Um, well I can't give out real wombats, primarily because I don't have a big batch of them just living under my house.Goodness gracious, all those qualifications. You pretty much had me at "Australian". Just hand out free wombats as gifts and the victory will be yours for sure. You're surely making this a very tough decision... I need to think. Long. Very long. :D
Stress less, you still have a couple days before you have to make a decision.Everybody is solid at answering the questions. I still can't make a vote :'(
It's on a case by case analysis. Ultimately repeat offenders who continually go too far may definitely face a suspension of sorts, but it won't be me alone who'd make that kind of decision, that would be discussed between me and the adminship.How do you handle repeat offenders? For example, if there's someone who just keeps giving nasty feedback on games time and time again, how far is too far in your eyes? A person like that may very well need a community that helps them right their wrongs, but the community also needs protection from constant (potentially harmful) communications.
What happens when your workload becomes too great? Say that the community expands very quickly, Xyphien isn't looking for another moderator yet but you're bogged down - are you the type of person who shuts down, asks for help, ignores some of the problems in order to pay attention to "more important" matters, or loses sleep to do work? I don't think there's an ideal situation, so your choice more reflects on what you're willing to give up to maintain sanity.Now granted, I will thoroughly investigate and personally talk to the troublemaker about it. Again, discussion can be all that is needed sometimes, and I'd rather that than outright confiding in heavy-handed disciplinary tactics.
Sleep is for the weak!What happens when your workload becomes too great? Say that the community expands very quickly, Xyphien isn't looking for another moderator yet but you're bogged down - are you the type of person who shuts down, asks for help, ignores some of the problems in order to pay attention to "more important" matters, or loses sleep to do work? I don't think there's an ideal situation, so your choice more reflects on what you're willing to give up to maintain sanity.
Being a moderator requires leadership. Leadership like leading others to do things, such as to follow the rules for example, is something a moderator does. Moderators also view, think and make decisions for others like a leader does. These questions are basic questions that are commonly the toughest to answer but yet are so basic and can be found when running for a position that offers more managing power. These questions are asked everywhere from jobs like managers to officers in the military. It's all the same because we want to know if you have the basic understanding of the position you are about to take. ;)They are pretty brutal, but more so just kind of broken in some ways, the last two ones before the font question were fine, but asking someone who is becoming a moderator what it means to be a leader seems a little silly to me.
Not just officers. They are asked at any position if you attend any board whatsoever, rather it be a promotion board to get your waver from PFC to SPC, etc. No matter how low your rank, you could be asked this in the military.officers in the military
This is an extremely true statement, and is something that is in fact asked almost anywhere you go to apply for a higher position.Being a moderator requires leadership. Leadership like leading others to do things, such as to follow the rules for example, is something a moderator does. Moderators also view, think and make decisions for others like a leader does. These questions are basic questions that are commonly the toughest to answer but yet are so basic and can be found when running for a position that offers more managing power. These questions are asked everywhere from jobs like managers to officers in the military. It's all the same because we want to know if you have the basic understanding of the position you are about to take. ;)
Oh sh*t, that's a good question. :OA few new members have joined, their native tongue is Mandarin( or a language foreign to you), other members are having problems understanding them when they write in English, some members even decided to report the posts for help with translation or to do something about it. What is the best action to take with a language foreign to you? How will you interact with such members? If they seem to be posting too much messages where others just can't understand them, whats the best action to take?