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Stand For Something ~ MinisterJay

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Staff member
MinisterJay's Moderator Campaign - Defining Lingkod
What is Lingkod? It is a Tagalog word for servant.

How will I serve this forum?
1. I will bring the element of compliance. With my experience being a compliance officer, and me tutoring Law Students, I have come to have acquired an eye for seeing something that is out of compliance. As our forum grows, it will become more important of protecting us from potential lawsuits and civil charges.
2. I will bring impartiality. I can be friendly, and I can even be your friend, but if you break a rule, I will warn you. If you continue to break the rules, I will get with administration, and look at further recourse. I can warn even mods and administration if they accidentally broke a rule. This is always done from a level of respect.
3. I will bring humility. If I have done something wrong, or made an appearance of aggression, disrespect, I will apologize to them in a PM. If it was something that was seen by many, a public apology is due.
4. I will bring experience. I have played and made RPGs for over 33 years; my first BBS/forum I belonged to was 30 years ago. I have experience being a moderator for a writing forum and two gaming forums. I have been an admin for a gaming forum and a RPG Maker Lovers Group.
How long do you plan on being a staff on the forums?
5. I will bring direction. I make it a daily goal to make sure that NO new introduction does not get unanswered. If it is a one word or short introduction. I ask a question or two to try to get them more active. Sometimes a new member posts their entire game idea, in an intro. That is the time to welcome them, and give encouragement, by showing them where there could get a better response rate.
6. The greatest thing I will bring is vision. I see this forum being the best RPG Maker MV forum that there is. It is so great, that it inspires people to actually buy RPG Maker MV or learn that their talents can benefit many, through their contributions. A forum can be friendly, fun, educational, and inspiring. At the same time, there are rules to maintain order. That is the responsibility of the moderator.

Let me have the opportunity to serve you and this forum as moderator.

Lingkod Jay

Please feel free to ask me your questions.



Dragon Goddess
You have been a member of rmmv for a pretty long time and are one of the most active members. However, as of late, the forum doesn't seem to have many discussion topics (that are really active)... as a Moderator, what do you think you can do to make this forum more active? (other than welcoming new members, I mean)

How will you get more people to speak up and discuss things--and most importantly, how will you get everyone to have even more fun here at rmmv? Of course this is a group effort that we would all help with, but I am interested in knowing more about your vision.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Very nice thread! I've got a couple of questions: (cheeky)

> What do you think is more important: being taken seriously as a staff member, or being able to hang around with other users?

> You mention bringing direction to the forum, and in that you focus on introductions. How do you plan on bringing direction to the RM side of the forum?


Has anyone done something here, that you've seen, that you would have done something about as a moderator? (don't have to name anyone)


Staff member
You have been a member of rmmv for a pretty long time and are one of the most active members. However, as of late, the forum doesn't seem to have many discussion topics (that are really active)... as a Moderator, what do you think you can do to make this forum more active? (other than welcoming new members, I mean)

How will you get more people to speak up and discuss things--and most importantly, how will you get everyone to have even more fun here at rmmv? Of course this is a group effort that we would all help with, but I am interested in knowing more about your vision.
Thank you Micro for putting these questions before me. All of your questions fall within a larger vision for our awesome forums. How can we have more fun, will be covered in many of the answers.

How can we make the forums more active?

*We can do more recruiting. There are niches that we are currently looking at to add to our numbers other than traditional RPG Maker users. I am looking at inviting more artists, writers, and gamers to the forum. Right now, almost all of the reviews and feedback we get is from fellow game designers. Why not get feedback from gamers, the people who actually play the 2D games?
*We can make simple forum collaboration games. Imagine if we made a small fun game, where everybody could participate. This would be a game, to make a game. Imagine the challenges of incorporating everybody’s individual idea. Our forum has many people with a diversity of talents, in different fields, at different levels.
*Imagine having a different kind of contest. Imagine if an administrator or moderator posted a special post, and it had to be replied to in a particular way. They would be a special key phrase that the forum had hints about, but no one knew what the phrase was or within what exact day it would occur. That person would give us a hint, and the beginning. No one would know who found it, until the very end. Have a really nice prize. This would have people read and reply to sections that initially did not interest them.

