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Soatok is a furry who wants to make RPGs


Dreamseeker Dhole

My name is Soatok. I'm an amateur furry artist with a computer programming and network security background.

I've decided to create RPG Maker MV games in my spare time. I used to play around with RM2K and RM2K3 back in the early-to-mid 2000s.

Right now I'm experimenting with getting RMMV integrated with Git, then I plan on writing a package manager system for RPG Maker MV developers to share reusable, open source libraries. This will allow for enhanced collaboration and dependency management, especially for libraries that facilitate network communication and may need rapid security releases.

Afterwards, I plan on developing a plugin that allows multiple players to join a game session, facilitated over websockets and secured with libsodium.js and releasing it through this package manager. (Eventually, the capability of allowing characters to be stored server-side and cached locally, with Ed25519 signatures, will be explored.)

Eventually, I want to use all this to develop the RPG I have envisioned called Dreamseekers. :3


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the community @Soatok :D I'd like to personally thank you for becoming a Sponsor as it greatly helps the community and getting better content to better benefit the community :D I was an I.T. Specialist myself for 4 years working with networking, though sadly the most I've done was run cable, and set up networks for the same building every month for a year straight for a 'mission'.

That sounds like an amazing idea btw, keep in mind we have a resource section as well here where you can upload, and sell your resources to others <3

For the multiple players, if you're able to do that I'd absolutely love to see that go into play, and I'd personally be willing to pay a decent amount if you do decide to sell it here. That sounds like a big step for RMMV and I look forward to seeing your progress on it as it gets developed. If you need some developers we have some amazing ones here that I'm sure would be interested in helping you out as well!


Dreamseeker Dhole
For the multiple players, if you're able to do that I'd absolutely love to see that go into play, and I'd personally be willing to pay a decent amount if you do decide to sell it here. That sounds like a big step for RMMV and I look forward to seeing your progress on it as it gets developed. If you need some developers we have some amazing ones here that I'm sure would be interested in helping you out as well!
Haha, don't worry about money right now. I may need more spritework assistance in the future, so if you'd rather offer the money to artists to work on a few things I need (and then make available to everyone on this site, of course), I'd view this as a fair deal.

Websocket integration isn't challenging. Libsodium is really portable. The hard part is the actual integration. Like, if you wanted to be able to buy powerful upgrades while preventing users from just hacking resource files to grant said upgrades, that'd have to be a separate plugin than the base websocket+libsodium library, but it'd probably depend on the latter.


Staff member
Resource Team
Websocket integration isn't challenging. Libsodium is really portable. The hard part is the actual integration. Like, if you wanted to be able to buy powerful upgrades while preventing users from just hacking resource files to grant said upgrades, that'd have to be a separate plugin than the base websocket+libsodium library, but it'd probably depend on the latter.
Couldn't you just leave that to the hosting company? For example, if you make it eligible for people to just upload it to their own server, let's say HawkHost they have built in protection from that sort of stuff. Unless you're trying to make your own hosting for it and everything. I'm not 100% sure on how it all would work, but I'm almost certain if they use paid hosting it could help prevent all of that from happening :)