School and MBA tutor, and you asked a question that students may potentially asked me. In CC-BY-SA3 licenses, I have basic knowledge, but not advanced. My complete understanding is yet limited.

There are some challenges with using CC-BY-SA3 licenses. You can sell your game, but you can't stop others from using the same licensed assets in their game. All they have to do is have the same license. The license applies to the intellectual property of the assets. They mainly give you the permission to share and modify the assets. Sharing includes commercial activities, and is usually mentioned in the license.

To answer your question, you can use CC-BY-SA 3 licensed assets in your commercial game if you have the license.
MinisterJay said:
Knowing Forum Posting Rules ...

List the Rules that this post violates:
The scroll over for the forum mentioned anything and everything. It may be a semi-controversial topic, but currently there are no rules against it, and moderator has set guidelines. It is currently being warmly received by the participants.
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Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
With all of these serious questions, time for a... less-serious one.

Do you like pancakes?

Do you like pizza? If so, what are your favorite pizza toppings?


Staff member
With all of these serious questions, time for a... less-serious one.

Do you like pancakes?

Do you like pizza? If so, what are your favorite pizza toppings?
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, @Eien Nanashi . I was starting to get the 'not getting the fun questions, but they are jealous feeling."

I love pancakes. The love watching the butter melt, and slowly slide down the side, before I put on some syrup.

I like pizza. I wanted pizza last night, but we had leftover gumbo instead. I am hoping we get pizza tonight. My favorite pizza toppings is yes. My them all on it, so much that they fall off unto the plate with each bite.


Staff member
This is the most important question, so choose wisely: Team Amy, or Team LTN?
Hmmm. Let me check similar and contrasting interest interest. LTN and I both are active in MV Support. He and I are the top two posters. He is the Plugin Team Leader. I do not currently make plugins. You and I art in the Art field. We are both in the top four resource contributors. You are the Art Team Leader. My skills are not quite and the RT level yet, but you are being slowly wooed over by the very primitive 2D style. After putting a few more undisclosed variables in... Team Amy.


The tough one, sorry, but I need to get it off my mind! I've heard [several individuals] say that you may be a too "uptight" or "condescending" for the job. Honestly, I want to eliminate this assumption that seems to be growing around here and hear (see?) your defense on the matter. I can't imagine a Minister who dedicated his ENTIRE LIFE helping people to sit on his keyboard for 10 hours a day, simply using his superior age to thump on people's lack of experience or try to bombard them with blocks of text to make a point.

Anyways, I'm going to vote for you regardless. You have all the right answers and right mindset. The Staff could use a greatly experienced moderator like yourself in my opinion. :)


Staff member
@Macro and the rest of my fellow forummates.

I am not condescending. That means I do not think I am better than everybody else. We all have pluses and minuses, and when you put them all together, they balance out. All questions I have asked can be answered, and I have had to find the answers too. I love this forum, and yes I do have a compliant side. One advantage of being in forums for over 30 years, is that I have seen some unfortunately bad stuff happen to really good peoples and forums. Some of these exercises are to show what some of those real experiences that were exposed to me, and then letting us all look at different ways to address them. These exercises are also to prepare. @Macro , you hit the nail right on the head. It is out of the love of people and this forum why I want to serve even more. I am not 'looking' for problems and challenges; my eye just notices things that may not be obvious to see at first. When you love a forum, you protect it; it is non-fun compliance side most people hate to address. There are also fun sides. Assisting people is fun for me. I also like games, contests, new ideas. I love coming up with all kinds of ideas. Some of those do get shot down. Guess what? Some may get implemented. We are here to make this the best, most fun, and loving forum around. And I am honoured to be part of it. I stand for this loving and protecting this forum. We must stand for something. "If you do not stand for anything, you will fall for everything."

There are silly questions, on my notepad, too. I am waiting for each candidate to answer what has already been sent to them. Non-candidates, to not spoil it for the other candidates, can take a look at the last question I sent Kaimen. His answer did not match mine, but I loved his reply.

I love to address me being or not being uptight at this time by quoting what I told another candidate and will change one word to make it age appropriate. WARNING: You are opening this spoiler at your own risk. It may contain un-reversible graphic mental imagining. You are opening this at your own risk. The staff and this forum are not responsible for the contents hidden within. You have been warned.

Uptight. Me uptight? That uptightness paid for a nice vacation one time. My wife once shoved a piece of coal up my butt, and it came out a diamond.

Uptight. Me uptight? That uptightness paid for a nice vacation one time. My wife once told me to sit down, and I sat unkowingly on a piece of coal, and when I stood up a diamond was there.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@above: It's less about actually being uptight, and more about coming off that way. Long-winded posts, especially ones where you're trying to assist others, tend to make people feel like they're being lectured, which is likely where a lot of that impression comes from.

I used to be told I'm uptight fairly often, and I think a lot of that came from me being a bit verbose whenever I responded to others. At the time I was still kind of iffy on online communities, so I think I tried to make myself sound smarter around others. (snicker)

- - - - - - -

I'm sorry - I only have so many things to do while I'm sick! Seriously, hit me up. I'll draw you an apology dino. D:

> To what extent do you think moderators influence a community (i.e. what kind of an impact do they have)?

> What (in your opinion) is the best part about this community? Do you think it makes our community unique?

> What (in your opinion) is the worst part about this community? How do you think we can resolve that?

> What do you think is the most challenging part of being a moderator?

> You start to feel overwhelmed with work in the community - do you ask someone for assistance, or do you work through it yourself?

> An emergency strikes (maybe a huge argument, maybe someone spamming all over the forum), but you’re the only staff member on. Do you keep an eye on the situation until you have help, or do try and fix the situation yourself?

> Do you plan to start (or continue?) trying to advertise this community? If yes, on what platforms and how? If no, do you think that’s something a moderator should be expected to do?

> If at any point you had to pick a position to give up, would it be your spot on the Resource Team, or your spot as a moderator?

Perhaps the most difficult question…..
What is love?

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
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