How can we get people to speak up?

*One method I like using is PMing a person, and tell then that I would really appreciate their opinion to be shared with the forum regarding ______ thread. I have found that through asking, they usually will share their opinion publicly, and at worst, tell me they prefer not to.
*If the topic would not put the person in an awkward position, within the post, we can ,”@ForumMember, how would you solve this image challenge?” Sometimes it just takes a little prompting.
*We can give the person thanks for when they do speak up. We do not have to agree with the person. We can thank them for making a contribution to the discussion. This can be done publicly or through PM.

How can we make the forums MORE FUN?

*Have you ever seen a forum character wedding? I have. I actually ‘married’ a few gamer characters, and had a ceremony where the entire forum was invited. The only graphical representation we had were each other’s avatars.
*Have a live RPG Maker MV mini-game playing section. This take major funding.
*We can have a very informal Queen and King Jester contest. The contestants though CANNOT nominate themselves. After the forum votes, we can announce the winners, and have a crowning ceremony, and award them with appropriate badges.

My vision for this forum is a long term vision. I desire this forum to be the best RPG Maker MV forum that is out there. I want is to be the best so much, that I can see us attracting the non-typical members. Our forum may influence others to actually desire to buy the game engine. Here are a few things that I have envisioned, in addition to what has already been mentioned to help us grow and have a lot of fun while growing.

*Be a better role model, in the areas of financial support. Some of the ideas that I mentioned above will take major funding. If we desire to have them, it will take more funds. I pledge to increase my personal funding to help bring additions and improvements to the forum.
*I see us having NO need to have advertisements on our site. We continually increase the amount of monthly and annual funding, and they will be gone.
*I see us being at 10,000 members, in a short amount of time. The more members we have, the more opportunity, we to increase the number of Partners and Supporters that we receive. We are at over 3,000 members now. Now is the time to prepare for the ever growing membership numbers. Our forum family is growing, and we need to make the preparations.
*RPG Maker Forums will be known as the FREE premiere site to store and share you resources and mini-games and demos. A number of us have seen what happens when too many people download our images, and it being embarrassing for friends to attempt to download, and we ran out of monthly allowed bandwidth.We can promote this off-site to attract more potential members.
*We will be known at the friendliest, most fun, educating, resource providing, etc., forum in our genre and beyond.

How prevalent do you think legal issues will be for this forum?
Thanks for asking about legal issues, in the future for this forum, HotfireLegend.

To prevent legal issues,from occurring, in the future, we already have measures implemented to help. Moderators immediately warn members when there is a prospective ripped image. This applies to not only visual resources, but also auditorial. A forum is responsible for the content that is allowed. Another job of the moderator is to catch and remove inappropriate links to other sites. There are predators out there, and we have a diversity of ages groups represented. I am admin on a social media RPG group, and links appear that are malicious and inappropriate, pretty frequent. I do not see us having legal issues, because we have and will have more moderators looking for and addressing/removal potential inappropriate content.

Very nice thread! I've got a couple of questions: (cheeky)

> What do you think is more important: being taken seriously as a staff member, or being able to hang around with other users?

> You mention bringing direction to the forum, and in that you focus on introductions. How do you plan on bringing direction to the RM side of the forum?
Amy thank you for asking me these important two questions.

I think it is more important for a moderator to be taken as a staff member. It is a position of leadership. Moderators are to be role-models for the forum.

Thank you for allowing me to clarify what I meant by bringing direction. I used Introductions, as an example, because that is often the first encounter with a new member. By giving direction, I mean giving assistance. This assistance is available to be given throughout the entire forum. New members have questions or sometimes they do not know how or where to respond. It is our job to give them supportive direction. Common places the new member needs help in includes MV Support. We do not have to know the answer to give them direction; we can give them assurance that we will help look for a possible solution. New members may not know procedures on how to add a resource, and we find this out after they already submitted a resource. We can give them guidance on ways to get more exposure of their resource if they added one extra thing, which actual be a requirement. By direction, I mean helping and assisting the new member or any member that needs it. We are here to serve them.

