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The Heroes' Guild; a concept in progress


Towns Guard
Right, didn't want to do this but I'm a sucker for feedback on my own things.

The Heroes Guild:
A game where our ''hero'' climbs up the ladder of ranks to become... well, a hero.

Vague things aside, the major idea of this concept I have is to give the player the ability to have a feeling of progress, and well, to explore dungeons and help NPC's through linear questlines.
So the major thing behind this thing is that the player will always return to a central hub: The Heroes' Guild, a place where heroes, warriors and men (and women) of glory can gather up to travel the world and well, be a hero I guess.
What this concept allows me to do is make multiple parts or questlines (I do have a quest plug-in available that I'm using for this, so yay internet) giving me the possibility to keep adding content to a game. (Kind of like free DLC's, but each part with their own unique cliché as all hell questline.)
This also gives me the chance to build up a world of my own and have multiple places of lore and kind of have the world build around the player.

So I guess the main part of this concept is going back to the DLC part, where I can keep adding content and make more and more releases with every place and time have their own unique heroes and persons to interact with.
To give the player some sense of character progression, I do plan on giving players the ability to learn new skills and upgrade weaponry and armour, which would be pretty nice to do.

So of course, what I'm asking is, what do you think of this concept where I can keep adding more and more content with multiple releases to kind of build a world of my own in RMMV?
I personally think that this is way easier than make a huge game where I can easily lose inspiration or motivation for the game.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
I suppose that is easier rather than making one huge game. And I would have to agree that one might have more inspiration and motivation for something like that. Although... I, personally feel like if a game would be DLC based then that game should have a very certain time where they release new DLC's and so on.

Let's take for example of something randomness. Let's say the developers for a game promised updates on every 7th date of a new month. Sep 7 - Oct 7 and so on. The fans, the players know this when they play and they expect new content on that date. And now what were to happen if something were to happen and the fans get on the game on that date hoping for new content and they find there is nothing new? I might... and I just might understand if this new content might be larger than the previous one or if something different happened to the developers. But that will already disappoint the players, and you can be certain of it that they will jump on you because of this. Some might be decent and ask you nicely about it, but then there will be those others who will jump on you quite rudely. And those rude players? They might just be rude enough to make you lose motivation or something.

That's my personal opinion on a DLC based game. But, I do find this concept quite nice.

I'm also wondering why there is a ladder of ranks for heroes? :o


Towns Guard
I suppose that is easier rather than making one huge game. And I would have to agree that one might have more inspiration and motivation for something like that. Although... I, personally feel like if a game would be DLC based then that game should have a very certain time where they release new DLC's and so on.

Let's take for example of something randomness. Let's say the developers for a game promised updates on every 7th date of a new month. Sep 7 - Oct 7 and so on. The fans, the players know this when they play and they expect new content on that date. And now what were to happen if something were to happen and the fans get on the game on that date hoping for new content and they find there is nothing new? I might... and I just might understand if this new content might be larger than the previous one or if something different happened to the developers. But that will already disappoint the players, and you can be certain of it that they will jump on you because of this. Some might be decent and ask you nicely about it, but then there will be those others who will jump on you quite rudely. And those rude players? They might just be rude enough to make you lose motivation or something.

That's my personal opinion on a DLC based game. But, I do find this concept quite nice.

I'm also wondering why there is a ladder of ranks for heroes? :o
I do agree with what you say, but to release content on a monthly basis would be pretty tiring and time consuming. + I'm terrible with deadlines.
Regarding rude players, rude players will always be around. But I'm going to stick with the basic principle of haters gonna hate.
I do plan on making this something that I can enjoy spending my time to without feeling the pressure of monthly updates and all that stuff.

In other words, no monthly updates or DLC's, because that'd take too much time and effort, especially with social life around the corner.

Also there isn't really a rank of heroes, but I do want the player to feel like they're making progress in the guild as if they're climbing the ladders. Aka. more options, better loot and more quests. (Also better stories and content.)
Although it would be nice to have a rank system in the Heroes' Guild. Or at least honorary titles.
Servant - Knight - Royal Knight - Common Hero - Champion of (...) - Hero of (...) etc. etc.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
I do agree with what you say, but to release content on a monthly basis would be pretty tiring and time consuming. + I'm terrible with deadlines.
Regarding rude players, rude players will always be around. But I'm going to stick with the basic principle of haters gonna hate.
I do plan on making this something that I can enjoy spending my time to without feeling the pressure of monthly updates and all that stuff.

