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Monkey fo' Mod 2015!

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Bizarre Monkey

Sorry it took a while to put up, fellas! But here we are...

My thread to demonstrate why I may be fit for moderation!​

Now I'm sure all of you have questions, so I will list a bunch I figured you may have, and you can ask me more if need be!

What are your qualifications?
Well... I was a moderator on for a little while, and did a bunch even when I wasn't to breathe life into it, I've also lead a 24 member strong collective for almost three years.

Why should I vote for you?
Oh, put me on the spot, huh! Alright, well as some of you know I'm a fairly honest man, perhaps too honest. In fact my honesty's gotten me in trouble quite a few times! But the main reason is that, I know how it is to be picked on as a member, and banned without really understanding what you did. Maybe, because you didn't even do much you thought was bad?

I will not just blow down the ban hammer and tell you not to ask questions, I will do thorough investigations, and banning will always be a last resort. Even some who I've given no real reason to like me have said I'm the fairest person they know, now I dunno if I believe that! But I speak and work for the people. In fact I'm a political activist, I've attended marches with thousands of other people. I've seen first hand the power people present, and it's more likely I'll side with members than I will with the staff unless after investigation, the member does show that they'd do more damage than they can repair.

Beyond my morality, there's also my time and experience, I've been in the RPGmaker community since 2007, and I dunno I think I'm pretty good at it by now! Some even say I'm some eventing god, or insane-- now, I don't know if I'd say that! I just like seeing how far I can take things!

As for my schedule, well I don't sleep often, and even though I'm in classes right now, they'll only last to November 18th at the latest. They aren't even very long, either!

On Wednesday I go from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
On Thursday, I go from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
On Friday: I go from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM, though typically this day will be longer because it's the day I hang out with my real life buddies and also see my psychologist.

Every other waking hour I'm free. I'm also available on skype, steam, etc.

Another thing, I'm Australian, and while my waking hours are as irregular as Valve's release schedule, I will be around at odd times where regular justice sleeps.

So why do you want to be a mod?
I've felt so at home in this community, and I really like it here. So I figure, I may as well give it my all!

Anything else?
Well, I'm not gonna bribe you! You've gotta choose who you think is right, but if you have a question for me that i didn't answer, post away!


Staff member
Resource Team
@sage asked some good questions I will repeat over here :D

If a staff member did something you disagreed with, how would you react to that situation?

What would your reaction be if another staff member took credit for something you did without your permission? How would you handle the situation? *A.K.A. What I'm doing to Sages questions right now*

My question:
*This has happened to me* You somehow find yourself in what everyone else feels like a argument, or heated disagreement with another member. You didn't mean to do this of course. How would you react to the situation?

Bizarre Monkey

@sage asked some good questions I will repeat over here :D

If a staff member did something you disagreed with, how would you react to that situation?
I'd approach them on it and discuss it with them personally, most likely. I like to understand why people would do things their way, and see if I can understand that, through discussion and understanding, resolution may be found.

What would your reaction be if another staff member took credit for something you did without your permission? How would you handle the situation? *A.K.A. What I'm doing to Sages questions right now*
I'd probably just call them out on it in a joking manner, unless they publicly acknowledged it, such as you are, then that's fine. If it was a serious act, I'd likely do the same as above, discuss it with them.

My question:
*This has happened to me* You somehow find yourself in what everyone else feels like a argument, or heated disagreement with another member. You didn't mean to do this of course. How would you react to the situation?
Ah, a good question. If it got too heated, I'd likely bring it to a PM or some such, and if it's causing discomfort to others, then that's a bad thing, and I'd be just as at fault, so I'd likely again, bring it to PM and tell everyone to carry on. Especially if it was bringing us off topic in some way that wasn't helpful.

I'm all for civil discourse, or maybe even disagreement, as long as it stays civil. If it becomes a heated debate, a PM may be a better place for it.

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
So Steadfast! You managed to redoubt about who I'm going to vote for 0_0
Speaking of which :

If of which, what will be the benefits of you being a Mod? Will we have an additionnal forum theme with a humoristic one with monkeys all over the place? :D

Bizarre Monkey

So Steadfast! You managed to redoubt about who I'm going to vote for 0_0
Speaking of which :

If of which, what will be the benefits of you being a Mod? Will we have an additionnal forum theme with a humoristic one with monkeys all over the place? :D
The theme idea sounds awesome, but ultimately I'm a moderator, not an administrator, so I'd have to talk to the bold and brightest about that and set it all up. Things like that are not within my power to do on a whim. Though I will try to get such a thing rolling.