Has anyone done something here, that you've seen, that you would have done something about as a moderator? (don't have to name anyone)
Wow! Macro, I actually thought of a similar question last night when I was preparing my initial campaign introduction

Yes, I have seen someone do something that I would have done something as a moderator. I even sent a report on this one. Here is an example of the scenario, someone placed a two-word review, with four stars. “Cool Dude!!!” He is how I would have responded, through PM. Notice a pattern: Positive, negative, positive. We want to encourage the member to keep being an active participant, while correcting desired area.

Hi ForumMember,

I am writing to you regarding a review you made HERE. [HERE linked to review thread]

Thank you for posting your review. You being an active member is appreciated.

Our forum has a three-word minimum post count. While this is the minimum, you might desire it to be a little longer, so the artist and other members can know why it is so Cool. Thank you for modifying your review, and I look forward to reading it.

I really appreciate you in helping this a better community, because you are a vital part.


Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
You asked it, now it's time to answer it!
- How would you handle warning a fellow moderator or administrator?

- What would you do to encourage more shy members to become more active?


Staff member
Do you proofread your own posts (no matter how long :D)?
Thank you JibstaMan for this question. I am a writer, and appreciate this line of questioning a lot.

Sometimes I do proofread and sometimes I don't. Earlier I caught a typo, that I made, after asking the other five candidates, how they would 'handling warning'. As soon as I realized the typo, I went into each thread and corrected it to read 'handle warning' I often type long replies in a word processor. I do a lot of writing, but that does not exempt me from making errors. I attempt to use a word processor for long answers, and often hand write major ideas. I make errors when writing sometimes. When I make an error, that is missed, I do appreciate people informing me of it.

MinisterJay said:
How would you handle warning a fellow moderator or administrator?
It is only fair that I ask this question to myself too. There are many ways to warn someone that is not THE banishment warning. By warning, it can also be an informative process. Maybe the post was done by accident. Maybe someone else got into there account. Irregardless, I would give them a courtesy PM. With respect, I would ask them if they were aware of the contents of the post. At this point, there is not a need to let other staff, moderators, or administration now about. Start off positive. Describe the post in question, and so how it may violate a certain rule, and then leave the post with another positive remark or two. They are treated like any other member. Warning someone, no matter what the rank, is to help them, myself, and the welfare of the community.
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Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
Very nice. I also snuck in a second question. :)

- How would you encourage shy members to become more active?


Studious Dark Lord
If you were to see two forum member's in a heated argument, but both of them were "right" how would you calm down the situation?


Staff member
You asked it, now it's time to answer it!
- How would you handle warning a fellow moderator or administrator?

- What would you do to encourage more shy members to become more active?
Awesome redirect Iron Croc. I unintentionally answered it before seeing you post. That second question is important, for we are hear to serve all members, not just the very opinionated and voiced.

There are many ways to warn someone that is not THE banishment warning. By warning, it can also be an informative process. Maybe the post was done by accident. Maybe someone else got into there account. Irregardless, I would give them a courtesy PM. With respect, I would ask them if they were aware of the contents of the post. At this point, there is not a need to let other staff, moderators, or administration now about. Start off positive. Describe the post in question, and so how it may violate a certain rule, and then leave the post with another positive remark or two. They are treated like any other member. Warning someone, no matter what the rank, is to help them, myself, and the welfare of the community.