In other words, no monthly updates or DLC's, because that'd take too much time and effort, especially with social life around the corner.

Also there isn't really a rank of heroes, but I do want the player to feel like they're making progress in the guild as if they're climbing the ladders. Aka. more options, better loot and more quests. (Also better stories and content.)
Although it would be nice to have a rank system in the Heroes' Guild. Or at least honorary titles.
Servant - Knight - Royal Knight - Common Hero - Champion of (...) - Hero of (...) etc. etc.
I'm glad you agree with me, and I suppose I have to agree with you back that it would be tiring and time consuming. I'm also terrible with deadlines. And I agree that the haters gonna hate is a good attitude regarding haters. I suppose it is okay if there is no monthly updates or DLC's. Regardless, if you were to go ahead with this concept then perhaps it would be best to let the players know that you are still working on the game and so on. Like, perhaps every week or something show them that you progressed the game and stuff like that.

I do feel that the climbing the ladder thing would be awkward in an offline-based game. It is still offline yes? Although, if you were to create something that let's players see other players ranks on a website, or just a forum for players to post their stuff. Or you could do more of a achievement type ladder? Kill 50 that, 100 this and receive this new upgrade/skill/something/unlock this quest/content

Honorary titles would be cool too, although it would be nice to have something Dark/Light/Neutral based titles. Black Knight - Light Knight - Savior Knight - Just random stuff lol.

Could make that based on how they kill monsters or something? Like slaughter the monster, slay the monster. Different options equals different oriented titles.


Towns Guard
I'm glad you agree with me, and I suppose I have to agree with you back that it would be tiring and time consuming. I'm also terrible with deadlines. And I agree that the haters gonna hate is a good attitude regarding haters. I suppose it is okay if there is no monthly updates or DLC's. Regardless, if you were to go ahead with this concept then perhaps it would be best to let the players know that you are still working on the game and so on. Like, perhaps every week or something show them that you progressed the game and stuff like that.

I do feel that the climbing the ladder thing would be awkward in an offline-based game. It is still offline yes? Although, if you were to create something that let's players see other players ranks on a website, or just a forum for players to post their stuff. Or you could do more of a achievement type ladder? Kill 50 that, 100 this and receive this new upgrade/skill/something/unlock this quest/content

Honorary titles would be cool too, although it would be nice to have something Dark/Light/Neutral based titles. Black Knight - Light Knight - Savior Knight - Just random stuff lol.

Could make that based on how they kill monsters or something? Like slaughter the monster, slay the monster. Different options equals different oriented titles.
Ugh I'm loving these ideas man.

I was indeed thinking of adding an achievement type ladder, or at least give the player a reward for killing 50 mobs or doing a nice and unique quest line.

What I can try to do regarding the title thing is add choices of impact (kind of like Telltale, although that would also be time consuming to make different paths) that will result in a special title. (Dark or Holy Knight for example.)

Although I am thinking on how to actually change titles in-game, but eh. That can probably be arranged through eventing or plug-ins.

Still, you're giving me a lot of cool ideas which I'm liking.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Ugh I'm loving these ideas man.

I was indeed thinking of adding an achievement type ladder, or at least give the player a reward for killing 50 mobs or doing a nice and unique quest line.

What I can try to do regarding the title thing is add choices of impact (kind of like Telltale, although that would also be time consuming to make different paths) that will result in a special title. (Dark or Holy Knight for example.)

Although I am thinking on how to actually change titles in-game, but eh. That can probably be arranged through eventing or plug-ins.

Still, you're giving me a lot of cool ideas which I'm liking.
I'm happy to be of assistance:)

And yes, perhaps finishing up a long quest line that progressed throughout the game is a quite nice achievement-type reward? Or, perhaps finding a unique NPC that gives a simple quest, but finishing that quest starts another unique quest line?

I do like the idea of choices of impact. I really liked Telltale's TWD series and something like that in your game would be quite amazing but nevertheless I will agree that it would be incredibly time consuming in creating all those different paths and how the individuals choice will affect the rest of the game.