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How does the title and idea of this game sound feel free to give any adivce imopen


Title: fantôme

Plot: The main character lives in a world after the awakening in which spirits got trapped in this world but the trapped spirit energy created a quintessence build up which then split into five types water earth wood gold fire which allowed the world to run on magic after the initial downfall of civilization the world has recovered sort of. Now to combat the ghosts certain people with an affinity to manipulate the 5 forms of quintessence are given the job of defending against the ghosts they can do that by killing the ghosts or putting the ghosts at peace your level of violence or pacifism affects all later gameplay.

Core aspects: I want to create a very deep and emotional story that draws you in aiming to create a feeling that what you do in the game is real.

This is the game concept once I finish I well began the actual development.


It might be good if player can choose to build their character with one or two elements they want since they have to play at least 2 round for each violence route and pacifist route. the problem is balance.
The game idea is pretty good sort of, well we all agree we want something emotionaly attach RPG, looking foward to it

Im just surprise that earth and wood isn't the same


I'm struggling to understand the concept. It might be because there is little punctuation in your message (so I don't know where one sentence ends and another begins). Also, a few other questions may need answering / clarifying:

1. What is this 'awakening' you are referring to? Is it connected with the "downfall of civilization" you also mentioned, or was it the catalyst for the re-building after the "downfall" (which I think you also mention, but I'm not sure...)? And did this happen during the characters' lifetimes, or is this something that's just 'taken for granted'?

2. What is the relationship of these elements to each other? Do any of them contradict / conflict with each other (ie. fire and water)? And are there other elements (ie. air/wind, ice, electricity, etc.) or only these five?

3. Why are these spirits/ghosts trapped in the world? Was there some specific phenomena that changed how things usually happen, or was this always the case in your game world?

4. You mention that the main character lives in this world. Why does he/she care what happens to it? Why is this character so special that they would be the ones to "banish" said ghosts? And how would this be possible? Was the character born as one with an affinity, or was this something gained later on (maybe as a result of a certain encounter or something)?

If you want an 'emotion-laden story', I would think these questions would need to be answered if you really want it believable.