Indie Dev

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Name one thing that you added to your MV Project today

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I added a few extra healing points to various locations in a secret project to be hopefully released soon.
I can't wait to see this secret project of yours.
Today I got my Disable Gauges plugin 100% functional, just need to bug test and make sure it works with a bunch of yanfly plugins. I also created 5 more Npcs with the generator. I also finished up some maps I had half finished.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Finished the lighting in photoshop for another cave in SQ. alsoI finished the Disable gauges plugin, and now I'm working on a scripted custom title screen for SQ. Next step is to finish the eventing for the cave & first temple and release a beta version to my testers :) So excited finally something to release, hell of a time converting to MV.


Staff member
Tested first part of game and realized I needed to change a few events from Below Characters Priority to Same as Characters Priority.


Towns Guard
I've made an animation for a skill. It has turned out quite nice, although there's one thing I would change if the animation resources would have allowed it. Either way, it's one of my favorite animations going to be in my game, but this one is probably going to be unlocked very late in game...


Staff member
I temporarily modified my son's project to use it to teach a concept.

I fixed some bugs in a possible soon-to-be-released special project.