Well, today I wrapped up the remaining edits, so now that's 100% finished. I also added in another hidden object that will play a role in a later event involving the Aero Lumminai Whilabeast and the young tribal girl Catherine. If the player does everything required for this hidden item it will save Catherine from a fate later on that would otherwise have a permanent side effect. (And you'll get to play as Whilabeast xD who wouldn't want that!?) But it's a really harsh event that will take place later and this one item can literally change how this event plays out.
That's gonna be one of the "multi-party" events so you'd have to make sure to choose a really good balanced group or you may end up with one group being unable to progress without dying since they'd be too weak. xD there's gonna be several types of events this way eventually, and if you're paying close enough attention you'll be in a good standing for them. Play recklessly though and you may regret that decision because the penalties are harsh and the difficulty will be raised quite a bunch because certain things would be missed.
Other than all that, I've set it up so the next step is the "Making the world Alive" step. Once that's done I'll pass it to my other team members so they can get Leon's storyline going while I continue onward to Chapter 4-7 of Lucia's side.
That's gonna be one of the "multi-party" events so you'd have to make sure to choose a really good balanced group or you may end up with one group being unable to progress without dying since they'd be too weak. xD there's gonna be several types of events this way eventually, and if you're paying close enough attention you'll be in a good standing for them. Play recklessly though and you may regret that decision because the penalties are harsh and the difficulty will be raised quite a bunch because certain things would be missed.
Other than all that, I've set it up so the next step is the "Making the world Alive" step. Once that's done I'll pass it to my other team members so they can get Leon's storyline going while I continue onward to Chapter 4-7 of Lucia's side.