Three things I like about this site..?
1 - The friendly, non-aggressive interventions from Mods and most Members
2 - The excellent gracious offerings in the 'Resources' section; there's some really wonderful stuff posted there, from some very talented people.
3 - The prompt and erudite replies one gets to technical and artistic queries, again from some very smart folks.
Three things I dislike..? Hmm, that's a bit more difficult; let me think...
1 - This here 'Badge' stuff; I've no idea what it does nor how it works. If it helps to keep folks attached to the site, why not, but I'm not, in general, a fan of 'Like'-counting and the like (but then again, I'm just an old crust, so maybe don't count...).
2 - The ads that pop up; I'd rather pay a subscription than have ads, although I recognise that sites cost money to run. Still, you asked what I don't like, and that's one.
3 - The 'Smilies', I find, are, to my tired old eyes, all the same, and don't really give any information concerning the sentiment expressed. I prefer this format...
...but that's really only a tiny detail. Still, I find 'em more expressive on other sites.
Three things to improve the site..?
1 - Keep on keeping on..?
2 - Change for better 'Smilies'..?
3 - Stay modest; you already have the best MV site, so don't go overboard with any changes. Upgrades, improvements, little by little, patiently, without precipitation. Have an opinion-search such as this one every couple of years..?
I've not been signed up here for very long, but have had ample opportunity to compare with other sites on this, and other, subjects. I moderate elsewhere, and can appreciate just how 'delicate' it can be, some days; well done for the balance already achieved. Keep it up, please, and thank you..?