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Lore's AMA Thread


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
How are you doing?
What are you doing?
Do you like the Nothingness and is it more beautiful than Everything?
I'm curious. You're Lore, but what is your lore?


Resident Dragon
How are you doing?
I am doing good. Busy. But good.
What are you doing?
Currently answering these questions while waiting for the wife to pick me up from work. Otherwise, I've been working on games :)
Do you like the Nothingness and is it more beautiful than Everything?
Yes, and almost. Sometimes everything can be more beautiful.
I'm curious. You're Lore, but what is your lore?
I'm the lore of all things. That, and having a name that is a corruption on the acronym LAW which stands for LoneAntarcticWolf, which was my original deviantART name. It was shortened then altered from there, and the name stuck.


Global Moderator
So I learned a bit about you already, and it lead me to new questions!

1. How long have you and your wife been together/known each other?
2. Why'd she have to pick you up? xD
3. What's your favorite thing about database work?


Resident Dragon
Excellent, more questions! :D

1. How long have you and your wife been together/known each other?
We met via a deviantArt Meet up in December of 2009. We began dating in January 2010 and were engaged by the end of February (it was one of those "you just know this is the person" kind of deals. We got married on July 30, 2011. :)
2. Why'd she have to pick you up? xD
My wife works about 20 minutes from home, and my work is on the way to hers, so she drops me off to work in the morning and picks me up in the afternoon. :)
3. What's your favorite thing about database work?
That is actually a tough one, but after thinking about it, I'd have to say generating lists of items, weapons, armors, etc. When I create these things, I tend to have an idea in my head about what an item looks like, what effects it might have, and what sort of name I'd give it. For example, if I thought of a sword that wasn't all that strong, but could summon tornados, I'd think about a name that would encompass these aspects, so something like Windfall or Zephyrdos (a mix between Zephyr and Tornados)


Global Moderator
That's a beautiful love story. Can I steal it for a writing piece? Just curious. Don't worry, no real names would be used. xD

Hrm...More about Lore...(Oh hey that rhymes!).

1) What's your favorite kind of item to make overall? You used swords as an example, but that might not be the thing you love making the most.
2) If you were a character in a game, what kind of class would you be? What kind of weapons would you want to be able to use?
3) Do you two plan on having kids? (If so I wanna hug them)


Resident Dragon
That's a beautiful love story. Can I steal it for a writing piece? Just curious. Don't worry, no real names would be used. xD
But of course :)

1) What's your favorite kind of item to make overall? You used swords as an example, but that might not be the thing you love making the most.
Of all of them, probably items & accessories (they're both equal XD). I love coming up with things that would be found in the world and integrating them into the game as usable items.
2) If you were a character in a game, what kind of class would you be? What kind of weapons would you want to be able to use?
I'd either be a rogue or mage, but possibly a mage over rogue. As for weapons, staves, lances and claws would be the ones I'd love to be able to use. (Can you imaging a mage imbuing a claw with magic then attacking?)
3) Do you two plan on having kids? (If so I wanna hug them)
Eventually. But aside from not being financially secure enough to warrant having kids just at the moment, we also have 2 monsters (read: cats) that are enough for the moment XD.


Global Moderator
So you have cats, do you...? Tell us about your cats! What are their names? Are they cute? And why do you call them monsters?


Resident Dragon
So you have cats, do you...? Tell us about your cats! What are their names? Are they cute? And why do you call them monsters?
We have 2 cats - Pirate (the male, who is a mummy's boy), and Ninja (the female, who is a daddy's girl). They are nearly 5 years old (we got them a few months after we were married) and are absolute terrors (climbing up the insect screens, trying to get out even though they are indoor cats, etc).

I've attached a photo of them. In it, Ninja is on the left and Pirate is on the right. :)



Global Moderator
So Pirate prefers your wife and Ninja prefers you, is it? How'd you come up with those names? (Also is it me or does that spot near her nose make Ninja look like she has a mustache?)

Hrm...What are your favorite kinds of questions to answer?
What's your favorite animal, too?


Resident Dragon
So Pirate prefers your wife and Ninja prefers you, is it? How'd you come up with those names? (Also is it me or does that spot near her nose make Ninja look like she has a mustache?)
Pirate has the half-hitler (the mustache). :) And yep. As for their names, we wanted something different, and, as she was the one we got first, I named her Ninja because of her colouring. Both live up to their namesakes too - she hides quite well, and he plunders (mainly Ninja's food). XD
Hrm...What are your favorite kinds of questions to answer?
I tend to like most questions :)
What's your favorite animal, too?
Favourite animals would likely have to be dogs (and it's canid variants such as Wolves, Foxes, etc), and otters. :) If we are talking about mythical creatures too, then dragons. Hands down. :)


Global Moderator
*high fives for fellow brain won't shut uppery*

What kind of mind games do you play?
Do you like cats also?
Do you has allergies?
(Yes I purposely made that error)


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Ermagerd! I have Peak installed too!

What is that you do at work and do you enjoy it?

Do you fight with your wife at all or are you both happy and can get through the little fights? (Curious because I wasn't sure if I should ask this :O)

If you plan to have kids then do you have thoughts of a name for them? If not--then my name is cool and you should totally say this to your wife and you'll have another version of me as your kid. If yes... what names are you thinking about?


Resident Dragon
Ermagerd! I have Peak installed too!
What is that you do at work and do you enjoy it?
I'm a full time carer for my parents, both of whom have various medical conditions. And I do enjoy it :)
Do you fight with your wife at all or are you both happy and can get through the little fights? (Curious because I wasn't sure if I should ask this :O)
Like any couple, we have our arguments/fights, but we always make up before we go to sleep of an evening, even if it means we spend a bit of time by ourselves so we can calm ourselves down and approach the argument with a relatively clearer head.
If you plan to have kids then do you have thoughts of a name for them? If not--then my name is cool and you should totally say this to your wife and you'll have another version of me as your kid. If yes... what names are you thinking about?
:D I'll pass it along :)

We really haven't thought of many names, although I'm partial to Raphael and Sierra/Sarah personally.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Alright! Hopefully she likes this pen name or I will let you know my real name that is actually four words! Amazing.

Also. How many kids would you like actually? Just one or would you like more? :O might have to ask your wife this unless you of course know. Have you ever done something so stupid/whatever else that she thought about leaving you?

What music do you like?


Resident Dragon
Alright! Hopefully she likes this pen name or I will let you know my real name that is actually four words! Amazing.

Also. How many kids would you like actually? Just one or would you like more? :O
I would love no more than probably 2 kids, but 1 would would be fine. Any more than 2 may actually involve the wife killing me. XD
Have you ever done something so stupid/whatever else that she thought about leaving you?
Yep. There was an incident about 3 or 4 years ago. Don't want to really go into details, but it did involve various NSFW elements.
What music do you like?
My favourite genres are Country and 90s - early 2000s Techno/Trance, but I tend to like pretty much all music genres. Metal, Heavy Metal and Rap have respect from me, but I'm not overly keen on the style.


the Eternal Lord in the Nothingness
Do you have a preference of the genders? Would you prefer a daughter or a son? Or you don't care about this... I think I won't care.

Interesting. I wouldn't go into details myself too because I felt weird asking that honestly... and NSFW. I do so love NSFW.

What's your favorite flavor of an ice cream or are you like I am and fuck the flavors--eat all the ice cream!