Famitracker is great. It also allows you to make *authentic* NES music, because it emulates the actual hardware and that means it comes with the limitations. This is actually a good thing! Working on music within limitations means that you can be more creative finding ways to push against those limits.
There are some interesting videos about how the NES (and other old game consoles) produced music. Here's one:
(they start talking about the NES at 2 minutes and 4 seconds, but watching the whole video is worth it).
@Xyphien . Being mainly a writer, mapper, etc., I never though I would get into music composition. This may go perfect with a future project, 'Ole Skool.'
Does it have a way to convert the .ftm to .ogg format?
First, you would output a .WAV version in Famitracker. (In the FILE menu, it says Create Wav...). Then another program would be used to turn the WAV into OGG.
An FTM file is just the instructions for a song, whereas WAV is the actual sound output.
For making OGGs, I like to use Audacity. I could put together a little OGG conversion tutorial, if that would be helpful. :)