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Rachdale Cheese Demo

Rachdale Cheese Demo Teaser..!

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Praised Adventurer
Dad3353 updated Rachdale Cheese Demo with a new update entry:

Rachdale Cheese Teaser, all new..!

Following on from feedback requested on this forum, I've come up with a new way of presenting my Game, so that one may have a look through several different pageants, without having to go through all the intermediate stages (which would take several hours, at least...). Now in the form of a graphical Menu screen, in which one may 'walk' the Hero over a Map and choose which spot to try out. There is an indication of the initial sequence, but the Maps may be visited in any order, really. Each...
Read the rest of this update entry...


Just played the game for one hour and i'll give some feedback:
- I like the whole random element and that you can find resources everywhere at random; it is suprisingly addictive to go around and collect the stuff I needed.
- I would have preferred to play trough it a bit faster, lv up faster, find resources faster and do less walks to fertilize a pond. You have lots of content but it takes very long to get to all of it; too long if you ask me.
- I would have like to see a bit more story in the game.
- In the beginning it is a bit unclear what the aim of the game is


Praised Adventurer
@Shineypawn ...

Thanks for trying it out, and extra warm thanks for the very helpful feedback. You may like to have a go at the 'Teaser' version, which allows one to see a few more of the Maps, without having to spend the time needed for the whole Game.
The pace of the Game is deliberately moderate; I've always thought that, if, at the start, everyone rushes through, important points may be overlooked. The game-play varies throughout, so some patience is asked of the Player from the outset. It's a Game, not a race; if one heads off too early into the wilds, it's a bit more difficult, really (although one is free to plunge in like that, empty-handed, if one chooses to..! Well done, anyway, for having got through the Marshes. I'm impressed.
There is a story, which unfolds mostly by way of the Diary, which evolves as the Maps progress. Again, I have taken the path of not labouring the beginning with any lengthy explanation, preferring to leave a certain suspense and intrigue until more Maps have been discovered. I could be wrong here; I've had both contrary opinions expressed ('not too much reading to do' versus 'not enough story told'...). Is there a perfect balance..? I'll see how I could address this, as you're right, really. How, though..? Hmm...
As to the aim of the Game: that, too, I'll have to make clear a bit earlier on (... but is not ridding the World of this plague of troublesome Monsters not aim enough, at least at first..?)
That's why I need folks to try out the Game and its Teaser, exactly so that comments of the sort can guide me, as I'm far too close, myself, to be able to appreciate such notions. Good Work; thanks again for your remarks.