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Stand For Something ~ MinisterJay

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Staff member
¿ʎɥʍ puɐ ɐǝʇ ɹo/puɐ ǝǝɟɟoɔ ɥʇᴉʍ ǝʌɐɥ oʇ ʇɹǝssǝp ǝʇᴉɹoʌɐɟ ɹnoʎ sᴉ ʇɐɥM
You named my favorite food group, black coffee. I wold love some beignets.
[doublepost=1454476178,1454475902][/doublepost]@Amysaurus here are your answers:

> To what extent do you think moderators influence a community (i.e. what kind of an impact do they have)?

Moderators have great influence on a community. Even in volunteer positions, in fun loving forums like this one, they are part of the leadership. Members looks up to them. It does not matter if a post is serious or silly, there is just something special about getting a like from a moderator. When a moderator states something on a post, watch out! Someone else may quote them, even if it is out of context. For new members, they up to the moderators to help them out.

> What (in your opinion) is the best part about this community? Do you think it makes our community unique?

In my opinion, it is the freedom that this forum allows us to have. It allows us to be a family, yet each be our own special person. There is just something about the spirit of this forum, and this old codger has seen a bunch in his days. It makes our community unique; you can feel it on the first day entering in. We are allowed to express ourselves as us, without being a bunch of carbon copies.

> What (in your opinion) is the worst part about this community? How do you think we can resolve that?

In my opinion, the worse part about this community is not having everybody embrace each other for who we are. So many want others to think like them. So many want free speech, but want to put restrictions on it. It would be nice to see some tolerance and acceptance that we do not all think the same. We can resolve that by letting people know that when there a diversity of views and ideas merged together, we can achieve unbelievable awesome visions. It was different people back the greater cause, the vision of the forum, that is when this will become resolved. It is achievable.

> What do you think is the most challenging part of being a moderator?

The most challenging part of being a moderator is reading what was written. Let me explain that. Sometime what was said in a sentence can have multiple meanings. We can even read the same paragraph over and over, and get slightly different interpretation each time. That is the time we ask a friendly question, to figure out what context the statement was meant as. This is especially true when we have different people from different cultures, and different languages, may have different interpretations.

> You start to feel overwhelmed with work in the community - do you ask someone for assistance, or do you work through it yourself?

When overwhelmed, I would ask for assistance from another mod, or if can be even helped with a staff member that specializes in that area. We are here to help each other out. Getting overwhelmed at work, and continuing to work alone could have detrimental results.

> An emergency strikes (maybe a huge argument, maybe someone spamming all over the forum), but you’re the only staff member on. Do you keep an eye on the situation until you have help, or do try and fix the situation yourself?

I would like to explain this in metaphorical language. There is an emergency, a big emergency. The forum is on fire, and I am one of the team leader fire fighters, but I am alone. As I approach the fire and see it is humungus, I 'call or text’ other team leaders, fire chiefs, and a few trained fire fighters. To the best of my abilities, I will attempt to put out the smaller fires that are feeding the larger fire. I am not going to let the fire get bigger. I am going to try to contain it and work inwards to defuse the fire. This may put out the entire fire, but the entire fire fighting team may be coming in to assist as needed.

> Do you plan to start (or continue?) trying to advertise this community? If yes, on what platforms and how? If no, do you think that’s something a moderator should be expected to do?

You called me out. I am already marketing, promoting, and recruiting for this forum. I have a strategy plan implemented, and am expanding it weekly. Some of my advertising is subtle. In the games area for the discussion area of Steam, I have listed two of my games. There is only one link and way to get those free games. They have to download it from here. My games are STORED here. With us having over 130 plugins and 100‘s of resources, I advertise this forum on social media groups. A good time to advertise is when someone asks where they can find XYZ. They are begging us to tell them here. I just got promoted in a RPG Maker social media group, and a major recruiting campaign is in its initial stages. I will give everybody another tip on free advertising for this forum. Many forums have two areas that you have most freedom with. Some have classified ad sections, and you can advertise this forum all you want. I advertised the Writing Prompt contest in a writing forum that I Modded almost 10 years ago. The second, even more lenient place is in your signature. I put a little banner or link to one of the events occurring here or a general banner.

Many may disagree, but as a moderator, you are a leader. Leaders go out and recruit new members. So yes, I expect moderators to advertise about our forum. If not, I will ask what are they embarrassed about; there is nothing embarrassing about our community.

> If at any point you had to pick a position to give up, would it be your spot on the Resource Team, or your spot as a moderator?

I am a writer, I am going to write. I will continue interviewing successful game designers, and others with the game industry field. I am more of a technical writer. I love writing. Stating that, it would be an honour to serve this community as moderator. If I had to pick a position to give up, it would be that of the Resource Team. Another reason I would give up is out of respect for my current Team Leader, Cate. She is a wonderful person to work with. In the past, I have had situations where I instantly out-ranked my supervisor. Work is possible, but the relationship is never the same. I work give up my Writing Team postion if I had to pick one.

