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Lore's AMA Thread


Staff member
Were you born with any extra (or missing) appendages?

What's the most embarrassing nickname someone's given you?

Favorite cereal?

What color is your toothbrush?


Resident Dragon
Do you have a preference of the genders? Would you prefer a daughter or a son? Or you don't care about this... I think I won't care.
I don't really care, to be perfectly honest. :)
Interesting. I wouldn't go into details myself too because I felt weird asking that honestly... and NSFW. I do so love NSFW.
What's your favorite flavor of an ice cream or are you like I am and fuck the flavors--eat all the ice cream!
I actually have this thing with Chocolate-flavoured things. Don't get me wrong, I love chocolate, but when it comes to chocolate flavoured things like chocolate ice cream... I just can't stand it.

My favourite flavour of ice cream is Strawberry, and I will always go for that flavour above all else. Every other flavour then falls into the "fuck it" category :)
Were you born with any extra (or missing) appendages?
Not that I'm aware of. :)
What's the most embarrassing nickname someone's given you?
Not so much embarrassing as it was annoying for me, but neighbours used to call me "Frank the Wank" which I found to be a little beyond the appropriate line, especially when they would call me that in front of various people, a lot of which I didn't even know. (And yes, my name is Frank).
Favorite cereal?
To be perfectly honest, my favourite cereal is a cereal which you can't get any more. It was the old Pokémon cereal with the marshmallows. Alternately, Sultana Bran or Honey Weets are close.
What color is your toothbrush?
Blue and white for the moment. I'm due for a new one though.


Resident Dragon
Did you like it for the subject matter or the appearance? Since it was basically the same thing as Lucky Charms, or at least, it looks like it was.
As far as I know, we don't have Lucky Charms here in Australia. And we got it partly because of the subject matter, and partly because they were clearing their stock for like $1 a box.


Global Moderator
Do you have an iron stomach or do you find you get nauseated a lot?
Can you speak any other languages?
Do you still play Pokemon games? If so, are you excited for Sun and Moon?


Resident Dragon
Do you have an iron stomach or do you find you get nauseated a lot?
I pretty much have an iron stomach for most things. :) I only tend to get nauseated when I have a headache/migraine.
Can you speak any other languages?
While I took several years of German, I can't really remember much (I can remember a few phrases and words, thats about it.) However, if the languages of Bad English and Bullshittery count, then I am fluent in 3 (including English) :P
Do you still play Pokemon games? If so, are you excited for Sun and Moon?
I do still play them. I also totally haven't pre-ordered the collectors editions of Sun and Moon, the strategy guide, the New 3DSXL Sun/Moon Limited Edition console, or the Z-Ring. Nope. Totally haven't. [/SARCASM]


Global Moderator
Why did you take German? Was there a choice involved? (I ask because my high school had us choose between multiple languages when I was there, before I was expelled). If so...What fueled your choice?

Do you often spend a lot on games and special edition things? (I'm jealous you did that I have no 3DS anymore because mine's totally busted xD).

What fueled you to get MV in particular?


Resident Dragon
Why did you take German? Was there a choice involved? (I ask because my high school had us choose between multiple languages when I was there, before I was expelled). If so...What fueled your choice?
We did basic German in 6th - 8th grade (compulsory), and 9th - 12th grade was optional, but I only did it because it was the only subject in the blocks that I was interested in. Part way through 12th grade, I managed to switch to Drama/Theatre which turned out to be the best thing I ever did. :)
Do you often spend a lot on games and special edition things? (I'm jealous you did that I have no 3DS anymore because mine's totally busted xD).
It is actually all dependant on the game itself. My current 3DS has a busted battery which is the main reason why I'm getting the 3DS as well.
What fueled you to get MV in particular?
A friend of mine got it when it first came out, and I was fascinated. I couldn't afford it right away so I started fiddling with VXA (albeit a not-so-legal copy; it was mainly to try it out). Once I realised how awesome RM was in general, I wanted to get the latest version (MV) to actually start work on my game.


