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Tales of the Lumminai Demo - Windows and Mac

RPG Maker Tales of the Lumminai Demo - Windows and Mac 0.58 Direct

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Updating with a fix for the crash during level up and no save issues. Here ya go. Works perfect for me, so lemme know if there's any other issues!
So even though I was taking the shareable link directly from the file itself once uploaded it was not the right link. So, here's the direct link straight to the .exe version. This should have two files, one the readme and the other the game.exe (or TOTL.exe as I changed the name). AND if for some reason, the download link of the resource doesn't update (as it didn't a moment ago), here's the 100% proper link xP. You'll know it's the right one when you only see those two files.
Alright guys, this should now be the working proper version of the demo with some minor changes made after the first one to fix the white screen error and updating plugins. Lemme know if anything else goes wrong heh!
Here's the updated version of Tales of the Lumminai! Version 0.58 consists of many wonderful changes and rebalancing to the overall feel to the game. Refer to the change log for more details on the main changes/additions to this version.

Feedback is always appreciated, be it good or bad! Everything we hear about can help us further improve the game for everyone's enjoyment.
I'm happy to present to you guys, Tales of the Lumminai version 0.40! The story of Lucia is now roughly 10% complete.

I've updated the main page of this demo to include the full list of changes should you be interested in all the work that me and my team have put into the project since the last build which was 0.20 3 months ago heh.

It's been awhile, and we've made a LOT of good changes to the game to make it feel more immersive and more alive than before. The history and lore will play a major role in the way the world turns out as and how you'll feel when exploring the maps linked to it.

A small thing to note (besides what I've put on the main page here) is that there is no BGM currently except for the Ranch maps and the second vision. This was to reduce the file size for now. We'll be putting in our entirely exclusive soundtrack the moment it is finished! But for now, there's very little music, and what music there is will be after Chapter 2 has ended.

I was personally able to play through the entirety of the three chapters so you guys shouldn't run into any game breaking errors. But be sure to check the main page of this beforehand so you know of the common issues I've experienced myself and was unable to fix this time around so you can avoid those.

Anyway, you should be able to play Lucia's story all the way through Chapter 3 (once you arrive in Venfey you'll only be able to enter the inn but you can save inside there for later use if you'd like). Looking forward to some much needed feedback on how things are going so far!
Direct Download Version. Both ones are the same, this just enables an alternate to going into Mediafire so it can be directly downloaded. For the previous Mediafire link go to the update history and select it from within there.