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It's 1899... Hell's Kitchen, New York City...
You're running in the streets on a rainy night. You're short of breath as if you were running from someone or something; either escaping the cold rain or a darker world. You arrive to stay at a newly built hotel, but not everything is as it seems. This hotel wasn't announced in the newspaper. You decide to stay for a while, but you have trouble trying to sleep. Then everything changes. Everything goes black and there is very little light other than the lantern you have. With the light you have, the room you were staying at was nothing but rust and blood. As soon as you come back to reality, every exit to the outside is locked or blocked off. You now either have to find a way out or be part of the world before the sleep...
You're running in the streets on a rainy night. You're short of breath as if you were running from someone or something; either escaping the cold rain or a darker world. You arrive to stay at a newly built hotel, but not everything is as it seems. This hotel wasn't announced in the newspaper. You decide to stay for a while, but you have trouble trying to sleep. Then everything changes. Everything goes black and there is very little light other than the lantern you have. With the light you have, the room you were staying at was nothing but rust and blood. As soon as you come back to reality, every exit to the outside is locked or blocked off. You now either have to find a way out or be part of the world before the sleep...
Mister E White
The main character that you play. After deciding to stay at the mysterious hotel, you become trapped in it. While trying to find a way out, you also meet people that either deserve a quick death or be given mercy. The choice is your.
Diyu Tao-Li
A worker at the hotel who comes from China during the Boxer Rebellion. He's the first person you meet and has a history of Alchemy and research of dark arts. He is basically your guide through the World of the Sleep.
Dan Hallorann
The manager of the new hotel who is also trapped in the hotel trying to find a way out.
Ann Blac
A young woman that you meet who is also trapped. A mysterious woman who had hardships she wanted to get away from. She came to the hotel to collect her thoughts, but is also flung in the World of the Sleep.
Father Flagg Lowe
A priest at the hotel's chapel.
Choose who will live and who will die.
Your choice will effect the outcome of the game.
Mister Torrance (Desperation) = Family Murderer
Margaret Thatch (Order) = Abusive School Teacher
Susannah Edgecomb (Destroyed Youth) = Child Murderer
Desjardin Chambers (Medical Malpractice) = An Asylum Escapee
Sheldon Stillson (Gluttony) = A Cannibal
Mister E White
The main character that you play. After deciding to stay at the mysterious hotel, you become trapped in it. While trying to find a way out, you also meet people that either deserve a quick death or be given mercy. The choice is your.
Diyu Tao-Li
A worker at the hotel who comes from China during the Boxer Rebellion. He's the first person you meet and has a history of Alchemy and research of dark arts. He is basically your guide through the World of the Sleep.
Dan Hallorann
The manager of the new hotel who is also trapped in the hotel trying to find a way out.
Ann Blac
A young woman that you meet who is also trapped. A mysterious woman who had hardships she wanted to get away from. She came to the hotel to collect her thoughts, but is also flung in the World of the Sleep.
Father Flagg Lowe
A priest at the hotel's chapel.
Choose who will live and who will die.
Your choice will effect the outcome of the game.
Mister Torrance (Desperation) = Family Murderer
Margaret Thatch (Order) = Abusive School Teacher
Susannah Edgecomb (Destroyed Youth) = Child Murderer
Desjardin Chambers (Medical Malpractice) = An Asylum Escapee
Sheldon Stillson (Gluttony) = A Cannibal
The living elements within the Sleep
Humans that either have Good and/or Bad Karma. These are the residents of the Sleep forever stuck in Limbo trying to grasp the joys of humanity again.
Spirits that deliver the dead and the unjust to either paradise or pain.
Guards that make sure the punished stay punished and stay within the sleep.
The parasites of the Sleep.
Doll-Like creatures used to torment the mind of those that destroyed youth to others. They hide their faces to hide their disfigurement where their beauty is pray to the sick.
Living, walking bones who has lost all sense of humanity within them and become the trash of the Sleep. With there skin decomposed or ripped off, the only way they can communicate is through their sharp breaths and clicking.
Representing the insanity of man and the horrors of what man can do and the pleasures of pain. They hate the light and attack anyone that holds a light. They don't like intruders invading their small space that they call their world, and won't hesitate to scratch your body, blow you away, or rip you apart from head to toe.
The living elements within the Sleep
Humans that either have Good and/or Bad Karma. These are the residents of the Sleep forever stuck in Limbo trying to grasp the joys of humanity again.
Spirits that deliver the dead and the unjust to either paradise or pain.
Guards that make sure the punished stay punished and stay within the sleep.
The parasites of the Sleep.
Doll-Like creatures used to torment the mind of those that destroyed youth to others. They hide their faces to hide their disfigurement where their beauty is pray to the sick.
Living, walking bones who has lost all sense of humanity within them and become the trash of the Sleep. With there skin decomposed or ripped off, the only way they can communicate is through their sharp breaths and clicking.
Representing the insanity of man and the horrors of what man can do and the pleasures of pain. They hate the light and attack anyone that holds a light. They don't like intruders invading their small space that they call their world, and won't hesitate to scratch your body, blow you away, or rip you apart from head to toe.

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