greeting from green land,
i'm bad at english.
i used RPGmaker engine since RPG maker 2000
i learn ruby halfway
i learn parselmouth (python)
i love writing story.
but the story is too much complicated and the game never finish.
so, i never finish my game.
since 2000 i only jump from one engine to another in order to find features that can handle my story.
and at last none to find.
then i gave up.
and i quit RPGmaker world.
and then come this MV guy,
i expect so much from it,
but i'm getting old,
i need to get a life.
greeting from green land,
i'm bad at english.
i used RPGmaker engine since RPG maker 2000
i learn ruby halfway
i learn parselmouth (python)
i love writing story.
but the story is too much complicated and the game never finish.
so, i never finish my game.
since 2000 i only jump from one engine to another in order to find features that can handle my story.
and at last none to find.
then i gave up.
and i quit RPGmaker world.
and then come this MV guy,
i expect so much from it,
but i'm getting old,
i need to get a life.