There are a few things that we can do to assist shy people. For almost my entire teenage years, I was myself shy. We can give the person praise for when they do speak up. We do not have to agree with the person. We can thank them for making a contribution to the discussion. This can be done publicly or through PM. We can ask them a question, showing them that we really appreciate their opinions or solution. This can be done by including them, without embarrassing them, by using @ForumMember. If the person is really shy, the initial contact can be through PM. There is no harm in building a relationship with them before they start becoming less shy in the forums. The main importance is to not push them too far. Shy members are members too.
If you were to see two forum member's in a heated argument, but both of them were "right" how would you calm down the situation?
This unfortunately happens DarcHiro, almost daily in a diversity of forums. Sometimes the two are actually having fun bashing it out. It is very possible they are both right. If it is just them two, and they are not attacking each other, I might just let it play out until they get tired or bored. Some people are Pro-Topic and others are Anti-Topic. One thing they may both do is agree that they LOVE the forum. It is when others become irritated, or it becomes very unruly, that it is time to send them a PM. When others become irritated, they should have taken the clue and ceased the discussion. Others may have gotten stressed out by what they were reading, but the two in the heated argument are having fun entrenched in a debate. I would send a PM telling them that I am impressed that they believe in what they believe with such fervency. I would then tell them, that their debate has made some members uncomfortable, and they should let it cool down for a while. I would recommend, if it is really heated, and they wanted to continue, they could PM each other. Finally I would remind them that they both love this forum, and it is OK to have different opinions.

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
How would you handle mod hate? Supposing some members don't think you're able to do your job. Supposing you caught wind of that, whether out of or IN the forums. These members are simply stating their opinions without breaking rules. No other mod or admin has taken action against the member(s).

How would you handle this situation?


Studious Dark Lord
@MinisterJay I really enjoy how you handled this issue! Here is another one:
A member of the forum is focused on politics, religion, ect... but it is their own opinion... however their posts have people mixed with their own beliefs and has been upsetting a few of the other members for making the forum awkward. How would you handle this situation even though they aren't technically breaking any rules?​

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
What is your daily schedule like?
I'm not looking for the small details, more like, current job hours per day, music making hours, game dev hours, Resource team hours, etc etc. I would like to know what the "mod to be" day is filled with, it will be nice to see how much time can be truly dedicated to the community.

Another question related to previous one.

What is the priority you have for your schedule?
Now most people will obviously say, your real life job is #1 priority, and it should be, but after that, how do you like to prioritize everything else on your schedule, is it random, or do you do it the same everyday.

Now if you become a moderator, how will you prioritize your schedule?

Okay so since you technically already did this, you don't have to but if you would still like to for fun I'll keep it in my post.

Now for a bit of fun. I want to see a general PM you would make to a member. A rule has been broken, lets pick rule #1, it has been broken by a member and now you need to PM them letting them know the rule was broken. Let us see it (cheeky)

That should be good for now, may not be the best questions but I'm saving those ones for later .


Staff member
@MinisterJay I really enjoy how you handled this issue! Here is another one:
A member of the forum is focused on politics, religion, ect... but it is their own opinion... however their posts have people mixed with their own beliefs and has been upsetting a few of the other members for making the forum awkward. How would you handle this situation even though they aren't technically breaking any rules?​
I have encountered this very specific scenario as a moderator of the discussion area of the forum. The discussion area was more of a debate area, and it did get pretty nasty. This question has enlightened me to recommend a sub-forum part of the Discussion Forum. As part of this sub-forum, a forum disclaimer within it would state that forum does not support nor endorse any of the following discussions, please enter at your own risk. Note: All forums rules and guidelines are still enforced, in this sub-forum. It may be specifically for politics and religious beliefs. Those not interested usually do not go into there. Until that exists, what I will be looking for is personal attacks and belief system attacks. These type of attacks are unacceptable. People can debate heatedly about religion, politics, sports teams, theories, etc. As long as the focus is on the topic, I do not have problems with it. It is when people attack people and say they are stupid for believing what they believe, that is where I would get involved. Currently there is only one forum where those topics can even be discussed, but if the person was sneaking a sentence or two, snuggled within a larger discussion, I would have to PM then and notify that what they are mentioning is off topic, and if they want to explore it more, to place it in Discussions. The beautiful things about Discussions forum is if the topic does not appeal to any, it will naturally die off. We come from a diversity of backgrounds, cultures, and belief systems. We do not need to be attacking each other for this. We are a family with many parts and many purposes.

