I played about an half-hour of what I think is the most recent demo. I'm not completely sure, however, it's not too bad. You've obviously put some effort into the game and it shows. You did a good job with not breaking game play with tutorials. I liked how they felt pretty natural to the story. I didn't like being insulted when I found the cheat globe, but was unable to do anything with it. I also liked your mapping and being able to get off the beaten path. I did not like the opening, not the text based, but the actual game start. I felt lost going right in and didn't understand why Lucia and Lumi were travelling together. I also felt it jumped around a lot. I didn't get a sense that Lucia's father was in danger or dying. There was nothing that made it feel ominous. It was more "Here's the crystal. Go away."
It's was really too easy to avoid monsters. I'm not a fighter player anyways, but it was really easy to avoid monsters and get under-leveled. I was able to defeat the boss only because I tossed a "I keel Joo"! ^^; It really surprised me that an item like that would be in the game and not just for testing purposes. Though, Lumi did all the work while my Lucia character healed and hide behind her. There's a bunch of little tweaks I'd look at. Overall though, I really like the characters and Lucia's personality is really cute. Good luck with the game.
Some suggestions:
- Turn off the direction arrows by chance? (To allow for players to explore for themselves?)
- Maybe "Merchant" instead of "Item Shop".
- Sailas can be seen before you meet her by wandering in the woods and then talking to her.
- Can you turn off the names of the people when they don't have something important to say? Or just hide it?
- Techniques is the proper spelling unless it's supposed to be spelled with a "K" for game sake.
- You can "Encourage" the enemies as I did for several rounds on the first boss.
lol alright. So to explain a bit more here. Lucia arrives to Lumi's province of Yurai where her father is already at. This is because her mother passed away a few months back (this isn't explained until a flashback later). Lucia's father has become a royal guard to Yurai's "king" (usually the Herald which is Lumi would rule, but she's unable to keep the political power so she's just the protector and herald by name and power only.) The king winds up trying to gain more lands by venturing into unexplored areas where the provinces aren't set up at (or the Wildlands). This disturbs the nearby Dakrumi forces and they begin to invade the province of Yurai and with Yurai being the capital, there wasn't much they could do to stop it. So, noticing that they seek the power of the Lumminai for an unknown use, and Lucia's father has Laguis' crystal and Lumi has one of her own, Whilabeast, he gives the crystal to Lucia and orders her to flee while he fights to protect Yurai. Inevitable, the defense force fails since they are brutally outnumbered by 10 to 1. Then Lucia and Lumi go on this 2 month training course to prepare Lucia for the battle with Laguis, which is where the story picks up.
The reason it seems to jump around with this is to keep it secret what the true force of the enemies are and their intentions are truly unknown. Throughout the game Lucia will get flashbacks (prolly Lumi too) of the events that took place there. You can also get some ideas by talking to npc's throughout Weshrain, which is the bordering province to Yurai (the now destroyed province without a Herald). The Heraldom laws decree that a Herald who has lost their lands is a Herald no more and is no longer capable of using Heraldry Artz. There are 6 decrees that must be upheld by these Heralds, and there are 12 Grand Heralds in control of Grand Lumminai and being used as the spirits' vessels, and there are 4 (technically 5) minor Heralds who uphold the lesser provinces to defend them from the invading Dakrumi forces.
Also, the intro still needs work lol xP I'll do better job at making it easily understood what's going on as well as keep it shorter so it's not boring. Right now the intro is just to set up your custom character pretty much lol. As far as the "I kill joo" item goes, it is a debug one. The game's in a testing state, and some people prefer to rush through the combat (since we know it works fine) instead of having to deal with them. The roads being safe is also intentional, but Lumi should give fair warning that avoiding everything is a bad idea. (translated to, be careful not to stay underlevelled!). But this is set up this way so you have a safe place to recover, explore, and get an idea of what's in the surroundings before diving in head first.
In terms of characters, regardless of your initial choice, Lucia starts as the backup character to Lumi who is already quite strong from the start. She's given a decent heal skill which can aid Lumi's strong DPS. Lucia gets dps skills after she acquires Laguis. But keep in mind, our elements stay true to their purpose in this game, with Hydras (water) being the primary healing skills. This means most of Lucia's early skills will be set for Support, but she'll have some good damaging ones as well that almost match Lumi's damage output. Later on, things can be much much more customized don't worry! I don't actually "lock" any character into a certain role except for Lumi who is and will always be a Tank type character (even though her element is set for high damage low accuracy). She's the special exception xP and it is important to the story that is goes this way.
Alright, so the suggestions lol. I feel like I've written a book but it should clarify a bit of the confusion xP.
Allowing for the arrows to be turned off could be an option. Currently they're just there to basically point the direction for someone who would get lost otherwise. I'll implement something to enable/disable these at will then with the next bunch of things I gotta get in there!
Yeah I will change the item shop tag to merchant lol. It shouldn't have even kept the item shop one as that was just temporary to see what it would look like xP. I'll make that change too since it fits better with the lore of the game (what kind of fantasy world has...item shops pfft....they have merchants, blacksmiths, general merchants, etc. xP)
Sailas is a bit of an easter egg. It's in reference to something that has happened before and will repeat itself. Eventually, you'll hear a rumor about a girl named Sailas and if you seen her before you'd know what to look for. xP she's special and will play a neat little role later (regardless if you see her in the beginning or not). I actually just put her there for some extra life in that camp since there's pretty much nothing there lol. I may change how that all plays out and have her be up by Lumi in the camp preparing her own items for her journey and so on, not sure yet.
The name tagging there is still a WIP so yeah eventually they'll not be there when there's nothing of importance (since I did introduce it this way lol). They should only have name tags when they have something important to say, or none if I can find a way to allow an option to disable them entirely if the player prefers no hints. However, the shops and key characters like Quan Tum will always be tagged for simplicity sake.
Tekniques is how it's spelled in the lore xP don't worry, any "spelling errors" are intentional just like Magik instead of magic. This is reference to physical abilities or unexplained strengths of the inhabitants of Oricai. Some believe it is because of "Tek" or (technology lol) so it became known as Tekniques throughout the land. Magik was just magik heh.
Yep, also intentional. You can both heal and attack enemies and allies. To break some of the binding states you have to take damage, so attacking an ally can remove that. As well, some enemies are weak to Hydras magik xP so healing them with a Hydras spell will instead damage them. It's an alternative to the "must kill everything" and an inside joke with people who know me from other games lol. (I have been HEALED to death on several occasions in many games quite literally xP)
Anyway, thanks for the feedback as it's always helpful and I hope this "book" clarifies some things for you and others who may ask the same thing lol. I will be improving the intro within the next 2-3 chunks into the game I believe, and this will hopefully explain Lucia's personal past a bit better (or Leon's at that point since his side should also be in the game by then). xD Inspiration BOOM! Thanks again lol