Global Moderator
Did you get MV on sale like I did? o3o Was VXA your first version of RM too? (we match so much right now then!)

Your 3DS is probably still better than mine with the busted battery (maybe I dunno). Mine is literally split in half hanging together by a wire. xD

What made you choose to take part in Drama/Theater? What was your favorite part of it?


Resident Dragon
Did you get MV on sale like I did? o3o Was VXA your first version of RM too? (we match so much right now then!)
I bought MV a week before it went on its most recent sale (I was kicking myself; I got MV in August :)) And yep, VXA was my first version of RM. I actually had never heard of RM prior to my friend showing me her game demo.
Your 3DS is probably still better than mine with the busted battery (maybe I dunno). Mine is literally split in half hanging together by a wire. xD
Mine just has to stay on its charger all day.
What made you choose to take part in Drama/Theater? What was your favorite part of it?
I originally wanted to be a high school teacher specialising in Drama/Theatre and Music, but I couldn't get into Drama initially due to peer pressure. It was also one of my favourite subjects at school. I wish I could go back and actually do the full course. My favourite part of it was taking on the persona and character of someone else (the character), especially when their personalities were different to my own.


Global Moderator
What were your peers pressuring you about with the drama/theater part?
Were you bullied a lot as a child? Or were YOU a bully?
Why did you especially like playing characters that were your opposite?


Resident Dragon
What were your peers pressuring you about with the drama/theater part?
It was more the fact that people thought I would be better at German and I should continue it.
Were you bullied a lot as a child? Or were YOU a bully?
While I'm sure I had my moments as a bully (I can't really remember), I was bullied and bashed quite a bit when I was younger. That said, once I reached 11th grade, that dropped off significantly. But whenever people called me fat, I developed a perfect retort - "I'm not fat, I'm pregnant! I'm just figuring out who the fathers are!"
Why did you especially like playing characters that were your opposite?
It was interesting to get into the mind of said character. And it pushed me past my comfort zone which is something I was trying to do, and still try to do.


Global Moderator
How did people react when you said you were pregnant? I mean my reaction right now is kind of "ummm what?" o3o
Why do you like pushing past your comfort zone?
Do you often get told you have an ear for language?


Resident Dragon
How did people react when you said you were pregnant? I mean my reaction right now is kind of "ummm what?" o3o
Pretty much that was their response. But by the time they realised and processed what I'd said, I was gone. :)
Why do you like pushing past your comfort zone?
Once I was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, I wanted to try and overcome as many of the obstacles it presented me with, including being anti-social and having poor motor skills. Trying to push past those barriers helped me get to be where I am today. While I still have moments where I just can't deal with people, it's not all the time like it used to be.
Do you often get told you have an ear for language?
Not overly. My wife however does, and can generally understand a number of languages.


Global Moderator
I haven't been diagnosed with Asperger's and I can't deal with people in general either. That said, my family often thinks I should be diagnosed...The doctors just refuse to test me at all. I have enough problems anyway.

But speaking of being good or bad with people...Do you see yourself as an introvert or an extrovert?


Global Moderator
I think that makes sense.
Do you often feel you confuse people? Or are you often told you're easily confusing?
Also...Do you consider yourself easily confused?


Global Moderator
Why did you choose an orange haired character? Is it to go with your orange name?
Do you believe males will get pregnant in the future, and if so, would you want to?
Do you find it difficult to spell world backwards?


Resident Dragon
Why did you choose an orange haired character? Is it to go with your orange name?
I'm a natural redhead, so it was the closest colour to match with my own. XD
Do you believe males will get pregnant in the future, and if so, would you want to?
I...actually don't have a prepared answer for this, dammit Marshmallow! But probably not I'd say. It would depend on a number of factors, but right atm, no.
Do you find it difficult to spell world backwards?
Nope. Dlrow. I can generally read backwards and upside down text :)