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Fruit Basket

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Welcome! This will be my main topic for the development of my mini-game Fruit Basket, which will more than likely have a new name by the end of it all. So I started this project about 2-3 weeks ago and have been working on it in my free time, it's a side project but I been working on it as if it's my main project, mainly because it is really pushing my boundaries with scripting and it has taught me a lot, so I figured why not continue on with it and improve my skills so I can make better plugins for the community (wink)

There is a twist though, instead of a regular fruit catching game, I will have a story to follow along with it, and a HUGE thanks for @Micro for writing a very awesome back story for it, she is a wonderful writer and I hope to work with her during my development of the game.
So here is the story thus far, which may change during the development.
Once upon a time, the gods of eld created the universe; in each planet's core they planted a single fruit which contained a portion of the gods' powers. Thanks to the power within these fruits, the planets were able to sustain life and give birth to a variety of interesting creatures. After hundreds of years, the universe flourished with life and the gods deemed that their work was complete, then returned to the Heavenly Realm in order to recuperate their strength and dream of the future--when they woke, what sort of paradise would await them in the universe they created?

The gods fell into a deep slumber, smiling as they imagined a peaceful, beautiful universe...

...but once the beings of goodness had gone away, the creatures of the dark began to grow.

There were places on each planet where the influence of the godfruits could not reach; these places became darker and darker over the years and the land cried out for sustenance. In order to preserve itself, these forgotten lands grew roots that dug deep, deep into the planet's core where their corrupt tendrils could feed on the residue of the godfruits. Eventually, the corruption seeped into the cores of the planets, tainting the once pure godfruits and turning them into something terrible.

Although most of the world was safe from the growing corruption thanks to the sanctuary created by the fruits' powers, it was a finite peace that sent the universe into turmoil. One by one, each godfruit became corrupted and sent its respective world down the path of darkness, turning once harmonious lands into spawning pools for demons, undead and other foul beasts.

Many heroes attempted to destroy the source of their planet's corruption--a towering, ominous tree whose greedy roots knew no limit. However, the land in which the trees stood was laden with poison and monsters, and most heroes died before they could reach the dark tree.

The end of the young universe was inevitable, and one-by-one the planets were taken over completely by Trees of Corruption. Finally, when almost half of the planets had been lost, a young god awoke from his slumber--many, many years too early, and for this he was greatly weakened. The god, not strong enough to save the universe himself, instead bestowed a gift upon mortals: the power to purify corruption if one's soul is strong enough.

The young god also brought divine seeds and planted them on every planet where goodness still thrived; the trees would bear sacred fruit that strengthened a mortal's spiritual power, giving them a higher chance of cleansing the world's corruption. These divine trees were sewn across the universe, but they would require constant protection from the mortals in order to survive. The god could only offer this glimmer of hope, and leave the rest in the hands of the mortals.
Most screenshots you see here are all prototype mechanics, meaning I have the basics I need in order to proceed with more development but most additional features are left out.
Screenshot_3.png Screenshot_4.png Screenshot_5.png
The credits list is fairly basic but here goes.

All scripting/plugins are done by me LTN Games
The story is provided by @Micro
All images thus far are provided by

So to start it's a pretty basic game right now, I have a title screen, a level selection screen, & of course, the main screen where all the fruits drop from the sky and you have to catch them, each fruit has their own properties, meaning some will do damage(loss of points) some will add a time bonus and some will double your points, etc, I plan on adding a lot of different properties for fruits, including cool effects like screen shakes, screen flashes & animations as even weather, like rain and snow.

The level selection screen will be more advanced than it currently is, all levels will be locked and in order to unlock you will have to reach a specific score & remove the corruption from the level before proceeding to the next level.

