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Having issues with an Event

Hello everyone,

I'm working in MV tonight and I want to make my event transparent which that I have...

But, as soon as the player exits the first building. I want the event to be non-transparent and visible.

Anyone have some ideas?

I'll want to do this multiple times in a few different locations. I was thinking conditional branches...but I don't see an option to make it check if they have entered a specific map as a check.

This may be similar to a the player can't travel here until X is completed event... which I am also unsure how to do.

Isaac The Red

Towns Guard
Make the first page of your event and give it no graphic so that its transparant as its normal state, make a second page to the event give that second page the graphic you want and on the right hand side panel of the event editor set a condition for the event to use this page. Usually we would use a flag for this, but you could also use a variable.
In the building you want the player to have to pass through before that event becomes visible, create another event, put it out of the way somewhere give it no graphic set it to auto run and tell it to turn on the flag that you set as the condition for page 2 of the event we want to become visible. Also have this event turn on one of its self flags. make a second page for this event and set the condition to that self flag. This will make this event "delete" itself and not try to turn on the flag for the other event over and over and over again.

Hope this helps. If the explanation wasn't very clear I can screenshot some mock-ups as well.