Hello ladies and gentlemen! I am Xyphien, your host during this campaign. I am here to bring you the amazing contestants @Jackus, @Iron Croc, @EvilChibi, @Kaimen, @MinisterJay, @Trumully, @sage! These people have met the qualifications, and have requested to become a Moderator of the forums. Keep an eye on this section, as these contestants will be posting their ad campaigns to try winning you over, and voting for them. Only one will win.
This is now the biggest Moderator Campaign we've ever had! (Imagine that, it's like we've only had two).
I will give you all until the 15th to decide who you're going to vote for, then I will upload a poll from the 15th to the 25th to allow everyone to vote for your new mod.
This is now the biggest Moderator Campaign we've ever had! (Imagine that, it's like we've only had two).
I will give you all until the 15th to decide who you're going to vote for, then I will upload a poll from the 15th to the 25th to allow everyone to vote for your new mod.
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