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Lore's AMA Thread


Global Moderator
I can read backwards and upside down, but for some reason having to spell backwards is hard to me. How do you do it? And I see, a natural redhead. Neato.

Why did you not expect a question about male pregnancy when you noted earlier you used to tell bullies you were pregnant when you were bullied for being overweight? But I don't blame you for not wanting to. :P

Hrm...How do you decide, personally, what your progress is on a project?

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
So many questions, so many answers, not enough time (sad) I'll start checking this topic out now that I'm posting in it and I'll receive notifications.

Soo question hmmm.
The sun or the moon?
Grass or dirt?
lol, okay seriously, though, what are your favorite kinds of questions ?


Resident Dragon
Why did you not expect a question about male pregnancy when you noted earlier you used to tell bullies you were pregnant when you were bullied for being overweight? But I don't blame you for not wanting to. :P
Haha, fair point. :D
Hrm...How do you decide, personally, what your progress is on a project?
I suppose it depends on where I am up to with things. For instance, the development bars in my signature won't go past 10% while I'm in the planning stages.

So many questions, so many answers, not enough time (sad) I'll start checking this topic out now that I'm posting in it and I'll receive notifications.
Haha fair enough :D
Soo question hmmm.
The sun or the moon?
Moon. Always the moon. I'm a redhead. Of Scottish decent. I burn just by thinking about the sun.
Grass or dirt?
Grass generally :)
lol, okay seriously, though, what are your favorite kinds of questions ?
Hrmm. I actually don't mind any and all questions. Questions that might be NSFW though I won't answer publicly for obvious reasons, but people are free to PM me about those types if they wish. :)


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
If you fart... do you do it silently or is it like a bomb going off?

What do you do when you wake up in the morning?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Watch news... bahh. I can't remember the last time I watched news.

Warning. Below is naughty.
Do you like buttsecks with me?

If you could visit the moon or mars safely. Which would you choose and why?


Global Moderator
Do you prefer watching foreign things dubbed or subbed (for example, anime, assuming you watch it xD).
Have you ever been arrested for something?
Do you have any phobias?


Resident Dragon
Do you prefer watching foreign things dubbed or subbed (for example, anime, assuming you watch it xD).
Depends on the show, but these days, I'll generally go subbed rather than dubbed.
Have you ever been arrested for something?
Do you have any phobias?
Several in fact, but my biggest three are Acrophobia/Hypsophobia (fear of high places; its interesting because I love the window seat on planes), Aquaphobia/Hydrophobia (specifically, fear of drowning), and Thanatophobia (fear of death).


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Are you secretly Lord Voldemort?

Favorite type of pants to wear?

What's your three favorite games to play?


Global Moderator
Do you like puzzles? (If yes, additional: What's your favorite kind of puzzle?)
Do you prefer to read/write script or print fonts?
Do you remember your first video game console?


Resident Dragon
Do you like puzzles? (If yes, additional: What's your favorite kind of puzzle?)
I love puzzles. One of my favourite types of puzzle is an Untangling puzzle, where you need to untangle a bunch of nodes so that the interconnecting lines do not cross another line. Similar to this:
Do you prefer to read/write script or print fonts?
When I'm actually writing, I find it easier to write in cursive, but when I'm using a computer, I prefer clear, printed fonts, however both of these can change depending on what I'm writing/creating and the look I need or want.
Do you remember your first video game console?
Yep. I had a Super Nintendo. That was my first ever console :D


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
What was the first PC game that you played?

Do you have something that you are currently doing, but wish to stop doing it and for some reason you continue doing it?

If you received 50$ right now what would you use it for?


Global Moderator
Can you cook? If so, what do you like to make?
Do you know how to drive?
How far do you think you could walk before you got tired?


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
If penguins decided to take over the world then would you support them or do suicide because #fucking hell penguins.

Do you love cows and do you want one?

Have you searched anything in google today and if so then what did you search for?


Resident Dragon
Can you cook? If so, what do you like to make?
I can, and I love making cheesy & meaty pasta.
Do you know how to drive?
Yup. Been driving since I was 6 years old. Yay for growing up on a farm. :D
How far do you think you could walk before you got tired?
Depends on the terrain, but I'd say probably about 2kms (about 1.24 mi)
If penguins decided to take over the world then would you support them or do suicide because #fucking hell penguins.
I'd support them, because PENGUINS!!!!
Do you love cows and do you want one?
Growing up on a cattle farm, I can say for certain that, unless I was living on another cattle farm, then no. I do not want one. Cows are for eatings.
Have you searched anything in google today and if so then what did you search for?
Converting kilometres to miles for @Juneberry's answer above.


Global Moderator
You have so much stamina compared to me. Amazing! (Wait, no, my stamina's just really bad too...)

-Do you find you measure everything in metric units, or just certain things? (I'm curious because a lot of friends in other countries that use Metric system also use our system for some things, which I find weird. Because I find our system weird. xD)
-How many countries have you been to (outside your own, mind you)?
-If you could have a superpower/magical ability, what would it be based on your personal abilities right now, you think? (and of course...what would you WANT it to be otherwise? xD)


Resident Dragon
Bumped because I should have answered this already lol.

Do you find you measure everything in metric units, or just certain things? (I'm curious because a lot of friends in other countries that use Metric system also use our system for some things, which I find weird. Because I find our system weird. xD)
Always Metric. I don't understand imperial.

How many countries have you been to (outside your own, mind you)?
Actually none. I've travelled interstate many times but never actually left the country.

If you could have a superpower/magical ability, what would it be based on your personal abilities right now, you think? (and of course...what would you WANT it to be otherwise? xD)
If procrastination was a super power, I'd win for sure. Later though.

Otherwise, either Time Control or Healing.