@LTN Games I have not forgotten your questions, I am working on them right now, in between tutoring students. :)


Studious Dark Lord
@MinisterJay that is a really good idea to handle situations like these! You even had a few ideas I didn't even think of! Good Job! I applaud your answers! Now here is another one:
There is a major issue in the forum; however, not many members have seemed to notice it yet. There are a few ways that could resolve the issue, but no one seems to take the issue seriously because it's not detrimental at the moment... but will cause a lot of problems later on. How would you bring about a way to resolve this issue that only a few people seemed to have noticed.​


[Insert Member Title]
Q: If you acted reasonably against a member (Gave the appropriate punishment) and then the user started complaining (wrongly) that they were being treated unfairly and that they didn't do anything wrong, what would you do?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
> A member is obviously angry with you, but is very passive-aggressive about it over the forums. None of their posts look mean/angry to other users or staff members, however. What do you do to resolve this?

> Rank these in order of importance (as they apply to this forum), and explain your reasoning: greeting members, following rules, keeping active, participating in events. I won’t accept an answer of “all are equally important”, however, you can explain to me why you think they should or should not be.

> A member starts hijacking a thread with their own questions and ideas - what do you do, and how?

> A member goes off into an off-topic tangent, but makes one relevant comment at the bottom of their post. How do you respond to this?

> A member keeps typing in ALL CAPS or 1337 5p34k, and members are starting to complain. What do you do, and how?

> A member is obviously responding to several posts just to up their post count, but their posts aren’t technically spam. How do you respond to this?

> You find out that some members are saying nasty things about you over IM. What do you do about this?

> You notice that an RT member isn’t being very friendly, but is still submitting their work on time. At what point do you contact their team leader with your concerns?

> What do you do to help a member who speaks very little English?

> BONUS: What is my favorite dinosaur? Note: I honestly don’t remember if you can find this information on the forum.


Staff member
What is your daily schedule like?
I'm not looking for the small details, more like, current job hours per day, music making hours, game dev hours, Resource team hours, etc etc. I would like to know what the "mod to be" day is filled with, it will be nice to see how much time can be truly dedicated to the community.

Another question related to previous one.

What is the priority you have for your schedule?
Now most people will obviously say, your real life job is #1 priority, and it should be, but after that, how do you like to prioritize everything else on your schedule, is it random, or do you do it the same everyday.

Now if you become a moderator, how will you prioritize your schedule?

Okay so since you technically already did this, you don't have to but if you would still like to for fun I'll keep it in my post.

Now for a bit of fun. I want to see a general PM you would make to a member. A rule has been broken, lets pick rule #1, it has been broken by a member and now you need to PM them letting them know the rule was broken. Let us see it (cheeky)

That should be good for now, may not be the best questions but I'm saving those ones for later .
As a moderator, I would continue to follow my daily routines within the forum, with some modifications.

I. The first thing I check is Report notifications. One of our members has reported something, and I need to check out of what it is, and deem appropriate action, if any needed. If action is not needed, I would PM the person who sent the report, and explain why the post was not in violation.
II. The second thing I check is the PMs. Sometimes members have questions or concerns that they prefer to address privately.
III. The next thing I would do is do my walk around the forums.
A. I look for new notices made by administration. There may be new information regarding procedures or changes in the forum, that may be needed to know before checking rest of forum.
B. I quickly greet new members in Introductions.
C. I look at MV Support. I take note if there are Support issues that I can resolve. If the process would take too long, I put on my To Do list.
D. I look at Resources. Most things forgotten by members is small, so I add to the discussion stating something like:, “I am excited to see what your resource looks like. I think you would get more downloads and feedback, if we had a screenshot.” Not all moderations have to be official, they are many times, you taking care of members, and helping them out.
E. I take a look at what was new in each forum, including blogs and wikis. A little extra attention may be focused on new members, while they are learning the forum. They may have accidentally posted in the wrong area or made other mistakes, something almost all of us do and have done.
IV. I give administration a vary short update of what is going, without going into too much detail. If more detail is needed, they will asks. Likewise, if I start seeing patterns, I notify will notify the rest of the moderation team.
IV. While keeping the forums tab open, I look for sites where I can tell others about the so many features we have, while following the rules of that site. This is the recruiting and marketing part of the day.
V. Have fun reading and replying to the various threads.

