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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today


Praised Adventurer
Well, today I wrapped up the remaining edits, so now that's 100% finished. I also added in another hidden object that will play a role in a later event involving the Aero Lumminai Whilabeast and the young tribal girl Catherine. If the player does everything required for this hidden item it will save Catherine from a fate later on that would otherwise have a permanent side effect. (And you'll get to play as Whilabeast xD who wouldn't want that!?) But it's a really harsh event that will take place later and this one item can literally change how this event plays out.

That's gonna be one of the "multi-party" events so you'd have to make sure to choose a really good balanced group or you may end up with one group being unable to progress without dying since they'd be too weak. xD there's gonna be several types of events this way eventually, and if you're paying close enough attention you'll be in a good standing for them. Play recklessly though and you may regret that decision because the penalties are harsh and the difficulty will be raised quite a bunch because certain things would be missed.

Other than all that, I've set it up so the next step is the "Making the world Alive" step. Once that's done I'll pass it to my other team members so they can get Leon's storyline going while I continue onward to Chapter 4-7 of Lucia's side.

Lyon Media

That sounds amazing and a pretty awesome idea! Today all I did was continue doing research on weapons and went around asking people to take a survey to get a better idea of what RPG players really like in a game lol. Compared to yours I haven't really done a whole lot today... haha


Praised Adventurer
That sounds amazing and a pretty awesome idea! Today all I did was continue doing research on weapons and went around asking people to take a survey to get a better idea of what RPG players really like in a game lol. Compared to yours I haven't really done a whole lot today... haha
Heh that's a small day for me xP when I really get into it the list is like at least 100 lines long lol. I've been under the weather lately though so it's surprising I've even gotten that much done. Surveys definitely will aid you in figuring out what you'd like to add. But, the important thing it to make the game into something you yourself would enjoy above anything else. If you don't enjoy what you're making it's not going to turn out well. I can tell ya that customization and "open worlds" are a pretty big thing though. And many enjoy crafting/gathering systems but not all RPG players since some view that as an unnecessary aspect of a game, but I love it heh. That's why there's so many different systems in TOTL and all of them will play an important role in some way. I don't believe in making useless additions so everything will have a purpose even if it's a tiny one.


Praised Adventurer
More progress (of sorts...) with an inspired addition of the fourth member to join the Party. I had added a lost Sword to the Long Desert; I used the same technique to hide a Hermit living in a tent in the Desert, who, when asked, is willing to join. He's a Mystic, and opens up a whole new range of possibilities for the whole group, such as ability to share new Spells, and maybe even teleporting in some circumstances (handy, eh..?).
Meanwhile, our youngest has been diligently playing the game, and coming up with some excellent observations and finding minute flaws (walking over the top of a Tower; something I wouldn't have spotted, as I would just assume that one couldn't..!). There are two ways to have the Axe sharpened, for instance, and I'd left out an important line in the second way which prevented its use. When testing, it worked fine, as I used the other method, so hadn't come across the problem. So far, he's been inspired to continue to play, though, despite these tiny niggles, so I must be doing something right..!
Well today (technically yesterday), inspired by something that RPG Maker Web said on Twitter about game magic, I finally conceptualized the basic systems for Otherworld and Gaia's Dream. Each is different, using different mechanics, but still technically "magic". It's funny how inspiration comes from other sources.

I'm still working on the character selection for Otherworld, although in a week's time I'll have two weeks' vacation to focus more on the project(s). And a few videos too; nothing too special, but maybe useful to some. It's mainly for content.


Towns Guard
Hey guys. I bought MV when it came out on steam last October. I was brand new to game making. With plenty of ideas for story but no idea how to achieve most of them, I've been mapping and eventing ever since. Today I perfected the mechanics in my ATM and custom Shop Processing that allows for players to purchase items in cash, or, by keying their pin#, credit, or debit. The credit limit is expandable and the bank account's only limit is whatever the variable max is. Is there a variable max? I have downloaded some cool plugins but I have not used any. I want to understand everything as much as possible of what can be done by eventing with some basic scripts. After finishing that, I started working on a PC System with some limited Apps like calculator, address book, banking app, status updater, email, game options, and game progress monitor. I just started and already I'm having problems with the password. Anyone know how to prompt the player for text and set it to a variable? There must be a way to script for this outcome.


Towns Guard
@CynicSyndrome You have some amazing concepts. The only one I know of is the Text Input Window plugin.

You could work something on the same principle. It shouldn't be too much work to replace the entered text with * for passwords.
Thanks for the comments. The event creator can be used creatively, I think people are relying too much on plugins. I will use one to fix this issue if I ever give up trying to do it with a script.


