Except for the ridiculous ones from people who acted like they were already a mod. ;)
Jeez, was I the one who dispelled that impression?
I wasn't trying to sound superior, only like I was a DIIIIICK.
And everybody bought it so well that my posts?
Probably for the best, they uh... they weren't very nice.
Most of the people I had a chance to give such posts to withdrew anyway.
I voted for Minister Jay, he's a very sensible and well mannered dude, also has a lot of control.
Chibi concerns me some, from literally every time I've been in the chat she's tried to argue about stupid shit with me that was an aside from my original point and she's uh... at least from my limited observation, very emotional and cares too much about small shit she really doesn't need to.
It's not a bad quality, but in a high pressure job like moderation where you are judged for every single thing you do, it's not a place for worry warts, those who worry about everything tend to scrutinize too much on little things, and don't seem to be able to focus on the bigger picture.
People who are a bit more detached are ideal, because they can act on thinking what would be best for the forum, rather than trying to please everybody at once.
There's my honest two cents, sans the nastiness.