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Zebestian's Music Box


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
If you want to use my music in your game, you can download a pack of 45 tracks right here! :D

I don't know what it is with art sections in forums never mentioning music but I'm gonna assume I'm as much of an artist as everyone else. Besides, I didn't see a forum section dedicated to music, so this is as close as I can get to one, I guess. :D

So, as you may or may not know, I am a composer and I have already shared my work over in the resources section. However, for easier access and since I also want some feedback on my work, I thought I'd share here as well. There will also be neat little track descriptions for every piece so you can read up on some context on the track and the creation process. Now, I'm not gonna post every single one of my... uh 60 something tracks here, noo~ ... instead, I'm gonna post my most recent pieces and update continuously. :)

(click on the song title to get to the track on my Soundcloud)

"Mysterious Places"
This was the first soundtrack I composed with FL Studio after over a year of using Logic Pro X instead. Compared to the other ones, this one was mainly made to test out the orchestra VST since I hadn't worked with it in a long time. As a result, it's very simple and short.
"Castle of the Fiends"
The first thing I thought when I opened up Miroslav Philharmonik was "finally I can write tracks that use the violin as leading instrument". This VST's strings are amazing for what it actually costs (however the brass is crap though). And listening to it after it was done I realized that I've been somewhat influenced by the soundtracks I'm currently listening to a lot. Also, what I found neat was that someone described this song fitting a "Sherlock Holmes villain". That's exactly where I want my style to go!
"Great Ruler of the Dark"
Another piece with violin and harpsichord. Yeah, you can tell I love those instruments right? This is also my favourite out of the three. I didn't really have anything particular in mind when composing this. The only thing I did have in mind was the bassoon melody that was inspired by one of the soundtracks from "Fantasy Life".
This one was inspired by the "Professor Layton" puzzle themes. I've been wanting to compose something like that for a long time and finally, I did it. I was also told that it sounded somewhat like the "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" although I think that's just because of the instruments.
"Noble Lineage"
As the name implies, this is a theme for an evil aristocrat. It's got the harpsichord and everything. It's also a remake of a track I've made some time back.
"Unconventional People"
Sometimes... there are just people who seem weird at first glance. But upon closer inspection... they're even weirder than you thought. This theme tries to reflect just such people - "unconventional" people. This was inspired by "Eccentric" from the Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney soundtrack.
"Home of the Merfolk"
A fellow composer actually asked me to try and make a calm and relaxing soundtrack in one of his streams. Well... I pretty much took that as a dare and I'm happy to say that he was actually pleased with what I came up with. Taking that as a dare certainly motivated me and made me finish this in about three or four hours. And boy was I surprised when I found out that I can do peaceful songs, too.
"Ready your Weapons ~ Battle Theme"
If you have a look at my Soundcloud, you'll see that I have a thing for battle themes. However, I never made a battle theme with this orchestral VST. And still, this does not use the orchestra exclusively. It's a mix between my two styles and I think it worked out quite nicely. For the next battle theme I'll try to use orchestra only.
"Mansion of Many Mysteries"
Hah, here I was, thinking that I was having an uncreative time. I wanted to be creative and creative I was. I just don't know what the result of that really is. I wanted to make something spooky-themed but... well, let's say it didn't turn out as spooky as I would've liked it to. Still, it's a nice and cute little tune fitting this time of the year.

Alright, since I don't want to overload you with songs, I'll leave it at that for the moment. Updates will be made though, don't worry. I hope I can encourage some of you to leave some opinions or feedback or advice or whatever you can come up with.

