Problem is just when hero recruit new member ?
That autorun events could be tricky, make sure you switch to another page after hiring or put erase command in the end.
oh, Hi :)
Ok, I've went over the event over and over. All the switches are set to switch to a new page, and I have even tried to use the Erase Event command as you mentioned, but am STILL unable to move after the character joins the group. I even re-wrote the whole event and am still having that issue.
[Update] Even tried removing the switches and used the self switches and still was unable to move :c
[doublepost=1463214287,1463212185][/doublepost][Update] I have got it! Solved and fixed the issue. I'll post my findings here so that it may help someone else one day.
Turns out... that I'm a noob and learned something new today!
The differences between Autorun triggers and Parallel triggers.
I have more then one autorun event in the same area (bad idea)
Autorun triggers lock your characters movements until the event has ran its course and something (switch or self switch) is causing that event to be on a page that isn't autoran. Parallel Trigger IS an autorun trigger that still allows your character free movement.
So in the case of my issue, another event that I noobishly set to autorun was locking my character's movement. So in turn... there was nothing wrong at all with the event commands for the new character joining up.
My problem was fixed by switching the other event that I had on an autorun trigger to a parallel trigger so THAT event will still autorun, but I'd still have control of my character.
Thank you everyone for trying to help! <3