@Aisling Starr ...
The screen shots of the Event are OK, but we're missing an important part of your issue. What is it that's not working..? Can we see a screen shot of the Map on which this Event is placed, please..?
If this Event is on a Tile on the Map, it will only work if the Tile is at coordinates X1:Y1, and the Actor facing North. That's not how the video shows it being used. The Script Call should be in a Common Event instead. The idea in the video is to have the Common Event linked to an Item (in the video, it's a Key, but it could be any Item useful to the plot...). When linked to an Item, using the Item in the Game will trigger the test to see is the Actor is standing in the right spot, facing the right direction, on the right Map. In that case, and that case alone, the dialogues will be triggered. If the Actor is not on the right spot etc, nothing happens.
The advantage of this is that if, mater on in the Game, the Item is to be used on another Map, a second test for X:Y is all that's required, not a whole new Common Event. The Common Event could grow to cover a whole range of uses of this same Item. IS that what you need to do in your Game..?
Could I suggest that you watch through the video again, and do exactly as the fellow does, on a similar, sparse Map, just so that you get it to work. Once you get the video version working, transpose it into your real Project, pasting in all the dialogue stuff.
It's a Good Idea, in general, to try things out on a small scale before going ahead with all the details and trimmings. They can come later, once a simplified version is working and mastered.
Hope this helps; get back to us if you have further questions on this issue, please.