Until the next update! ~ Zebestian (the artist formerly known as Kaimen)
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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Huzzah for awesome music! *still has her theme song for her ringtone*

I especially love "Puzzles" and "Noble Lineage", but all of them are great! Keep it up~ :D

(And yes, of course it's art too!!!)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Huzzah for awesome music! *still has her theme song for her ringtone*

I especially love "Puzzles" and "Noble Lineage", but all of them are great! Keep it up~ :D

(And yes, of course it's art too!!!)
Nice to hear that you're still using your theme song. :3
I'm definitely going to keep up like this. This is pretty much the style I'm gonna stick with now. :)

Bizarre Monkey

Lol yeah music is an Artistic practice. Just like writing and such. I've been eager to sample your songs ever since seeing your intro thread. I'm a big fan of your instrumentation, especially in Great Ruler of Dark, like I could imagine half of my villainous characters in a scene with this music.

Also I like your battle theme, you've got some really good strings in there, as a recommendation, I think going for hyper-violin chords like in L'Oscuro Impeto or this Giratina battle remix would be a good and fun exercise.

Would love to see you go nuts with a final boss theme.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Lol yeah music is an Artistic practice. Just like writing and such. I've been eager to sample your songs ever since seeing your intro thread. I'm a big fan of your instrumentation, especially in Great Ruler of Dark, like I could imagine half of my villainous characters in a scene with this music.

Also I like your battle theme, you've got some really good strings in there, as a recommendation, I think going for hyper-violin chords like in L'Oscuro Impeto or this Giratina battle remix would be a good and fun exercise.

Would love to see you go nuts with a final boss theme.
Hah, I seem to have hit a spot with "Great Ruler of the Dark". That one has to be my most popular recent piece and by all means, I can see why. Even I love it that much. :P
Also, boss battle and final boss themes are already on my to-do list. But they won't come this month probably since I'm focussing on some Halloween-y themes. They will come eventually, however, I promise that. I'm really happy that my music is finding so much appreciation as of late. Really keeps me going. :)

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
After listening the songs, which are very ambiant with the medieval vibe. Ready your weapons ~ Battle theme is outstanding!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Hey Kaimen I am really enjoying your music. I love the ambiance, I am hooked into your puzzle track, I love it.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Hey Kaimen I am really enjoying your music. I love the ambiance, I am hooked into your puzzle track, I love it.
It's funny how even the most simplistic soundtracks can capture you, right? :D
[doublepost=1445122849,1444748779][/doublepost]Update! :D

Hah, here I was, thinking that I was having an uncreative time. I wanted to be creative and creative I was. I just don't know what the result of that really is. I wanted to make something spooky-themed but... well, let's say it didn't turn out as spooky as I would've liked it to. Still, it's a nice and cute little tune fitting this time of the year.
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The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
What application do you use to make these pieces? Anything you would recommend to a novice composer to use?
I myself use FL Studio and Logic Pro to make my music. Lately, more FL than Logic. However, I wouldn't recommend those for novice composers since they cost a whole bunch of money. What I would recommend is, try out LMMS. It's open source, it's free and you can write music with it. I've never really used it much but there's some very good tutorials out there if you need them. Also, try it in combination with some free virtual instruments (VSTs), which can sound quite well considering they're free.
If you got the money to spend though, go ahead and knock yourself out. Get an expensive DAW and some expensive instrument libraries. Keep in mind though that that can cost you a few thousand dollars though. :P
[doublepost=1445633297,1445551278][/doublepost]Update! :D

"The First Day"
Made on the day that MV got released and made it for exactly this occasion. This piece is dedicated to RPG Maker MV and all the work and effort that went into making it. Let's use it to create some awesome content! :)
Also, you can get a looping .ogg for your project right here if you want. General terms of use apply. ^_^
[doublepost=1446472366][/doublepost]Ah, what the hay! I know, I said I won't put my MV Music Pack previews in here but not everyone checks both of my threads right? Screw organization! *throws his music everywhere*

"Desolate World" (Preview)
Since this is gonna be part of my *cough* commercial *cough* MV Music pack I only made it a preview for obvious raisins. :D
This track was created in a five hour composing marathon. I was super hungry and super tired when I was finished... but it was freaking worth it. I just composed ahead testing a new guitar VST but what came out was a map/dungeon/town theme. XD

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I feel the first one could have a bit more pizazz( is that really a word) and the second one sound awsome. Anyways the one thing I really like about your music is that it's easy going and cheerful( you must be an overall happy guy) this is the kind of music I really enjoy using. For example last night I wanted to find a festival style of song and it took me at least 30minutes to find a track that I even liked a little bit and the other night when I went through your tracks I found quite a few that I was going to use right away, so that means something lol.

