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Alright this isn't a post about tree weapons or anything like
that. No this is about a system I've encountered in a little
game called Monster Hunter.
So the jist is that you have a weapon, get some materials
and get the next weapon in the weapon tree. Now you might
think this a little complicated and weird "Why don't you just
make a shop and sell the next tier up?". Well frankly that is
boring, and with the way I'm going about this game it'll
(hopfully) add a little depth.
Now you also might be thinking that there might be a ton of
different swords with upgradeable tiers. Weeeeell no, each
class will have specific weapon types ie. Warrior = sword
Mage = cane so on and so forth. And each class has 2 weapons,
yup thats it just 2 and this is how it works.
Like I said before you get some materials and upgrade your
weapons simple enough, well it doesn't happen as fast as you
might think and there isn't that many upgrades. He I'll just show
you how it will work and then explain.
Weapon Template
Scythe -- Scythe A -- Scythe A II -- Scythe A II -- Scythe A IV -- Scythe V
-\-+Scythe B -- Scythe B II -- Scythe B III -\- Scythe B IV
+Scythe B IVb
+Scythe C -- Scythe C II -- Scythe C III
Scythe II -\- Scythe II A -- Scythe II A2 -- Scythe II A3 -- Scythe II A4 -- Scythe II A5
-\-+Scythe II B -- Scythe II B2 -- Scythe II B3 -- Scythe II B4 -- Scythe II B5
+Scythe II C -\- Scythe II C2
+Scythe II C2b -- Scythe II C2c
-\- This represents the split
+ This represents a new weapon after the split
It might look a little confusing at first but it works like so.
The first part of the game you get either Scythe I or Scythe II
, then when you get to a certain point you will learn about some
sort of material that will upgrade your weapon to help you along
your journey ( because if you had to find it on your own, but
couldn't you'd be a little screwed) and this happens a couple
more times. But then you have a choice between a couple different
materials, say instead of getting the P. Atk version you want
the one that gives you a better hit rate. Now this isn't final as
there are more things I would like to do with it but. Its an idea
I had while playing a game I Love and trying to change up the
weapon aspect of the game.
that. No this is about a system I've encountered in a little
game called Monster Hunter.
So the jist is that you have a weapon, get some materials
and get the next weapon in the weapon tree. Now you might
think this a little complicated and weird "Why don't you just
make a shop and sell the next tier up?". Well frankly that is
boring, and with the way I'm going about this game it'll
(hopfully) add a little depth.
Now you also might be thinking that there might be a ton of
different swords with upgradeable tiers. Weeeeell no, each
class will have specific weapon types ie. Warrior = sword
Mage = cane so on and so forth. And each class has 2 weapons,
yup thats it just 2 and this is how it works.
Like I said before you get some materials and upgrade your
weapons simple enough, well it doesn't happen as fast as you
might think and there isn't that many upgrades. He I'll just show
you how it will work and then explain.
Weapon Template
Scythe -- Scythe A -- Scythe A II -- Scythe A II -- Scythe A IV -- Scythe V
-\-+Scythe B -- Scythe B II -- Scythe B III -\- Scythe B IV
+Scythe B IVb
+Scythe C -- Scythe C II -- Scythe C III
Scythe II -\- Scythe II A -- Scythe II A2 -- Scythe II A3 -- Scythe II A4 -- Scythe II A5
-\-+Scythe II B -- Scythe II B2 -- Scythe II B3 -- Scythe II B4 -- Scythe II B5
+Scythe II C -\- Scythe II C2
+Scythe II C2b -- Scythe II C2c
-\- This represents the split
+ This represents a new weapon after the split
It might look a little confusing at first but it works like so.
The first part of the game you get either Scythe I or Scythe II
, then when you get to a certain point you will learn about some
sort of material that will upgrade your weapon to help you along
your journey ( because if you had to find it on your own, but
couldn't you'd be a little screwed) and this happens a couple
more times. But then you have a choice between a couple different
materials, say instead of getting the P. Atk version you want
the one that gives you a better hit rate. Now this isn't final as
there are more things I would like to do with it but. Its an idea
I had while playing a game I Love and trying to change up the
weapon aspect of the game.