Progress..? Ah, yes; progress indeed..! Several innovations, starting with a surprise addition, spin-off from the Forest of Decay. Why surprise..? Well, because I didn't really know what I was doing; it sort of just... happened..! I was toying with my rolling rocks, and wanted to access a hidden cave entrance. After a fair bit of trial and error, I finally got the stone to roll away, and stay rolled away, from any direction, even when returning to the Map. Great, but where does this Cave lead to..? A big fight..? A Chest..? Almost without thinking I'd created another Maze, and, with a flash of inspiration, made a boulder that could be rolled from one end to the other. I crafted in a few 'roll away the stone' puzzles to make this tortuous task even more 'fun', and thought it a good idea to intersperse other boulders throughout the Cave. A real commando course..! Then came the illumination, the stroke of genius, the bolt from the blue. At the end of the Maze, the rolled rock fits into a pentagon, there's a flash and rays of light; by some miracle, the rock has triggered the finding of the Rachdale Cheese..! Yes, yes..! Who'd have guessed it..? Deep in the heart of this Forest of Decay, in a hidden Cave, at the end of an obstacle course, there, before the Hero, is the Rachdale Cheese..! Wow..! I was shocked myself..!
I've been wondering from the outset how, if at all, I was to weave this element into the story. Here, then, was the solution, and very elegant, too, if I say it myself. Completely unplanned, but perfectly fitting into the advancement of the plot.
Not all good news, of course. I'd cleverly made it so that once the Cheese triggered, the boulder should no long roll. It worked well. It also blocked the entrance; that, too, was deliberate. The trouble started when I copied the rock (albeit with a different graphic...) onto the Map to create nearly four hundred other boulders, scattered around. I then thought it a Good Idea to test what I'd done. I (with the help of the virtual Hero...) carefully pushed the boulder around the Maze, solving each puzzle, eliminating any boulders in the way on the way. I finally received the Rachdale Cheese..! Now to leave the Maze. The way back is blocked; one has to continue further through the Maze to reach the Exit. Any that block the passage will have to be rolled away. Oh no..! In copying the original boulder, I've also copied the fact that it can't move once the Cheese is obtained..! The Exit is blocked..! Nothing for it but to rectify a boulder, and replace each and every one with the new version, without this blocking mechanism. Nearly four hundred of 'em..! That'll teach me..!
I'll finish on a much more positive note, jus the same. I have, in the Overworld and a few other Maps, a Step Counter, which reduces HP with every Step. I had found a Health Bar head-up display (HUD...), and had decided to adopt this, despite my initial 'no plug-ins' rule. Not perfect, as it displayed on every Map, where it had less utility. Plucking up my courage, I contacted the author of the plug-in, to ask about the feasibility of having a version switch-able by Map to be visible or not. After a few exchanges of views on the exact needs, I now have such a version..! Each Map now has an Autorun which tells the HUD to display or not. Useful in the Desert, not required in anyone's Home. Excellent. Credited in the Game, of course.
What's next..? A bit more music then another think.
PS: I also populated the new Maze with flitting butterflies and Biting Frogs, just to spice up the challenge. I may put a few Chests in there, we'll see... The Web version of this Demo is being uploaded as I type, taking us up to ver 0.4.9. The downloadable versions will follow tomorrow...