Here is a small list of notes I have for the next week of development.
  • Screen changes - rain, flashes, shakes, animations
  • Changing of BGM & background image mid level
  • Give pause screen an exit button
  • Add God Fruits & Corrupted Fruits
Possible future features include
  • Collecting god fruits to be able to shoot them from the basket towards corrupted fruits before catching them
  • 3 star rating system for each level, meaning you can gain Bronze, silver and gold rewards for each level to make each level re-playable.
  • Highscore system, to see your previous high scores
  • A small radar like bar, showing incoming fruits.
  • Wave System - Wave of fruits dropping instead of continuous spawning
I have originaly intended this min-game to be a plugin but to be honest I am not going to halt progress to try and make it a simple plugin to use, although I have made it simple in my eyes I still have not decided on releasing to the public or not because I don't want to go out my way and overthink the development process by thinking of how to make it more simple for a plugin user.

Anyway, that is that, I will be updating this thread for now on with all future development and will include a video of current gameplay soon, let me know what you guys think, I am open to new ideas but I want to try and keep it fairly simple so nothing too outrageous.
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Dragon Goddess
Looks awesome LTN, really excited to see more of this. :D

@Black Shadow nope, never seen one piece o: all original work! it's actually inspired from Norse Mythology and other stories that have a "World Tree"
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Thank you @Micro, I'm glad you like what you see so far, I really hope to make this a fun game and of course more unique than the regular fruit catching games.
[doublepost=1464213366,1463966579][/doublepost]I have done quite a bit of code optimization since the last update, need to make sure the code is clean and re-usable. I have also implemented Screen shakes, screen flashes, and weather to each level, allowing me to change the weather and add effects to each fruit and many other possibilities are now open because of it. I have also begun the development of the achievement and unlocking system for each level, still very early stages.
I still have to add more mechanics and figure out how I want to portray the story, I'm unsure if I will be making my own dialogue system without the use of RPG Maker editor, or use the default RMMV dialogue system and incorporate into the main level. I'm also unsure if I should have dialogue during gameplay( with a pause in between dialogue) or have a separate scene between each level with the story being portrayed.
Anyway here is a quick screenshot of the weather effects, using my own Custom Weather plugin to use images instead of the default MV weather.
Still need a new basket image lol


LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
oh wow you're making this in MV? I had no idea you could do games like this O: that's really cool! nice progress so far ^^
Yea this is all being developed in MV, when you know how to use MV's codebase(Javascript), almost anything is possible(cheeky) Like I said in original post it's pushing my programming abilities and I have been learning a lot, I should be able to make some pretty cool & unique plugins for the community by the time I'm complete. Thanks for the kind words, I like to think my progress is going fairly smooth, I could definitely kick it up a notch but I want to make sure I have everything accounted for.
[doublepost=1465750359,1464214486][/doublepost]Well, this project is going to a stand still, for now, I will be converting the entire game over to a JS framework(Phaser). I expect it to take a bit of time to do the conversion but it also opens up a ton of new options(Particles, animations, physics, etc) and not be restricted to MV's codebase. Before I convert it over I will need to adjust my knowledge and learn more about this framework and I have been doing so by making a test game(A platformer). Anyway, I am not giving up on this game no worries just extending the development time by a couple weeks is all. As for this turning into a plugin, I may still do so by stripping it down to the barebones and keeping it as a one level mini game for those who want to have it in their own projects. That's it for this update, next time I update I should have it completely converted over to Phaser. What about Sock Quest LTN? Yea ,I know believe me I want to get that game complete and off my to-do list but I need the help to finish it, so in the near future I will be making a thread asking for help from the community to get it completed and take it off my to-do list, so if anyone sees this and has good writing, database or eventing skills, send me a PM or make a post on Sock Quest development topic. Cheers for now.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Hey, @Micro, It's still on my list and I plan on re-prioritizing my list soon to complete all unfinished games starting with Sock Quest and then Fruit Basket, then, of course, my smaller games for contests I have created. I'm starting to get pretty serious with my game development and I want to build up my portfolio and possibly get into selling/licensing html5 games and for that, I need to knock these games off my list. This summer I have been busy with my job and going outside to enjoy the great weather we been having so I really have not worked on any project or been active on here. It will soon be changing, though, the great weather and long break I have really helped motivate and inspire me to work hard on development It's just what I needed.

@Akamizu Thanks for the comment, glad you like it.


No problem LTN, The game genuinely looks cool because it is made in an engine specially made for RPG, this looks like a mobile/ flash game.