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What's your favorite part of making games?

Isaac The Red

Towns Guard
We're here in a forum about for making games, let's talk about that.

What are your favorite parts of the game making process?

Aside from the writing bits My favorite part is testing and balancing, there is just nothing more satisfying than seeing a long event sequence go off without a hitch, or a complicated mid game battle go through well and feel like you wanted it to feel. I like the nuts and bolts work part of Making the game the most.

Conversely, what did you THINK was going to be your favorite part when you first started making games?

I was convinced I was going to be all about that art, drawing and spriting things all day and night and never getting tired of it.


Resident Dragon
My favourite part is building skill trees and generating items. I thought I'd like the implementation of my own ideas more, but I am really enjoying developing my character classes.


Praised Adventurer
Favourite part..? Awaking with a start with a revelation as to how to implement an idea which has been evading solution for days..!
I first started making games pre-IT, so multi-choice role novels was about as close as we got. Fitting a story around a spreadsheet (no, not on screen; on a spread-out sheet of paper..!) was fun enough, using pencil and a pencil rubber. Ah, the good old days.

Isaac The Red

Towns Guard
@Dad3353 Ooo Yes, While Tech to some small degree has been around since I was a kid [Commodore and early IBM/Doss machines] good old pen and paper design is great I wish I still had all my graphs and ideas from just even 15 years ago they'd be a huge help today.

Isaac The Red

Towns Guard
Writers block, thats writers block... @_@ best to read or watch something fun that you enjoy, or something new that you might enjoy to try and jumpstart the inspiration :D


A hard one there. My favorite part would have to be:

+Creating story
+Data basing
+Creating maps
+Creating characters

Least favorite would have to be adding scripts. Don't get me wrong. It's awesome, but when you see so many scripts out there, you have the temptation to add those features to your game but you also have to ask yourself this "How much is enough"? There's no true answer so it's a careful balance there.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I'm a programmer so obviously my favorite thing is pushing RPG Maker to its limits and adding some awesome features to it, but aside from that, I also really love doing these, from most favorite to least favorite.
  • Mapping
  • Eventing
  • Generating Characters
My least favorite would be the development of a story unless of course, it's a modern story or horror in which case I love writing stories for that genre.