I grew up in the 80‘s and you dare ask me perhaps the most difficult question…..

What is love?
Baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more
Baby, don't hurt me
Don't hurt me no more
What is love?
[doublepost=1454477337][/doublepost]@MinisterJay What can a banana cheerleader do that no other can do?
A banana split. (heart)


Staff member
What do you do if a member says they don't like dinosaurs?
Without using spoiler, to not hide my views on this, this is what I would do.

1. I would send a PM, Skype Message, and all available methods of communication, and send to @Amysaurus the following message:

***URGENT*** There has been a case of blasphemy on our beloved forum. I am shaking in disbelief and even heart broken. MemberName5uX0r2 said they do not like dinosaurs. My hands are shaking while typing. I am doing everything in my control to not hit the BAN button. The tears are hitting my keyboard, and I fear short-circuiting. Please help me in my time of need. ***URGENT***

2. I would screenshot the blasphemous thread.

3. I would move the thread into the Super Super Secret They Think it is Deleted Archives of Shame.

4. I would try my hardest to not roll up into a ball and hug myself.

This hypothetical situation has upset me so much that Baby Don't Hurt me is thundering within my head.


Staff member
Resource Team
This question goes past a mod a little bit. However, it is still a question that shows a lot about your character.

A member of your forum, or a forum you're an admin on applies to become a staff member. He has broken a few rules months ago, and the warnings are off, as well as you absolutely despise this person greatly. How would you handle his/her staff application?


Staff member
This question goes past a mod a little bit. However, it is still a question that shows a lot about your character.

A member of your forum, or a forum you're an admin on applies to become a staff member. He has broken a few rules months ago, and the warnings are off, as well as you absolutely despise this person greatly. How would you handle his/her staff application?
We all make mistakes. It is when we learn from them, we grow. Let’s say that a person has stolen some money two years ago. This person repays the money, and apologizes. They are not caught stealing again. As a matter of fact, this person starts donating to various charities. In addition, this person is an obnoxious Doberman’s Futball fan. They rub it in every time the team wins, especially when it is a win against out team the Tanners. This person applies to be a cashier for our business, and in fact is a human calculator and most others like his personality, most of the time. As a business owner, I would give this person a chance in the application process. Relating to a member applying to be a staff member, that I would be administrating, or advising administrator, I would say give the person an opportunity to be part of the application process. We do not know if there are other more or less qualified. If the warning have been off for a while, maybe they did change.

Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
Sorry if all of my questions are joke questions, I really just can't think of any serious ones that are good enough. XD

A leprechaun approaches you, asks you to give him some money. He does not state the reason why. What will you do?


Staff member
Sorry if all of my questions are joke questions, I really just can't think of any serious ones that are good enough. XD

A leprechaun approaches you, asks you to give him some money. He does not state the reason why. What will you do?
I will find the culprit behind this. I see now. It was stolen. I used brute force to recover his pot of gold. Unfortunately I had been cursed, and I turned the gold into straw. I get home, and my wife back-slaps be for whatever stupid thing I did. This reverses the curse. I return the gold to Kaimen, I mean the leprechaun. I go and touch a bail of hay, and then become sad. It was only a one-time use power. NOTE: There are witnesses to these events. (wink)
Me said:
Which of our candidates has answers that are just too darn long? And someone please tell this dude to use that SPOILER feature.
Minister Jay. I personally told him to use that SPOILER feature more often.


Dragon Goddess
this thread has become a very fun place to be!

let's see...a question, a question...


What is your campaign slogan?
If you had a mascot for your campaign, what would it be?


Staff member
this thread has become a very fun place to be!

let's see...a question, a question...


What is your campaign slogan?
If you had a mascot for your campaign, what would it be?
The Lingkod Campaign - MinisterJay is my campaign slogan.
My mascot is

The Wisps



Dragon Goddess
what's your favorite animal? (mythical or real)

what animal could you most be associated with? (rewording it: if you chose an animal to represent who you are, what would it be?)


Staff member
what's your favorite animal? (mythical or real)

what animal could you most be associated with? (rewording it: if you chose an animal to represent who you are, what would it be?)
My favorite mythological animal is the unicorn.

I can be most associated with the dragonfly.
MinisterJay said:
What nickname(s) have you enjoyed?
High School: Bird and Birdman
Military: Psycho, Squirrel Bait, and Norman
Door-to-door Steak Salesman and Life Insurance Agent: Preacha Man
Prison Guard and Home Construction: Old School
Last edited:

Eien Nanashi

Temporarily Goddamn Bright Yellow
I shall now call you Birdman.
Just kidding XD

I'm not good at asking questions, and the same kind of question may have been asked, but hey.

