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Weapon trees!


Alright this isn't a post about tree weapons or anything like
that. No this is about a system I've encountered in a little
game called Monster Hunter.

So the jist is that you have a weapon, get some materials
and get the next weapon in the weapon tree. Now you might
think this a little complicated and weird "Why don't you just
make a shop and sell the next tier up?". Well frankly that is
boring, and with the way I'm going about this game it'll
(hopfully) add a little depth.
Now you also might be thinking that there might be a ton of
different swords with upgradeable tiers. Weeeeell no, each
class will have specific weapon types ie. Warrior = sword
Mage = cane so on and so forth. And each class has 2 weapons,
yup thats it just 2 and this is how it works.
Like I said before you get some materials and upgrade your
weapons simple enough, well it doesn't happen as fast as you
might think and there isn't that many upgrades. He I'll just show
you how it will work and then explain.

Weapon Template


Scythe -- Scythe A -- Scythe A II -- Scythe A II -- Scythe A IV -- Scythe V
-\-+Scythe B -- Scythe B II -- Scythe B III -\- Scythe B IV
+Scythe B IVb
+Scythe C -- Scythe C II -- Scythe C III

Scythe II -\- Scythe II A -- Scythe II A2 -- Scythe II A3 -- Scythe II A4 -- Scythe II A5
-\-+Scythe II B -- Scythe II B2 -- Scythe II B3 -- Scythe II B4 -- Scythe II B5
+Scythe II C -\- Scythe II C2
+Scythe II C2b -- Scythe II C2c

-\- This represents the split
+ This represents a new weapon after the split

It might look a little confusing at first but it works like so.
The first part of the game you get either Scythe I or Scythe II
, then when you get to a certain point you will learn about some
sort of material that will upgrade your weapon to help you along
your journey ( because if you had to find it on your own, but
couldn't you'd be a little screwed) and this happens a couple
more times. But then you have a choice between a couple different
materials, say instead of getting the P. Atk version you want
the one that gives you a better hit rate. Now this isn't final as
there are more things I would like to do with it but. Its an idea
I had while playing a game I Love and trying to change up the
weapon aspect of the game.


Dragon Goddess
I do like the idea, but it seems like it can get a little complicated and/or tedious for the player at times.

Are you thinking of getting rid of Weapon Shops entirely then? If so, you'll probably need a lore reason for that being true. I'd have to see the idea in action, but as-is I think that doing away with the weapon shop isn't something I would like.

what if, you keep the weapon shop around but they just sell base versions of weapons? For instance, in the first town they sell only the regular Wooden Scythe or whatever, and in 2nd town it's Bronze Scythe.

your recipe idea would be cool to further expand the weapon system and give players an incentive to search for secret items and ingredients later on when you learn how to improve weapons and get additional stat bonuses.

I do like the idea though, but having such a crucial, permanent choice early on seems..ehhh... I mean, assuming you can ONLY get scythe I or scythe II, then the other becomes unavailable for the entirety of the game. i dunno.

I'd prefer a regular weapon shop system, with these weapon upgrade recipes as a bonus, kind of like Epic Weapons. let's say, you could get the material to upgrade your [Crappy Scythe] into [Scythe I] or [Scythe II] early on as a freebie from an NPC or a quest or whatever, but there would also be more of that material out in the world--it could just be extremely rare or hard to find, like drops off a strong/secret boss?

lemme condense my ideas here because im rambling a bit.

Maybe create at least a base version of the weapon shop that sells your basic, starter Scythe (or a slightly stronger one) it could be a quest even. the weapon shop blacksmith, after you purchase your first weapon (iron scythe, lets say) will mention something about being able to upgrade a weapon into something strong, but the material for it is very rare and your choice may be permanent.

he happens to know where to find one of these materials...and tells you where it can be found

so, you do the quest for the material and he gives you a choice of what you want to upgrade it to, 1 or 2.

then after you craft it, let's say you choose scythe 1 over scythe 2. bam, you're set.

then we'll say, he adds a replica of scythe 1 to his shop, it is not as strong as yours since he doesnt have the rare material, but...

what if later on in the game when you're ready to upgrade to the tier 2 scythe, you go back and decide you want tier 2 of scythe 2 because you didnt really like scythe 1.

since you made that choice early on though, you could maybe make it more difficult by saying, well, if you want tier 2 of scythe 2, you'll need:

tier 1 scythe 1 replica, tier 1 rare material AND tier 2 rare material of course. and maybe he wouldnt sell the replica for cheap.

I dunno LOL now that i look over what I said this might be more complicated than your original idea xD

my point is this: don't lock players into a choice so early on, give them ways to access all the types of weapons over time but make them work for it. perhaps give them hybrid weapons if they can earn it--the "Ultimate" form of the weapon

you can pretty much ignore most of my post cuz that was just me thinking out loud...xD

it's easier to come up with ideas when i just write down everything on my mind haha. well anyways hope that gave you some ideas!


@Micro Its not really a Lock persay. I guess I should've mentioned

In Monster Hunter you can upgrade your Teir 3 weapon into a Teir 4a or Teir 4b
but you can always start from scratch like you said by going and buying
the base Teir 1 weapon again and starting over (but thats not what im going
to to) so you have more options. By the end of the game you have around 20
diffrent weapons with diffrent states and elements, and a wide range of swords
and bows and such (but this game will have the class specific weapons)

So most of your rambling as you called it xD was already in my idea I just had
so much I was talking about that I never mentioned it.

But it will work kinda like a backwords Tournament branch system thingy haha.
Basically 1 turns into 2 to turns into 4 and so one but it wont brake of to many


Dragon Goddess
yeah sounds complicated, as i've never played that game xD

i would definitely have to see your weapon system to understand


I love MonsterHunter, and like the idea of this.
Wondering if there's a way to incorporate this sort of idea using the Yanfi ItemUpgradeSlots plugin, somehow, with essentially defining your Weapons to be the different types. Kinda heard to explain but Scythe2 is one type of weapon, Scythe1 is another (even though in name/concept they are Scythes) ?
Then you could have upgrade items use the notes with <Upgrade Weapon Type: #Scythe1> ?

will have to play around with tis a bit, since I am not used to any of the plugins yet, and still learning the base eventing stuff.
Good luck though!