As for the benefits of me being a mod, well I do like hosting contests when I'm not nailed down with schoolwork, Devzone was quite a hit over on, and if we get big enough we could easily do that here. I'm also a big season holiday celebrator, and especially when it comes to April fools and Halloween.

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
Oh yes! I love holidays, can't wait to see what you can do with your abilities. I hope you'll be able to get those admins in yout pocket to convince them to make that if you become a Mod :D


Staff member
Rank the following things in order of importance: activity, content, relevancy, order

Team Xyphien or Team sage?

@sage asked some good questions I will repeat over here :D

If a staff member did something you disagreed with, how would you react to that situation?

What would your reaction be if another staff member took credit for something you did without your permission? How would you handle the situation? *A.K.A. What I'm doing to Sages questions right now*
Oh, you are dead, kid. <)
I'd probably just call them out on it in a joking manner, unless they publicly acknowledged it, such as you are, then that's fine. If it was a serious act, I'd likely do the same as above, discuss it with them.
I'd approach them on it and discuss it with them personally, most likely. I like to understand why people would do things their way, and see if I can understand that, through discussion and understanding, resolution may be found.
What if that doesn't change anything, and they do it again? What do you do?

Bizarre Monkey

Rank the following things in order of importance: activity, content, relevancy, order
Content, relevancy (assuming it means what i assume it does in the given context), Order, Activity.

While I won't abhor rules, I think executing them without exception is silly. Much like the 10 commandments, they should be treated as guidelines, not absolute orders. Thus why Order is so far back on the list. Content and quality of content should be the priority, in my eyes, and if you grow a community knowing that, then order will simply follow. Relevancy, which I'm assuming means relevancy to the topics at hand, is pretty important, I think. Why is activity so low on the list? Well, not that it isn't important, but the question is also very vague, I'd say it is important if you mean people being active, but good content will ultimately ensure that it is taken care of without having to push for it.

Team Xyphien or Team sage?
I don't know! Maybe when I get to know both of you better we'll discuss comparisons, but really, I know this deathtrap!

What if that doesn't change anything, and they do it again? What do you do?
Then that's ultimately where I'd consult the bold and brightest on the matter, wouldn't it be? It's not the kind of thing I'd make a public forum debacle. Not only would that be bad for the person doing it, it'd be bad for the reputation of the staff. Also, unless I really cared about being credited for the thing they were aping, I can't say I'd be beyond just letting it go. It depends on what it is.

Bizarre Monkey

That's not always the case, unfortunately.
Not always! But I find it's a good thing to start with, through my experience leading the CCC which has only one guideline, 'Nothing is sacred, except respect for each other', we haven't ever really had anyone who's done anything super wrong, we're like a big group of friends, really! Now of course that doesn't always work for a forum structure, ultimately the only orders given in the CCC are work ones. But again, that's just my experience! Most of the CCC are pretty hardy, too.

One thing I would prefer we avoid is hugboxxing, Amy said it best but I'm not gonna ape her words, basically-- constructive feedback, negative or positive, is critical to the growth of any skills, just so long as it doesn't recede into gutterspeak or nastyness.

Encouragement, certainly, but the whole telling members their work is fine as is when it could use drastic improvement is a harmful lie... mostly to them as developers / artists etc.

Last question:
What will you do if you lose this election?
Humbly welcome the new addition to the staff and continue doing what I love doing, gam mak!

I probably lose more gracefully than I win, hahaha. Basically in most places I urge I don't get moderator status, because to me it isn't about whatever perks, it's about being there for the people, very few websites mean enough to me for me to volunteer for moderationship, but I really like it here, so I'd like to be that guy, the public servant and moral detective. To me, that's what a moderator is.

Some sure, may find it more attractive as an authoritarian role, to me that's just silly! A member is just as important as the moderator or even the administrator. And from personal experience, a Member can be just as powerful as an Admin if they strive towards greatness.

It's a title and some additional duties, nothing more.
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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
If I vote for you, will I at some point get a discount on bananas from the store?

Edit: Also, will you finally reveal the secret banana algorithm to me?
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Bizarre Monkey

If you guys are asking for a banana-fresh oasis paradise theme-- Yeah, I can talk to Xyphien and Sage about it, again though, i'm not the manager, I can't edit cosmetic things without a hand of one who can.

Give me more intimidating questions!
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Towns Guard
Q: Two members are having a dispute. You do your thing, and decide one of them has been naughty and needs to be punished. Now, some time passes, and you discover that you punished the wrong member. The one you didn't punish had the stronger argument and more "evidence," despite being completely erroneous and wrong. How do you proceed?