Praised Adventurer
In ploughing ahead with the story, I'd neglected a few (important...) details in the preceding parts. It's all very well having a third member join the Party (now a fourth..!), but the mechanism for fitting that into the flow of the game hadn't been thought through. That, then, was last night's task, which forced me to play that particular section at least a couple of dozen times before finally saying 'That's done...'. In helping (I hope..!) another member here with his 'logic', I came across a better sprite for my 'pushed' objects, too (a boulder to roll, rather than a crate to shove...). I updated the Lava Caves with this; it's visually much better, and more coherent (wooden crates would burn up in a Lava Cave, surely..?).
Whilst I'm at it, I'll have to go over quite a few details of the sort to keep the game up to date, as it's more difficult to go back over these things if they're not attended to while the 'iron is hot'. Ostensibly a chore, but it's amazing just how satisfying it can be to lean back and know that it's all neat and tidy. A bit of house-keeping coming up, then...
[doublepost=1468088441,1467976989][/doublepost]Nothing spectacular today, just the dusting down and tidying up I'd promised myself yesterday. So many bits and bobs, everywhere I look. Maybe the secret is to stop looking..? (joking)
I'm battling with a means of having the Player enter a Password; there's a question currently open on the subject which looks promising, using a dummy Actor to capture the text by entering a Name. Yet another step forward when it gets to work as I want it to. Patience, a few more trials; it's pretty close to working, but not quite...


Staff member
I worked on editing and adding images to a customized parallax map for a dragon RPG. @Micro , you heard that? Yes, a dragon RPG. I have searched engine the type of images, that I am using, and have not found any game that is using these. It may possibly be an original concept. Sorry RPG Maker MV family, no image spoilers for this one.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I finely got my new area done today. I think i made a mess out of the RTP but I think i improved it. Here take a look.
WOW this looks really good ouo It kinda looks like the style of xp mixed with ace but it blends well, used in a semi-platformer. Really cool and inspirational map(thumbsup)


Praised Adventurer
I bit of a rework of several 'features' of Rachdale Cheese, notably with the way Items are repaired (now requiring Iron, or Zircon, or Mithril; all mined or found locally...), and also the process for augmenting TP (necessary for dosing Magic use during combat...). Where the TP was applied to all previously, I've created a complex Common Event to distribute to only one Actor, depending on his/her Level.
Finally, I found inspiration for the third Mini-boss, who invokes assistance when suffering from the onslaught of the Party. This enabled me to test the TP gain, too, and it's all working as planned (after a few 'tweaks' and correctives, of course..!).
On now the confront the North Forest, which I already know to harbour many even greater perils. Luckily, the Party really has to be at a quite high Level before having to go this route; the preceding battles have not been in vain..!
Oh yes, I nearly forgot. The Zen hermit met in the Desert has unique skills, including a very convenient 'Mystic Teleport', which can whisk the Party from one end of Rachdale to the other in no time at all. That's going to save a fair amount of footwear..! I'll post these new versions shortly.
Onward and Upward..!


WOW this looks really good ouo It kinda looks like the style of xp mixed with ace but it blends well, used in a semi-platformer. Really cool and inspirational map(thumbsup)
thank you i added new shading to the tilesets, it takes up a 4th of tile e, then i turned tile e in to a globle tile and put all items that i was going to it, like my sings rails stuff that i could use inside or out. it works like a charm saves me space time and ram. so you can say i made a mess of the rtp but with the shadeing i added it boosts the maps. i dont need to copy all that stuff to every tileset now. so i made a template with just the e tile then put it on top now i never have to do that click click just to get to star or x lol. i added this e tile to all my sets it works grate. wish i had that idea longtile ago.

if you like i can upload it to the resources for you there are some more edits in it that i need to make first before i do my signs are better then theres becouse of my shading and it throws the hole set off.


Praised Adventurer
Some days are better than others. First, the less good stuff..? I'd worked on some graphics for my Forest Battlers, taking them from a published book. I sent off an email asking for permission to use these pictures, enclosing a sample, but got a refusal. I've a back-up plan (Thalzon has some excellent stuff, so I'll credit him instead...), but it's a shame, I find, that no-one will now see the original ones. Never mind.
On the good side, I've gone forward in leaps and bounds on the Forest to the North. Just a few tiles on the Rachdale Map, but, after battling with the Sentinel (I'll have to change that graphic, now..!), there's a South Forest Map, then a Lost Forest, a Forest of Decay, another Lost Forest, finally a North Forest before emerging into the North Plains. "Yes, but those are just 'default', template Sample Maps, aren't they..?" I hear the cry go up. Indeed they were, originally, but after much stretching out, looping, multiplying and heavy editing, they shine like new pins. "A lazy approach. Make your own Maps". No, these are splendid, and help me learn. They are very different to the standard ones after my onslaught..! The main thing is the game play anyway, as far as I am concerned. Chess is a good game with Staunton pieces; it is not improved with animations and pretty colours. It's not as if these Sample Maps are not good; they're very good indeed..!
Anyway, you'll have to play the game up to that point to judge now, won't you..? I'll just finish by saying that, with no monsters yet, and at 'running' speed, it takes nearly ten minutes to go from South to North, if one doesn't get lost one the way..!
Now to choose from Thalzon's marvellous creatures the most apt. Now, then; a Sentinel...


I've just finished adding a few character portraits. Not my original artwork (I can't even draw a stickman). This may seem a bit weird, but I used a doll dress-up game to create my portraits. I'm going to be using them in my menu settings (thanks to a plug by SumRndmDde). I had to go and cut out the backgrounds, but it was worth it, I'm happy with the results.

