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Stand For Something ~ MinisterJay

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Staff member
I STAND FOR each member's freedom of expression.
I STAND FOR each member's freedom of opinion.
I STAND FOR each member's freedom of creativity.
I STAND FOR keeping this forum fun and safe.

If you don't STAND FOR anything, you will FALL FOR everything.

Please STAND WITH me, and help keep this community SAFE and make it MORE FUN. Vote for me, MinisterJay, for our forum's Moderator.

(We can and will have a lot of fun, including following the rules created for this forum.)
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Staff member
Why do you use an avatar of a pirate (known to be pretty nasty people) but are actually a loving minister?
Awesome question. It is actually a half-orc, known to be historically some of the nastiness of fantasy races. It has to do with not judging by appearances. I have had that avatar since I was a Moderator for WritersBeat. It has had the "I'll be watching!" since then too. I also like to create stories where what is the typical mean race is the nice race: lovable orcs, axe-wielding elves, dwarven magi, etc. It goes along with accepting people for who they are, and appreciate their differences.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Do you think moderating the RMMV Skype chat room is an important part of being a moderator?
It's not a part of being a forum moderator. As far as I know, only sage has any sort of staff power in the chat. The most I've had to do is stop an argument.

- Do you regularly check for updates to the forum rules?
- Do you foresee your personal rules/values interfering with the forum rules?
- What forum rules do you think need changed, and why?
- A rule is changed, and suddenly you have to remove or edit some of your content. What do you do?


Staff member
Here is a recent interview between @Amysaurus , referred to as Amy and MinisterJay, referred to as MJ.

- Do you regularly check for updates to the forum rules?
MJ-Yes, I check on them regularly. There have been recent updates to keep track of.

Amy- Do you foresee your personal rules/values interfering with the forum rules?
MJ- No I do not seeing personal rules/values interfering with the forum rules. There is a diversity of values to respect, and not all see eye to eye. One of my rules is to use no profanity, but a small amount is allowed according to the rules. It is a personal rule, and not a forum rule.

Amy- What forum rules do you think need changed, and why?
MJ- I would like Rule #12 amended. Please add this to the very end: “with exceptions to Moderator and Staff Position Campaign threads and posts.” Otherwise, the entire staff and many members have violated this rule, or will shortly will. (wink)

Amy- A rule is changed, and suddenly you have to remove or edit some of your content. What do you do?
MJ-I have and will continue to comply. If it needs to removed, it will be removed. If it needs to be edited, I will edit it.
[doublepost=1455161618,1455130087][/doublepost]@Amysaurus , since I have posted previous answer, the rules are back to having 9 rules, which validates question #1.

I would like to modify the answer for question #3.

I do not see any need to currently change any of the rules.


Staff member
What made you choose to be a moderator/active member here as opposed to other forums?
I find other forums to be stuffy I am an admin for an RPG Maker Lovers group, but that is on social media. I love the atmosphere, and most of all, I love the freedom that we are allowed to express our creativity, opinion, and expression. In any organization, that I am active in, and desire to be part of the leadership, I look at what the primary leader's vision is. It has to be a large vision, one that I can help with, with strengths that I have been blessed with. @Xyphien has presented a big vision for this forum that I believe in, and can help in many ways, moderator or not. He desires for this forum to be the best fun RPG Maker MV forum around. I believe in, and support that vision. That is why I chose this forum over others to be active in, and also desire to moderate.


Staff member
Serious question:
What is your favorite fruit... AND WHY? (I do not accept "because they're superior/better". )
My favorite fruit, Iron, is the strawberry. It is very special to me and the reason has to be SPOILERIZED. Note the content in this SPOILER is personal and contains religious content that may be objectionable to some.

1. The shape of a strawberry is of a heart. This is to remind us to have a HEART like JESUS.
2. To thrive a strawberry plant must have its crown above the ground. The CROWN of JESUS is above us. This is to remind us of the royalty of Jesus.
3. Strawberry plants can have runners. These runners can make new plants which are called daughter plants. The optimal number of daughter plants is three. THREE reminds of us the TRINITY: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
4. Strawberries are perennials. Perennials may die when it gets too cold, but they come back when the soil warms up. This is to remind us that Jesus died and was resurrected.

The reason why this question makes me tear up is because I have a missionary's heart, and the name of our ministry is Strawberry Mission Field, and our headquarters is going to be in La Trinidad, Benguit, in The Philippines, which is the nation's Strawberry Capital.


I'm allergic to strawberries, woe is me. :(

Since we're on the subject, what is your identified religion?

(Wow this is basically AMA lol)


Staff member
I'm allergic to strawberries, woe is me. :(

Since we're on the subject, what is your identified religion?

(Wow this is basically AMA lol)
When I was much younger I was allergic to strawberries, bananas, chocolate, animal fur, smoke, etc. I grew out of all of those allergies.

I do not call was I believe as a religion. It is more about a relationship, between me and my God. I am an ordained Christian Minister, yet I work with and for people around the world having of a variety of belief systems. At hospitals, what answer do I put in the Religion blank? I put Non-Denominational Christian.


Staff member
Thanks for bringing this to my attention @Macro . It was not intentionally not answered. I apologize for missing it @Bizarre Monkey .

BizMonk said:
I like Froot Loops and pirates, do you?!!
I like Froot Loops. I heard a spin of Toucan Sam's, "Follows Your Nose", changed to "Follow Your Knows." It was on a motivational topic. I used to eat a lot of it before being diagnosed as Diabetic and glucose intolerant.

In the earlier days of BBS and Internet, I have been one of those that have always been Pro-Pirate, and Anti-Ninja. Why do I like pirates? I chose to have a half-orc pirate as an avatar to show, not to judge by one's appearances. Sometimes the term pirate was used to label those that were rebelling against a tyrant form of power.


(By the way, Biz was teasing by making up a quote from me, so I did it back in jest. Sorry to confuse you haha.)

Ahh okay I get you know. :)
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