If you've ever played Old School (and I guess new age) Runescape, then you will know the gist of my game. My goal for this game is to make it pretty much an open MMORPG, but the quests will be more like the elder scrolls than most MMO's. The map will be 5 massively huge islands, followed by 2 smaller islands. The islands form around a center of water, which in the center of that is a massive whirlpool. See image below:
Every single part of the land displayed will be playable. In order to get from some sections you will have to go to the docks and be shipped over to each areas. Areas will be unlocked after certain quests you will have to do with the dock owners (Which will also co-inside with other quests around that specific area). Every land will have it's own unique villages, towns, hidden areas as well as monsters. Obviously bug specific monsters will be in the forest areas more so than the iceland.
In the Elder Scrolls your decisions have a lasting impact on the game. This is what I will be doing in several quests with the game. Much like Runescape, there won't be a main questline. However, there will be several massive quests, and an endless amount of other quests. Unlike most MMO's you will not have too many quests that ask you to kill x amount of monsters and bring x amount of items over. Instead smaller filler quests will explain the background, and history of each area, or the world that you're in as a whole. This way you do not feel like you're wasting your time doing quests, and you're more immersed into the game. Going back on the Elder Scrolls decisions I mentioned earlier. One quest will involve you choosing sides to help in a war, your choice will depend on the death of countless people, and the destruction of a village. If you manage to distroy that village you will notice that the village will actually be destroyed, and everyone in it will be dead. This means any quests that were involved, hidden areas, etc. will be destroyed with it. To the surrounding villages that know you chose the side that destroyed the village, they will actually call you names, and some will even refuse to speak with you.Note, there will not be any huge quests, but mostly small filler quests in them. However, if you save the village you will have those quests, and also have a title in that area. This shows a lasting effect on your game based on decisions you make in the game.
Almost all the items you encounter in the game will be interactable. Bookshelves will ocassionally have a book or two that you can read. Some of them could teach you something, and give you EXP for reading it. Others will explain more of the lore behind a specific area, event, other. You can find items, gold, and even hidden monsters in pots, vases, etc.
I have also incorporated one of my favorite things in all games Skills. Woodcutting, Mining, Fishing, Farming, Digging, Cooking, Smithing, Fletching, Crafting, Enchanting, and more! When woodcutting you get logs that you can either sell for some gold, burn on a fire to cook with, or use to fletch yourself some items such as a staff, bow, arrows, and more. Every main Skill (Woodcutting, Fishing, Mining, and Farming) will play into your side skills (Cooking, Smithing, Fletching, Crafting, and Enchanting). You will occasionally find loose dirt that you can dig. This often times is from thieves hiding their stolen goods which is why most loose dirt is simi close to the road. You can find all things from items, gold, and even Navigation Notes. I also forgot about construction. The ability to buy land off of someone (After completeing some tasks they make you do) you are able to build and construct your house. Adding furniture, equipment, and items into your house to help out out. You can use your resources you gather from your main skills to create things like a bed, where you can sleep to heal your health and any attributes you may have (Like poison), furnace to cook on without wasting wood, and loads more!
Navigation Notes is another unique feature I'll have added into the game. Treasure Trails can be found doing any main skill, as well as killing certain monsters. Navigation Notes are paper notes leading you to certain locations where you will find the next clue, and eventually whatever thing the note leads you too. An example of this would be: Go to the town of *Some Name* in the main shop go in the second floor, and search the desk. Once you open up the desk you will find another note telling you to Rates in the sewers north of the town. After killing x amount of rates you will discover yet another note. This note will tell you to talk to a lady in *some other town* Once you find said lady and talk to her, she will explain the note, and the background of what happened. Then go inside, and come back out and give you a lot of items. These items could include amazing weapons, armor, massive amount of gold, and more. Not one Navigation Note will be the same, and there will be several hidden across the map. They will lead you on a small adventure going to lands you may not have ever found before. It is too allow you to explore the land, and follow clues, award you for exploring and doing tasks. These will almost always have massive rewards, and super rare items.
This game is on a MASSIVE scale unlike many other RM games out there. It will not be done soon, and will more than likely take years to develop. My hopes for this game are super high. I hope to find some other people that may help me with the development of the game in the future, to help speed up the development of the game. I know it will take a while, and many of you may think I'm in over my head, but I personally think I am now. I have a goal set, and I will follow through with this, no matter how long it'd take me.
I've also thrown in some random small game quotes (Easter Eggs) just to spice things up a bit :D
Here is an extremely small ACE version of the very beginning game.
This is to show the games main core and what it has to offer. It's really a huge test as to what I want done. I'll be going through and adding a tutorial island, or something along those lines to help everyone along with the game!
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