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Apply to be apart of the Resource Team!


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
*At this point Amy decides she is too lazy to write it out again, so she quotes her original post*
Since writers don't provide resources in the traditional sense, what they'd be providing primarily are supplementary materials for helping others to come up with stories and characters, such as:

- Writing/story prompts members can use as inspiration.
- Some general character profiles members can use/tweak for their projects.
- Some general plot/storylines members can use/tweak for their projects.
- Some brief guides/explanations on topics such as world-building, character development, writing cutscenes, etc. (LordSquirrel's guides are a good example of what I mean.)


Staff member
*At this point Amy decides she is too lazy to write it out again, so she quotes her original post*
In my opinion, they should also greet every single new member in the introductions forum, write articles about RPG Maker MV Forums in other web sites and publications, be part of marketing, help with: grammar, sentence structure, and spelling (spell checkers do NOT find all spelling errors), etc. In other words, the writing team could be one of the greatest resources we have.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
In my opinion, they should also greet every single new member in the introductions forum, write articles about RPG Maker MV Forums in other web sites and publications, be part of marketing, help with: grammar, sentence structure, and spelling (spell checkers do NOT find all spelling errors), etc. In other words, the writing team could be one of the greatest resources we have.
What you're describing would be more of an overall Writing Team rather than a writing portion of a Resource Team, and I think a lot of those duties will be covered when the Social Media Team is more fully developed. I think greeting new members is more of everyone's duty, since we want everyone to have the chance to feel welcomed here. :)


Staff member
I also think that part of the writing team over flows into other methods of media. To explain writing, it not only requires reading and writing. Not all people learn through the same methods. I am a tactile/kinesthetic leaner; I learn primarily through writing and typing. Some people are visual learners. There are two variations. Some learn through reading, whereas others need to see diagrams, screenshots, and/or videos. Another type learn through hearing. Part of being a writer or instructor, requires reaching the masses through a diversity of media. A diverse writing team will include those who explain through making videos and power point presentations. (Oh no...the Psych degree and Teacher has been released...)


When I think of a Writing RT I think more along the lines of creation versus mechanics. I think that mechanics are important, but I think that for resources it might be best to teach people how to unleash their creativity and develop really strong stories. I think that can be done through various media, but I really think that for RESOURCES the primary focus would be story creation. I could be wrong... But that's just my immediate thought. I think it would be really great for, say, a grammatical/mechanics task force or something like that. But--perhaps keep them separate?
*Trying to decide whether or not he should go into a big spiel on his ideas of different ways the writing team could go about helping in certain areas, such as mechanics, balancing, skills, and items.*


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@MinisterJay: Lol! I think however anyone wants to present their submissions is fine, as long as the file types are something that can be easily accessed by all members. I think we'll be able to get a better idea of the kind of submissions we want after we get a release or two out. That goes for the music, graphics, and plugin teams as well.

@Cate: I agree, definitely. If someone would like to write a piece going over mechanics every now and then, that'd be great, but I think the focus should be more on making assets i.e. resources for game creation.

@LordSquirrel: If you guys want to discuss writing team ideas further, I think a different thread would be better suited for it. :)

>>> It's been brought up before, so in case anyone is interested: if anyone has an interest in joining the resource team for the sake of submitting tutorials, your applications will still go to the team you'd be making tutorials for. In your portfolio, you'd need to include a tutorial you've created, along with resources you've created as well.

Ex. If you write spriting tutorials, your portfolio would still go to me. <<<


It could be good to have a forum to discuss all of this. I think it would be interesting to see what non-writers would want to see out of the writing RT.
Been thinking of applying as a Writer for awhile, but I don't think I'd have enough time to commit properly due to work, other projects and my own writing (blogs and Otherworld storyline and side-novellas). (slanty)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
@Companion Wulf: Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate! If you change your mind sometime, there's still one spot you can snag~ :)

I went ahead and updated how many open positions there are, and goodness! The writing team sure is filling up fast! That's awesome, guys! (cheeky) *looks at all of the open graphics spots* I-I'm not jealous. You're jealous. *cries*


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
*looks at all of the open graphics spots* I-I'm not jealous. You're jealous. *cries*
Guys, how 'bout this? If you yourselves can't apply or don't want to apply how about you at least spread the word to people? Do a little propaganda work! We're all gonna profit of it in the end. (cat)
And besides, we just came up with the name "Pixel Peons" for the members of the graphics RT. Now, if that's not a reason to apply for it, I don't know what is. (jolly)
@Companion Wulf: Sounds like you've got a lot on your plate! If you change your mind sometime, there's still one spot you can snag~ :)
Enough to keep busy into next year! (wink) So we shall see.

we just came up with the name "Pixel Peons" for the members of the graphics RT
I like that. Alliteration always goes down well. I know I've been "spreading the word" about the forum already, so now have an alliterative option as well!


Dragon Goddess
And besides, we just came up with the name "Pixel Peons" for the members of the graphics RT. Now, if that's not a reason to apply for it, I don't know what is. (jolly)
What about Pretty Pixel Peons? Maybe if they're told they're pretty, they'll be more motivated to join! (let's keep adding onto this, see how long we can keep it

anyways, glad to see the writing team coming to life! will be awesome to be a part of it and create cool stuff for everyone! ^_^


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Predatory Pretty Prancing Pixel Peons???? Best of both worlds @Iron Croc? There's a lot of exciting stuff going on in RT-Land, so even if you're not joining there will be plenty to look forward to!

Ahahahahaha, well, to be fair, I've got 3 people in mind for spots already - it's just this release that I'll most likely be flying solo. xD That's okay, though! *sniff*