Bizarre Monkey

Q: Two members are having a dispute. You do your thing, and decide one of them has been naughty and needs to be punished. Now, some time passes, and you discover that you punished the wrong member. The one you didn't punish had the stronger argument and more "evidence," despite being completely erroneous and wrong. How do you proceed?
Hmm, that is a good one! There's a few things I could do, but ultimately, I think I'd PM the wrongly punished member and apologize for my misjudgement. I don't think, were it in my power, I'd ever ban members for disputes. I've been in a few myself over my time, it'd have to be something really bad to warrant my absolute wrath. Ultimately, even though an apology won't rebate the punishment, whatever it was (unless I can rebate it, say a warning) it still helps the member with their confidence and esteem if I, the moderator who originally disciplined them, am all eating humble pie.

Status Gear Entertainment

Praised Adventurer
I'm sure you've seen this on all the other competition's campaigns so it's no surprise this post would make it to your doorstep. Let me remind you that moderating isn't hard until being put to the test. It's different to answer a series of questions than to actually handle a real situation. With that said, to win my vote you must be able to answer the following questions. They are broad enough and appear to be easy but remember, the answer can be said in such a manner that can be considered incorrect if it's not what is being looked for. Granted if I ask the same question as some already may have, I more or less skimmed over everyone questions.

Q: Why do you want to be a moderator?

Q: What is leadership?

Q: What is the difference between leadership and management?

Q: What is responsibility?

Q: What is the difference between responsibility and accountability?

Bonus Q: What is my favorite font and my rival font? c:

Don't knock yourself over with these brutal questions, every other contestant will be asked the same questions.

Bizarre Monkey

I'm sure you've seen this on all the other competition's campaigns so it's no surprise this post would make it to your doorstep. Let me remind you that moderating isn't hard until being put to the test. It's different to answer a series of questions than to actually handle a real situation. With that said, to win my vote you must be able to answer the following questions. They are broad enough and appear to be easy but remember, the answer can be said in such a manner that can be considered incorrect if it's not what is being looked for. Granted if I ask the same question as some already may have, I more or less skimmed over everyone questions.
Was wondering if you'd give me these hellish questions. Ofcourse, I fully understand being in a situation and talking about what you'd do in such a situation are different things.

Q: Why do you want to be a moderator?
Answered this in the OP, but your disclaimer is a fair one. I'll just repeat myself! :3
"I've felt so at home in this community, and I really like it here. So I figure, I may as well give it my all!"
And here's a bit more from my response to Sage
"Basically in most places I urge I don't get moderator status, because to me it isn't about whatever perks, it's about being there for the people, very few websites mean enough to me for me to volunteer for moderationship, but I really like it here, so I'd like to be that guy, the public servant and moral detective. To me, that's what a moderator is.

Some sure, may find it more attractive as an authoritarian role, to me that's just silly! A member is just as important as the moderator or even the administrator. And from personal experience, a Member can be just as powerful as an Admin if they strive towards greatness.

It's a title and some additional duties, nothing more."

Q: What is leadership?
That seems an odd thing to ask a to-be moderator, don't you think? But regardless, I don't know, really! As the leader of the CCC, essentially it's my task to keep those under my employment both busy and happy, and to lead the general direction of game development, while not only utilizing their resources they've made to boast the project, but to get their name out, too.

Q: What is the difference between leadership and management?
Again, while being honest as I can, I'm not really sure! A leader typically also has to manage things, but maybe the answer is that management is done by everyone, members have to manage their behavior, moderators have to manage their own behavior, and discuss with members theirs-- should it be needed. Finally, administrators have to manage many other things. I'm not in the position, nor will I be in the position of leader, should I win or lose this campaign, I'll merely be a public servant, and an aid to the administrators.

Q: What is responsibility?
It's a pretty broad term, but my best summary is that responsibility is thinking before you make a choice, being responsible with the choices you'd make.

Q: What is the difference between responsibility and accountability?
Where as accountability is understanding that the choice you ended up making is now yours, and if it ended up being the wrong one, then it's up to you to right it as best you can, if is deemed necessary.

Bonus Q: What is my favorite font and my rival font? c:
You like Arial, which is fine, I like it too! Many of my old game design documents are written in Arial. Your rival font, heh, gotta be Calibri, which if I'm not mistaken, is the forum standard, so it'd make sense that it's rivaling the presence of Arial.

Don't knock yourself over with these brutal questions, every other contestant will be asked the same questions.
They are pretty brutal, but more so just kind of broken in some ways, the last two ones before the font question were fine, but asking someone who is becoming a moderator what it means to be a leader seems a little silly to me.
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The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Goodness gracious, all those qualifications. You pretty much had me at "Australian". Just hand out free wombats as gifts and the victory will be yours for sure. You're surely making this a very tough decision... I need to think. Long. Very long. :D
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