My name is Soatok. I'm an amateur furry artist with a computer programming and network security background.
I've decided to create RPG Maker MV games in my spare time. I used to play around with RM2K and RM2K3 back in the early-to-mid 2000s.
Right now I'm experimenting with getting RMMV integrated with Git, then I plan on writing a package manager system for RPG Maker MV developers to share reusable, open source libraries. This will allow for enhanced collaboration and dependency management, especially for libraries that facilitate network communication and may need rapid security releases.
Afterwards, I plan on developing a plugin that allows multiple players to join a game session, facilitated over websockets and secured with libsodium.js and releasing it through this package manager. (Eventually, the capability of allowing characters to be stored server-side and cached locally, with Ed25519 signatures, will be explored.)
Eventually, I want to use all this to develop the RPG I have envisioned called Dreamseekers. :3
My name is Soatok. I'm an amateur furry artist with a computer programming and network security background.
I've decided to create RPG Maker MV games in my spare time. I used to play around with RM2K and RM2K3 back in the early-to-mid 2000s.
Right now I'm experimenting with getting RMMV integrated with Git, then I plan on writing a package manager system for RPG Maker MV developers to share reusable, open source libraries. This will allow for enhanced collaboration and dependency management, especially for libraries that facilitate network communication and may need rapid security releases.
Afterwards, I plan on developing a plugin that allows multiple players to join a game session, facilitated over websockets and secured with libsodium.js and releasing it through this package manager. (Eventually, the capability of allowing characters to be stored server-side and cached locally, with Ed25519 signatures, will be explored.)
Eventually, I want to use all this to develop the RPG I have envisioned called Dreamseekers. :3