A member has contributed a lot, perhaps resources, donations, or quality posts. But then suddenly this member started to harass other members (or break other rules), but still contributes. What will you do to resolve this problem?


Staff member
I shall now call you Birdman.
Just kidding XD

I'm not good at asking questions, and the same kind of question may have been asked, but hey.

A member has contributed a lot, perhaps resources, donations, or quality posts. But then suddenly this member started to harass other members (or break other rules), but still contributes. What will you do to resolve this problem?
Really good question Eien. The job of the moderator is impartiality. We cannot be persuaded by a member's financial, resource, nor posts contributions. In all fairness, they have to follow the same rules as everybody else, and have to face the same consequences as any member would.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Question based on a true story...

As a moderator, you will be faced with very nice people, which sometimes praise you for what you do around the community. Then comes a time when you find a post that should be given a caution or a small warning to make sure the topic stays in line and does not break any rules. So you do this, you leave a very nice caution/warning message with mod speak to the user you have been praised by beforehand but then the user quickly gets upset, his nice attitude towards you has does an 180-degree flip, and is breaking Rule #2 in response to your post. What would be your steps to getting this member, and these posts under control?

Second Question....
A well-known member Is creating a Farewell/Goodbye post, stating in the post that he just does not like the way the community is handling certain situations and has numerous complaints but he does not directly tell anyone in the Farewell/Goodbye post about the problems he is having.

As a staff member, we should all be a bit concerned with the issues they’re having, our community strives to better itself, losing a member that is well known can be quite an impact in our community. If you become a moderator what sort of actions would you take when a member is leaving due to the way the community is handling certain situations?


Staff member
Question based on a true story...

As a moderator, you will be faced with very nice people, which sometimes praise you for what you do around the community. Then comes a time when you find a post that should be given a caution or a small warning to make sure the topic stays in line and does not break any rules. So you do this, you leave a very nice caution/warning message with mod speak to the user you have been praised by beforehand but then the user quickly gets upset, his nice attitude towards you has does an 180-degree flip, and is breaking Rule #2 in response to your post. What would be your steps to getting this member, and these posts under control?

Second Question....
A well-known member Is creating a Farewell/Goodbye post, stating in the post that he just does not like the way the community is handling certain situations and has numerous complaints but he does not directly tell anyone in the Farewell/Goodbye post about the problems he is having.

As a staff member, we should all be a bit concerned with the issues they’re having, our community strives to better itself, losing a member that is well known can be quite an impact in our community. If you become a moderator what sort of actions would you take when a member is leaving due to the way the community is handling certain situations?
To get the topic under control, I would temporary close it, and the original thread creator, that I am temporary closing it. I would send a PM to WuxPraizinMeMenber stating that this has quickly gotten on of hand and we together need to solve it immediately. Since this directly deals with, I would ask another mod or admin to issue the consequences. Makes me wonder what all that parsing was for...

Combo answer: People get unhappy with forums sometimes, and there are not any rules against people complaining about us. I would give this member a courtesy PM and ask them how we could better serve the forum. This may give us an opportunity to find out what is really bugging this member. If things are made better, I would ask them if they wanted the farewell thread deleted.


Dragon Goddess
PREEAAAAACHAAAA MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN I can see you now, with your magnificent cape and costume! The hero the forum needs...


on topic: Can you share one of your favorite experiences you've had on this forum?

joke: if you become our new mod, can you change your title to Preacha Man? at least for the first day? LOL (snicker)


Staff member
@Micro , I will now share with you and others my favorite experience on this forum.

One day, I gone through my normal ritual of checking various sections of the forums. I started to see the forum as a living community, as a living entity. It was growing everyday. There are so individual parts, members, that had similar and differing talents. All of these parts, were working together to help each other, and support each other. No function was greater than the other. All parts, all members, were equals, even though they had different skills and specializations. This forum, is a living growing entity, and its realization was a special moment for me.

(Nickname topic. The nickname Preacha Man was given to me, before I was ordained, or even thinking of being called to serve. The people had been given NO hint that I was going to be one, and we had never met before. They said they could see it in me.)


Staff member
Do you think moderating the RMMV Skype chat room is an important part of being a moderator?
If the RMMV Skype Chat Room is an official part of THIS forum, I would say yes. The challenges with Skype Chat, and other forms of chat, is that anybody can create unofficial groups, groups that seem official but are not, and other variations. If an administrator creates a RRMV Forums Skype Chat Room, specifically for its members, then yes, it falls under THIS forum's umbrella. When an area, regardless if it is a blog, a wiki, or other parts of THIS forum, including Official Skype Chat Group for THIS forum, I think moderation it is an important part of being a moderator.
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