LTN, I already have a forum schedule that I follow daily. You made a thread about it in discussion. Becoming moderator would modify it a little. I love following a system, and it works for me. There are times when rigidity may not be appropriate, and the schedule needs to be adjusted, for this is a growing exciting forum. Addressing the question of how would my habits or routines change becoming a moderator. They would be implementing the few extra steps that are already within my current schedule. With my current activities, I can put over ten hours daily towards moderating. I actually get few tutoring assignments throughout the day, and they are usually done will quick. During those times, I multi-task between tutoring and being on RPG Maker MV Forums.

Here is a different example of how to deal with breaking a rule, and notifying through PM:
(For those who do not know, the first forum rules of posting is No Spamming.) How about I give you a fresh example:

I am looking at the NEW POSTS side bar and see this new thread by a new member Kulog736: Ako ay designer ng laro. I look into the Introductions and notice it is all written in a foreign language (example is close to Filipino/Tagalog). The example Initial PM follows.

Good day Kulog 736,

I appreciate you introducing yourself to our community.

This is an English forum, and within Rule #1 it states that there is No Spamming. With the no spamming rule, posting in languages other than English is included. Please immediately change it to English. If you are not good at translating it into English, I can put it into a translator for you, and let you see if that is what you may be trying to state.

You are a great addition to this forum, and we look forward to the contributions you will make. Have an awesome day.

Thank you,

DarcHiro said:
@MinisterJay that is a really good idea to handle situations like these! You even had a few ideas I didn't even think of! Good Job! I applaud your answers! Now here is another one:
There is a major issue in the forum; however, not many members have seemed to notice it yet. There are a few ways that could resolve the issue, but no one seems to take the issue seriously because it's not detrimental at the moment... but will cause a lot of problems later on. How would you bring about a way to resolve this issue that only a few people seemed to have noticed.

DarcHiro, there are two things I noticed almost immediately. One is that I must know about this major issue, and secondly the others must have notified me about this or stated it within discussions are profile postings. Having foresight is an advantage of having different people see the same thing. With having goals, dreams, and visions, we must take a look at the potential challenges too. The focus is not on the challenge, it is collectively finding possible solutions. The small group of members can brainstorm together for the solution(s). This can all be done in PMs. Once we have possible solutions, then we can PM administration and tell them about the upcoming challenges, and what we propose. It is at this point, administration may desire to put it before the forum members.

Q: If you acted reasonably against a member (Gave the appropriate punishment) and then the user started complaining (wrongly) that they were being treated unfairly and that they didn't do anything wrong, what would you do?

I am reading this into the question, and if I am wrong, Jackus please tell me. This member is stating all of this in the forums, and not in PM. Here is something similar to what I would send them in PM.


Before I state anything, I want you to know that you are a valued member of this forum.

I understand that you and I do not agree on the punishment given nor fair treatment. Here is a screenshot, of the post you made that was against the rules. All of our forums rules are listed HERE [ linked to HERE]. It is not necessary to resolve this in the forums. It can be taken care of here in the PMs. Further complaining, in the forums can neither the forums nor you any good, so I reccomend to stop it, before additional rules may be broken. Since you do think this is unfair treatment by me, unless you desire to resolve beteween me and you, I will forward this to administration; with that there may be further corrective actions. Let us agrree to not let it sculate to the next level.

This is something that we can put behind us and start fresh if you were to comply. You put really good contributions within the forum. I look forward to hearing from you.

Thank you,
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