Cheers :D and keep kicking musical ass.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I love the Desolate World the best :D
I also think it's one of my best works so far. Which is good because eventually I want to sell it. XD
I feel the first one could have a bit more pizazz( is that really a word) and the second one sound awsome. Anyways the one thing I really like about your music is that it's easy going and cheerful( you must be an overall happy guy) this is the kind of music I really enjoy using. For example last night I wanted to find a festival style of song and it took me at least 30minutes to find a track that I even liked a little bit and the other night when I went through your tracks I found quite a few that I was going to use right away, so that means something lol.

Cheers :D and keep kicking musical ass.
Don't you praise me too much. As far as I'm concerned I haven't delivered until there is a game out there that uses my music. :D
Anyway, yes, I am an overall cheerful kinda guy but my music's not always happy rainbows and unicorns. Honestly, composing dark and serious themes is easier for me than composing light-hearted and cheerful ones. I do concede, however, that most of my songs, albeit being serious sounding, are kinda cartoony. Serious sounding in a light-hearted way. :D

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
hahha praising? me? no couldn't be. I understand you wanting music in a game before officialy claiming status as a good composer but music is not all about putting it into games. I see a bit of your music I would listen to just to hear while browsing my PC.
that most of my songs, albeit being serious sounding, are kinda cartoony. Serious sounding in a light-hearted way
This cartoony style is what I'm enjoying right now, maybe i like your music so much because it's not the style I hear all the time and it's fresher to me, but I guess it all imo. Anyways I hope to hear some more new stuff soon.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
*sings the happy update song*
Yup, I finished another soundtrack. Only one but I got it done in about six hours. So, uhm... does it show that I've been playing Kingdom Hearts recently? Or that I've been listening to Yoko Shimomura's work a lot lately? ... Surely not. XD

"Confrontation" (Preview)
Another soundtrack that's gonna be part of my "MV Music Pack". This time it's an action/battle theme that mainly uses the piano. I'm usually not one to use it that excessively but... damn, it can sound amazing. :D


When I listen to your musics I imagine real people playing the instruments.
They sounds natural.
Perhaps I won't know they were made using a software if you don't mention it. XD

Good luck on making your MV Packs! :)
(Where's Kaimen Theme anyway? It's not there?)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
When I listen to your musics I imagine real people playing the instruments.
They sounds natural.
Perhaps I won't know they were made using a software if you don't mention it. XD

Good luck on making your MV Packs! :)
(Where's Kaimen Theme anyway? It's not there?)
Wow, I never thought my virtual instruments were that good. Then again, I know they're just virtual instruments and an amateur probably couldn't tell. :D
Anyway, thank you kindly. I'm definitely gonna need that good luck with my MV music pack. ^_^
Oh, and if you're looking for specific soundtracks just look through my Soundcloud. I don't have every single song linked here so it doesn't get too crowded. XD
[doublepost=1447657827,1447263279][/doublepost]*does the update dance*
It seems like everytime I start making a new track I finish it after only a few hours. And I don't know if I should find that alarming or amazing. However, listening to what I have produced, I wouldn't say it's too bad. The track's not too complicated anyway - just like all of my other tracks. It's another one of the MV Music pack soundtracks. :)

"Secret Places" (Preview)
A dungeon theme. Maybe for a forest area or some ancient ruins. Mainly uses the harp and pizzicato violins and bass, later also a marimba.

Also, sorry for not making any more free to use soundtracks lately. I want to focus on my MV music pack for the time being. And besides, there will be plenty of free to use stuff from me with the Resource Team. ^_^