*puts her David Bowie playlist on shuffle* Hail to the king, man.Can we all just chillax a moment and take the time to appreciate the fact that David Bowie was one of the greatest glam rock artists out there and the world is now an absolutely worse place without him?
Also, Genbairu is my Skype. I don't use it much because no one I know really talks to me through it for whatever reason. But hey, add me! Just put something in the massage to show that your from rmmv forums so I don't deny\block on impulse of not expecting a Skype invite. O.o

(link removed - PM me if you'd like itA question about the skype group: is there a way to leave and rejoin as needed? sometimes I'm busy and don't want to see the constant message notifications of the group lol.

It's a relatively quiet chat, but if notifications are a concern, I'd suggest right-clicking on the conversation, and turning off Notification Settings à la: